WAG 25-04-04: SOLQ Inquiry Codes

Address The residence address of the recipient.
Alcohol-Drug Code A Disabled person is an alcoholic.
B Disabled person is a drug addict and alcoholic.
D Disabled person is a drug addict.
N Person is neither drug addict nor alcoholic.
Q Person may or may not be a drug addict or alcoholic.
Alien Residence Date MMYY Month and year of residence in the U.S.
Appeal Code/Date Level of SSI appeal. The date (MMYY) indicates the date of appeal.
R Reconsideration.
H Hearing (ALJ level).
A Appeals Council Review. The Department does not recognize this or higher level of appeal.
C Court Case.
O Class Action.
Application Date MM/YY Date the claimant filed an application for SSI or the date the person is deemed to have filed the application.
Black Lung Code Pertains to Black Lung benefit information, if applicable. Present entitlement status of the Black Lung benefit.
D Death termination.
E Entitled.
N Nonpayment status.
P Pending entitlement.
T Terminated (other than death).
Black Lung Pay $$$cc Black Lung monthly payment amount. Amounts paid to a miner or widow include all benefits due the family in the same household.
Claim Number For definitions of Claim Number Code see WAG 25-04-02.
Client Address Address of the person entitled to the benefits.
Combined Check Y or N Indicates that the scheduled payment or the scheduled prior payment was included in the regular monthly check.
Current Net Monthly Payment Date MMYY Indicates the month and year the beneficiary became entitled to benefits for the current period of entitlement.
Amount $$$cc The benefit payable after deduction of the beneficiary obligation.
SSA Payment Status
DATA ELEMENT DEFINITION (Indicates whether or not benefits are being received.)
AA Adjustment. Withdrawal to split payments.
AC Adjustment. Correction in benefit rate.
AD Adjustment. Adjusted for dual entitlement.
AE Adjustment. Withdrawn for recomputation.
AJ Adjustment. Workers' compensation offset.
AM Adjustment. Withdrawal from HI-only status, monthly benefits being awarded.
AR Adjustment. Withdrawal from S or T payment status.
AW Adjustment. Workers' compensation offset.
A& Adjustment. Withdrawn from nonpayment status.
A- Adjustment. Withdrawn from CP status to place in nonpayment status.
A0 Adjustment. Rate reduction is being figured.
A1 Adjustment. Rate reduction is being figured.
A2 Adjustment. Rate reduction is being figured.
A3 Adjustment. Rate reduction is being figured.
A4 Adjustment. Rate reduction is being figured.
A5 Adjustment. Rate reduction is being figured.
A6 Adjustment. Rate reduction is being figured.
A7 Adjustment. Rate reduction is being figured.
A8 Adjustment. Rate reduction is being figured.
A9 Adjustment. Miscellaneous adjustment not separately defined.
B Abatement status; claimant died prior to entitlement.
CP Current Payment Status.
SSA Payment Status
DATA ELEMENT DEFINITION (Indicates whether or not benefits are being received.)
DP Deferred. Receipt of public assistance.
D1 Deferred. Engaging in foreign work.
D2 Deferred. Beneficiary overpaid because of work.
D3 Deferred. Auxiliary's benefits withheld because of D2 status for primary beneficiary.
D4 Deferred. Failure to have child in care.
D5 Deferred. Auxiliary's benefits withheld because of D1 status for primary beneficiary.
D6 Deferred to recover overpayment for reasons attributable to earnings.
D9 Deferred. Miscellaneous deferment.
N Denied. Disallowed claim.
ND Denied. Disability claim denied for nonmedical reason.
K Delayed. Advanced filing for deferred payment.
L Delayed. Advanced filing.
P Delayed claim - Adjudication pending.
PB Delayed claim benefits due but not payed.
PF Delayed. Used with delayed claims to indicate that the beneficiary is to be placed in S payment status upon final adjudication. The low order position has the same meaning as the corresponding low order of payment status S to be in S payment status upon final adjudication. The low order position has the same meaning as the corresponding low order of payment status S.
PJ Delayed. Same as PF.
PK Delayed. Same as PF.
PL Delayed. Same as PF.
PM Delayed. Same as PF.
PP Delayed. Same as PF.
PW Delayed. Same as PF.
P0 Delayed. Same as PF.
P1-9 Delayed. Same as PF.
