WAG 18-03-06-c: DCFS Norman Child(ren) Returned to the Home

DCFS identifies some families as Norman cases when the children are removed from the home (see PM 04-01-08). DCFS also identifies additional families as Norman cases when planning to return children to the home. The following instructions apply to Norman cases when DCFS returns a child to the home.

  1. (DCFS) Contacts the Bureau of Family Community Resource Center Transactions and Support Service (LOTS) no more than 120 days before the return date. The return date is usually the scheduled court appearance where DCFS' decision to return the child will be affirmed or denied by the court. The date could also be a date set by DCFS following a fitness hearing.
  2. (DCFS) Provides the Bureau of Family Community Resource Center Transactions and Support Service (LOTS) with the parent or other relative's name and address and the name and birthdate of each child to be returned.
  3. (LOTS) Contacts the correct Family Community Resource Center to notify them of the Norman certification and set up an eligibility interview for the parent or relative within 3 workdays.
  4. (FCRC) Schedule an appointment within 3 workdays to request any needed verification from the parent or relative (see WAG 18-03-06-a). Schedule the appointment so that the information is received no more than 105 days before the expected return date.

    NOTE: If the child is not required to be in the case, have the client sign Request for Assistance for Additional Family Member (Form 243). 

  5. (FCRC) Within 15 days, adds the absent child(ren) to the case for cash. Start benefits not more than 90 days prior to the expected return date. Enter Item 78 code D, the child's 98 cross-reference case number in Item 60, and code 173 NORMN in Item 80 (see WAG 04-01-08-b).

    If the child does not have to be included in the case due to filing unit policy, send Notice of Decision on Request for Financial Assistance (Form 1934), to notify the client of the action. An absent child is not eligible to be included in the FS unit.

  6. (DCFS) Notifies LOTS within 3 workdays after the expected return date whether or not the child(ren) was returned to the home.
  7. (LOTS) Notifies the Family Community Resource Center whether the child(ren) was returned to the home.
  8. (LOTS) If the child(ren) has been returned, immediately delete the Item 78 code D, 98 case number in Item 60, and Item 80 code 173.
  9. (FCRC) If the child(ren) has been returned, adds to the FS unit, if all other eligibility requirements are met.
  10. (LOTS) If the child(ren) is still in DCFS custody after the expected return date, delete the absent children if there is another eligible child in the home. If there is no other eligible child, cancel the TANF case with TA 22/TAR 76. If the case has active FS, the system centrally issues Transitional Food Stamps (TFS) for the remaining eligible FS unit members. Enter the new number of eligible members for TFS in Code 172 box on the additional entry screen when the case is being canceled.

Control List

The Family Community Resource Center receives 2 copies of a monthly report titled "Norman Cases", with all active cases that have Item 80 code 173 NORMN. The BOS Norman liaison also receives a copy of the list. The cases are listed alphabetically by caseload, with the Case Number, Case Name, Address, Caseload, and Item 80 Code 173 Date (MM/YY) for each case. There are also blank columns with the headings Hearing Date, Decision, and Code 173 Updated/Deleted. Use the list to control and follow up on Norman cases (see WAG 04-01-08-c).