(System) Retains code 512 and its amount from the TANF/FS case for reentry on the All Kids Assist/FS or All Kids Moms and Babies/FS case when the FCRC SWAPS a TANF/FS case to All Kids Assist/FS or All Kids Moms and Babies/FS after
a case is centrally placed in zero grant status for the 4th month of a sanction due to noncompliance with one or more of the following cash program initiatives, and the FS benefits are on the same Form 552 as the sanctioned TANF:
- Child Support
- the School Attendance Initiative
- the Activity Requirement
NOTE: Family Community Resource Center staff can add, change, or delete code 512 on Medical cases.
Reenters the correct Item 80 sanction code(s) on the All Kids Assist/FS or All Kids Moms and Babies/FS case and changes the reason code to 92 (inactive). Enters code F in Item 25 to indicate that a case is Family Assist.
(System) Uses the code 512 amount to budget the full TANF benefit amount for food stamps. Code 512 remains in Item 90 until the case is no longer coded for participation in the Food Stamp program or FCRC changes the reason with
the Item 80 sanction code to end the sanction.