S0 Suspended while determination of continuing disability is pending.
S1 Suspended. Beneficiary engaged in work outside of U.S.
S2 Suspended. Beneficiary is working in the U.S. and expects to earn in excess of annual allowable limit.
S3 Suspended. Auxiliary's benefits withheld because of S2 status or primary beneficiary.
S4 Suspended for failure to have child in care.
S5 Suspended. Auxiliary's benefits withheld due to S1 payment status for primary beneficiary.
S6 Suspended. Check was returned - correct address being developed.
S7 Suspended. Disabled beneficiary suspended due to refusal of vocational rehabilitation; imprisoned; extended trial work period.
S8 Suspended while payee is being determined.
S9 Suspended for reason not separately defined.
SD Suspended. Technical entitlement only. Beneficiary is entitled on another claim.
SF Suspended. Special age 72 beneficiary fails to meet residency requirement.
SH Suspended. Special age 72 beneficiary is receiving a Government pension.
SJ Suspended. Alien suspension.
SK Suspended. Beneficiary has been deported.
SL Suspended. Beneficiary resides in a country to which checks cannot be sent.
SM Suspended. Beneficiary refused cash benefits (entitled to HI-SMIB only)
SP Suspended. Special age 72 beneficiary suspended due to receiving public assistance.
SS Suspended. Postsecondary student summer suspension.
SW Suspended. Suspended because of workers' compensation.
SSI Payment Status
DATA ELEMENT DEFINITION (Indicates whether or not benefits are being received.)
TA Terminated prior to entitlement
TB Terminated. Mother's benefit terminated because beneficiary is entitled to disabled widow's benefit.
TC Terminated. Disabled widow attained age 62 and is not entitled as an aged widow.
TJ Terminated. Advanced filed claim terminated after maturity.
TL Terminated because of postsecondary student.
TP Terminated because of change in type of benefit or post entitlement.
T Terminated. The claim was withdrawn.
T- Terminated. Converted from disability benefits to retirement benefits upon reaching age 65.
T0 Terminated. Benefits are payable by some other agency.
T1 Terminated due to death of the beneficiary.
T2 Terminated. Auxiliary terminated due to death of the primary.
T3 Terminated due to divorce, marriage, or remarriage of the beneficiary.
T4 Terminated. Child attained age 18 or 22 and is not disabled; mother terminated because last child attained age of 18.
T5 Terminated. Beneficiary entitled to other benefit.
T6 Terminated. Child is no longer a student or disabled/or the last entitled child died or married.
T7 Terminated. Child beneficiary was adopted; mother terminated as last child adopted.
T8 Terminated. Primary beneficiary recovered from a disability; or the last disabled child recovered from a disability.
T9 Terminated from reason not separately defined.
U Uninsured. Beneficiary is entitled only to HI or SMI.
W Withdrawal before entitlement.
X0 Terminated. Claim transferred to the Railroad Retirement.
X1 Terminated. Beneficiary died.
X5 Terminated. Beneficiary became entitled to cash benefit payment.
X7 Termination of HI/SMI entitlement.
X8 Terminated. Payee is being developed.
X9 Terminated for reason not separately defined.
XD Terminated. Withdrawn for adjustment.
XF Terminated. Entitlement transferred to another program service center.
XK Terminated. Beneficiary deported.
XR Terminated. Withdrawn from SMI benefits.
Current NMP
Plus Retroactive
Date for current or prior due amount.
The payment for one or more retroactive months issued in the month shown.
Current Payment Amount (SSI) $$$cc Dollar amount of SSI payments actually paid to the client.
Date MMYY The date of payment of the SSI monthly assistance amount.
SSI Payment Status
DATA ELEMENT DEFINITION (The first position of the payment status code indicates the status of SSI/SS payment/eligibility and the 2nd and 3rd positions indicate the reason for the status. The following descriptions, C through T apply to the first positions.)
C Indicates client is eligible for SSI/SSA payment.
E Indicates eligibility for Federal and/or State benefit based on the eligibility computation but no payment is due based on the payment computation.
H Indicates a case status, final disposition pending.
M Indicates case under manual control. Case is known as "force payment" although a payment may not be involved.
N Indicates applicant is not eligible for SSI/SSA payment or that a previously eligible client is no longer eligible.
