Federal Guidelines: Opioid Treatment Programs

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) has released new federal guidelines for opioid treatment programs that align with the new regulations published in February 2024.

Federal Regulation, 42 CFR Part 8

As you may recall, on February 2, 2024, SAMHSA published the final revisions to 42 CFR Part 8 ("Part 8"). Part 8 is part of the regulations published by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) through SAMHSA for organizations seeking:

  1. to become an opioid treatment program (OTP), and
  2. to become an accreditation body for OTPs.

These organizations must maintain continued compliance.

The final regulation can be found here: Federal Regulation 42 CFR Part 8

Federal Guidelines for Opioid Treatment Programs

The guidelines provide recommendations, guidance, and best practices tor OTPs on the implementation and compliance of regulation changes in Part 8. SAMHSA emphasizes that the guidelines are not intended to replace the judgement of healthcare practitioners and does not represent professional standards of care.

SAMHSA highlights the following in the guidelines:

  • creating a healing environment for patients that promotes and sustains engagement through shared decision-making between patient and practitioner;
  • addressing changes to patient admission criteria and telehealth processes;
  • using clinical decision-making and practitioner discretion in providing individualized care;
  • developing and implementing procedures to support medication administration, dispensing and use, including procedures related to take-home doses; and
  • ensuring availability of medical, counseling, vocational, educational, and other assessment, and treatment services.

The federal guidelines can be found here: Federal Guidelines for Opioid Treatment Programs 2024

SAMHSA Video Series

In addition to the guidelines, SAMHSA has posted a series of 14 short videos explaining the nuances of Part 8 implementation.

The video series can be found here: 42 CFR Part 8 Regulation Video Series

Best Practice for All Organizations

Although the regulations and guidelines are intended for OTPs, the practices can be implemented by all organizations. The regulation and guidelines emphasize and align with the Illinois Department of Human Services, Division of Substance Use Prevention and Recovery's (IDHS/SUPR) mission, including providing patient-centered care, shared-decision making, reduction in barriers to care, and stigma reducing language.

IDHS/SUPR will continue to review the regulations and resources provided by SAMHSA and expects to provide continued guidance and training. Keep your licensure contact up to date to ensure you receive notifications about Part 8 and upcoming training opportunities.

If you have any questions, please submit them to the IDHS/SUPR Help Desk: DoIT.SUPRHelp@illinois.gov.