S Indicates client may still be eligible for SSI/SSA but payment is being withheld.
T Indicates SSI/SSA eligibility is terminated.
C01 Current Pay
E01 Eligible for Federal and/or State benefits based on eligibility computation, but no payment is due based on payment computation.
E02 First month of eligibility - Person is not due payment in this month.
H10 Living arrangement change in process.
H20 Marital status change in process.
H30 Resource change in process.
H40 Student status change in process.
H50 Head of household change in process.
H60 Hold pending receipt of date of death.
H70 Hold pending transmission of one-time payment data.
H80 Early input, application has been made.
H90 Systems limitation involved. District Office must manually compute and input payment amounts.
M01 Force Payment - Client may be in payment or nonpayment status. See SSI Gross Payable Amount field for eligibility amount. These fields will contain zeros if in nonpayment status.
SSI Payment Status
DATA ELEMENT DEFINITION (The first position of the payment status code indicates the status of SSI/SS payment/eligibility and the 2nd and 3rd positions indicate the reason for the status. The following descriptions, C through T apply to the first positions.)
N01 Nonpay. Client's countable income exceeds Title XVI payment amount and their State's payment standard.
N02 Nonpay. Client is inmate of public institution.
N03 Nonpay. Client is outside U.S.
N04 Nonpay. Client's nonexcludable resources exceed Title XVI limitations.
N05 Nonpay. Unable to determine if eligibility exists.
N06 Nonpay. Client failed to file for other benefits.
NO7 Nonpay. Cessation of client's disability.
N08 Nonpay. Cessation of client's blindness.
N09 Nonpay. Client refused vocational rehabilitation without good cause.
N10 Nonpay. Client refused treatment for drug addiction.
N11 Nonpay. Client refused treatment for alcoholism.
N12 Nonpay. Client voluntarily withdrew from program.
N13 Nonpay. Not a citizen or eligible alien.
N14 Nonpay. Aged claim denied for age.
N15 Nonpay. Blind claim denied. Applicant not blind.
N16 Nonpay. Disability claim denied. Applicant not disabled.
N17 Nonpay. Failure to pursue claim by applicant.
N19 Nonpay. Client has voluntarily terminated participation in the SSI program.
N20 Nonpay. Client fails to furnish a required report.
N27 Nonpay. Disability terminated due to substantial gainful activity.
N30 Nonpay. Slight impairment-medical consideration alone, no visual impairment.
N31 Nonpay. Capacity for substantial gainful activity - customary past work, no visual impairment.
N32 Nonpay. Capacity for substantial gainful activity - other work, no visual impairment.
N33 Nonpay. Engaging in substantial gainful activity despite impairment, no visual impairment.
N34 Nonpay. Impairment is no longer severe at time of adjudication and did not last 12 months, no visual impairment.
N35 Nonpay. Impairment is severe at time of adjudication but not expected to last 12 months, no visual impairment.
N36 Nonpay. Insufficient or no medical data furnished, no visual impairment.
N37 Nonpay. Failure or refusal to submit to consultative examination, no visual impairment.
N38 Nonpay. Applicant does not want to continue development of claim, no visual impairment.
N39 Nonpay. Applicant willfully fails to follow prescribed treatment, no visual impairment.
N40 Nonpay. Impairment(s) does not meet or equal listing (disabled child under 18 only), no visual impairment.
N41 Nonpay. Slight impairment-medical condition alone, visual impairment.
N42 Nonpay. Capacity for substantial gainful activity-customary past work, visual impairment.
N43 Nonpay. Capacity for substantial gainful activity-other work, visual impairment.
N44 Nonpay. Engaging in substantial gainful activity despite impairment, visual impairment.
N45 Nonpay. Impairment no longer severe at time of adjudication and did not last 12 months, visual impairment.
N46 Nonpay. Impairment is severe at time of adjudication but not expected to last 12 months, visual impairment.
N47 Insufficient, or no medical evidence furnished, visual impairment.
N48 Nonpay. Failure or refusal to submit to consultative examination, visual impairment.
N49 Nonpay. Applicant does not want to continue development of claim, visual impairment.
N50 Nonpay. Applicant willfully fails to follow prescribed treatment, visual impairment.
N51 Nonpay. Impairment(s) does not meet or equal listing (disabled child under 18 only), visual impairment.
N52 Nonpay. Deleted from State rolls before 12/73 payment.
N53 Nonpay. Deleted from State rolls after 12/73 payment.
N54 Nonpay. District Office unable to locate applicant.
SSI Payment Status
DATA ELEMENT DEFINITION (The first position of the payment status code indicates the status of SSI/SS payment/eligibility and the 2nd and 3rd positions indicate the reason for the status. The following descriptions, C through T apply to the first positions.)
P01 Suspended. Suspension of disability payment due to substantial gainful activity, probability of reinstatement.
S04 Suspended. System is awaiting disability determination (system generated).
S05 Suspended. substantial gainful activity decision pending.
S06 Suspended. Client address unknown.
S07 Suspended. Return check for other than death, address, payee change, or death of payee.
S08 Suspended. Representative payee development pending.
S09 Suspended. Miscellaneous suspense code.
S10 Adjudicative Suspense (system generated).
S20 Suspended. Potential rollback case or no disability made prior to 07/73.
S21 Suspended. The client is presumptively disabled or blind and has received 3 months of payments.
T01 Terminated. Death of client.
T20 Terminated. Received payment under 2 different numbers.
T22 Terminated. Same definition as code T20.
T30 Terminated. Manual termination (Payment previously made). Change in record composition requires termination of existing record.
T31 Terminated. System generated termination (Payment previously made).
T50 Terminated. Manual termination (no previous payment made).
T51 Terminated. System generated termination (no previous payment made).
Date Disability Began MMDDYY The date the beneficiary's disability began as established by SSA. This entry appears for disabled beneficiaries only.
Date of Birth MMDDYY The date of birth of the client.
Date of Death MMDDYY The client's date of death.
Deemed Income Amount $$$cc Current month's amount of income deemed to the eligible person used in computing the payment.
Deferred Payment Date MMYY Reflects month and year the first or next payment can be made.
Denial Code/Date Nxx For definitions of codes, refer to Current Payment (SSI) Status code field.
Disability Pay Code/Date MMDDYY Month, Day, Year SSI was denied. Indicates the status of SSI disability and blind cases.
P Presumptive finding.
F Final determination - allowance.
S State determination.
R Referred to State agency. Code indicates pending determination or final determination-denied.
T Presumptive finding - state conversion record.
X No disability determination made (claim denied on basis of non-disability issues).
Dual Entitlement Number Other Claim Account Number on which benefits are being paid.
Earned Income Countable Amount $$$cc Current month's amount of earned income after Net all exclusions are applied; used in determining eligibility and computing payment.
Entitlement Date MMYY Date of entitlement to initial benefits.
Emergency Pay Amount $$$cc Emergency check issued by SSA District Office.
Emergency Pay Date MMDDYY Date check was issued.
Error Condition Three-digit code indicating specific error conditions caused by invalid or missing data as follows:
101 Claim Account Number is invalid or missing.
102 Social Security Number is invalid or missing.
110 Claim Account Number unverified.
120 Social Security Number unverified.
201 Surname invalid or missing.
202 Name invalid or missing.
300 Date of birth invalid or missing.
400 Sex code invalid or missing.
600 Query for a public figure whose record may not be routinely queried.
Fname First name of the client on the Title II or Title XVI record.
Interim Assistance Reimbursement Location Code/Status Indicates the timing of SSA reimbursement of State interim assistance payment(s) or the reason for not effecting reimbursement. The assistance reimbursement status code may change.
0 Essential person record, applicant did not authorize reimbursement, no Federal/State agreement for reimbursement, or SDX record move from state of reimbursement.
1 Total amount shown in the SSI Monthly Assistance Amount and the State Supplement Amount fields is being or was sent to State/County.
2 All or part of the amount shown in the SSI Monthly Assistance Amount and the State Supplement Amount and the State Supplement Amount fields in current record is being or was sent to the State/County.
3 Reimbursement not being affected; applicant ineligible or retroactive payment not due.
4 Reimbursement assistance case pending or denied.
5 Reimbursement check returned.
ID Discrepancy The input query data does not match the identifying data on the queried record.
02 Birth date does not match.
04 Given name does not match.
06 Given name and birth date do not match.
08 Surname does not match.
OA Surname and birth date do not match.
OC Surname and given name do not match.
OE Surname, given name, and birthdate do not match.
Input Claim # The claim number submitted to SSA to request data.
Input DOB The DOB submitted to SSA to request data.
Input Fname The first name submitted to SSA to request data.
Input Lname The last name submitted to SSA to request data.
Input SSN The SSN submitted to SSA to request data.
Lname The last name of the person on the Title II or Title XVI.
Lump Sum Amount $$$cc Dollar amount.
Lump Sum Date MMYY Month and year issued.
Medicaid Eligibility Code/Date Indicates the client's Medicaid eligibility status.
A Refused 3rd party liability assignment--referred to State, Federal determination not possible.
C Federally administered Medicaid coverage should be continued regardless of payment status code.
D Disabled adult child.
G Payment continuation.
R Referred to State for determination. Federal determination not possible.
S State determination--not SSA responsibility.
Y Eligible for Medicaid.
Monthly Benefit Credit Gross Payment History MMYY
Date and Amount. Shows last 8 changes.
MI The middle initial of the client at SSA.
Other SSN's Used Indicates additional Social Security Numbers known to be used by the person.
Part A HIB Buy-In Payer S01-SXX The agency code for the State billed for HIB premium payments. IL code is S14.
RRB The Railroad has jurisdiction.
SELF The beneficiary is responsible for the HIB premium.
Z99 This person is not entitled to Part A.
Part A HIB
Agency Codes
S01 Alabama
S02 Alaska
S03 Arizona
S04 Arkansas
S05 California
S06 Colorado
S07 Connecticut
S08 Delaware
S09 District of Columbia
S10 Florida
S10A FL Cuban refugees
S11 Georgia
S12 Hawaii
S13 Idaho
S14 Illinois
S15 Indiana
S16 Iowa
S17 Kansas
S18 Kentucky
S19 Louisiana
S20 Maine
S21 Maryland
S22 Mass - DPW
S22A Mass - Blind
S23 Michigan
S24 Minnesota
S25 Mississippi
S26 Missouri
S27 Montana
S28 Nebraska
S29 Nevada
S30 New Hampshire
S31 New Jersey
S32 New Mexico
S33 New York
S34 North Carolina
S35 North Dakota
S36 Ohio
S37 Oklahoma
S38 Oregon
S39 Pennsylvania
S40 Puerto Rico
S41 Rhode Island
S42 South Carolina
S43 South Dakota
S44 Tennessee
S45 Texas
S46 Utah
S47 Vermont
S48 Virgin Islands
S49 Virginia
S50 Washington
S51 West Virginia
S52 Wisconsin
S53 Wyoming
S65 Guam
Buy-In Start Date MMYY First month of coverage for which 3rd party paid HIB premium.
Buy-In Stop Date MMYY Last month of coverage for which 3rd party paid HIB premium.
Option Code
C No. Disability ceased.
D No. Denied.
F No. Terminated for invalid enrollment.
G Yes. Good cause.
N No. Dual/technically entitled beneficiary not entitled to SMIB.
P Railroad has jurisdiction and collects the premium.
R No. Refused.
S No. No longer under renal disease provision.
T No. Terminated for nonpayment of premiums.
W No. Withdrawal.
Y Yes. Premiums payable.
Premium $$$cc Supplemental premium amount collectible.
Start Date MMYY Current date of entitlement to Medicare Part A.
Stop Date:
MMYY Date entitlement to Medicare Part A ended.
Buy-In Payer xxx Three-digit state agency code used to identify each state.
Part B Buy-In
Agency Codes
010 Alabama
020 Alaska
030 Arizona
040 Arkansas
050 California
060 Colorado
070 Connecticut
080 Delaware - DPW
090 District of Columbia
100 Florida
110 Georgia
120 Hawaii
130 Idaho
140 Illinois
150 Indiana
160 Iowa
170 Kansas
180 Kentucky
190 Louisiana
200 Maine
210 Maryland
220 Mass - DPW
22A Mass - Blind
230 Michigan
240 Minnesota
250 Mississippi
260 Missouri
270 Montana
280 Nebraska
290 Nevada
300 New Hampshire
310 New Jersey
320 New Mexico
330 New York
340 North Carolina
350 North Dakota
360 Ohio
370 Oklahoma
380 Oregon
390 Pennsylvania
400 Puerto Rico
410 Rhode Island
420 South Carolina
430 South Dakota
440 Tennessee
450 Texas
460 Utah
470 Vermont
480 Virgin Islands
490 Virginia
500 Washington
510 West Virginia
520 Wisconsin
530 Wyoming
640 N. Marinas
700 Civil Service Commission
Buy-In Start Date MMYY First month of coverage for which 3rd party paid SMIB premium.
Buy-In Stop Date MMYY Last month of coverage for which 3rd party paid SMIB premium.
Option Code
C No. Disability ceased.
D No. Denied.
F No. Terminated for invalid enrollment.
G Yes. Good cause.
N No. Dual/technically entitled beneficiary not entitled to SMIB.
P Railroad has jurisdiction and collects the premium.
R No. Refused.
S No. No longer under renal disease provision.
T No. Terminated for nonpayment of premiums.
W No. Withdrawal.
Y Yes. Premiums payable.
Premium $$$cc Supplemental premium amount collectible.
Start Date MMYY Current date of entitlement to Medicare Part B.
Stop Date MMYY Date entitlement to Medicare Part B ended.
PASS Income Amount $$$cc Indicates income set aside as Plan for Self Support.
Payee Address Address of the Representative Payee.
Payee Name A person or organization has been selected to receive cash benefit payments on behalf of the beneficiary.
Payment History Historical SSI payment data.
Amount $$$cc
Payment Type Indicates the type of payment and whether it was returned.
0 No payment made.
1 Recurring payment.
2 Regular daily underpayment.
3 Special current month accrual payment.
4 Onetime payment.
5 Recovery (Advance payment or overpayment).
6 Recurring payment (type 1) on which a request for substitute payment which has been sent to Treasury.
7 Regular daily payment (type 2) on which a request for substitute payment has been sent to Treasury.
8 Special current month accrual payment (type 3) on which a request for substitute payment has been sent to Treasury.
9 Substitute payment issued by Treasury which was later found to be a duplicate payment.
A Recurring payment returned by District Office and Treasury.
J Recurring payment returned by District Office only.
/ Regular payment returned by Treasury only.
B Regular daily payment returned by District Office and Treasury.
K Regular daily payment returned by District Office only.
S Regular daily payment returned by Treasury only.
C Special current month accrual payment returned by District Office and Treasury.
L Special current month accrual payment returned by District Office only.
T Special current month accrual payment returned by Treasury only.
D Underpayment one time payment (OTP) returned by District Office and Treasury.
M Underpayment (OTP) returned by District Office only.
U Underpayment (OTP) returned by Treasury only.
V Recovery voided.
Received Date MMDDYY Date response was posted to WTPY database.
Record Type Indicates the type of information returned from SSA.
1 Information received from SSA is the identifying information. No Title II (SSA) or Title XVI (SSI) information found.
2 Information received from SSA is Title II (RSDI) information only.
3 Information received from SSA is Title XVI (SSI) information or Qualifying Quarters (QQ) and SSI information.
4 Both Title II (RSDI) and Title XVI (SSI) information was found.
Renal Y or N Indicates whether or not the client is receiving entitlement due to renal disease.
Resources House Indicates whether or not the client owns a house.
A Possession of home-principal place of residence.
S Equity in nonexcludable property expected to increase in value.
T Home and equity in nonexcludable property.
Z None.
Blank Not determined.
Income Property Indicates whether or not the client owns income producing property. If so, the code indicates whether or not the person must dispose of the property.
D Income producing property is under or over the limit.
M Person is required to dispose of the income producing property.
Z None.
Blank Not determined.
Life Insurance Indicates whether or not the person has life insurance. If so, the code indicates whether or not the person must dispose of the life insurance.
C Life insurance with face value over $1,500.
L Person required to dispose of life insurance.
Z None.
Blank Not determined.
Other Indicates whether or not the client owns other resources. If so, the code indicates whether or not the person must dispose of the other resources.
E Other resources over limit.
N Person required to dispose of other resources.
Z None.
Blank Not determined.
Vehicle Indicates whether or not the client owns a vehicle. If so, the code indicates whether or not the person must dispose of the vehicle.
B Vehicle either under or over the limit.
K Person required to dispose of vehicle.
Z None.
Blank Not determined.
RRB A Active claim.
T Terminated claim.
Sex Code The sex of the client according to SSA's records.
M Male.
F Female.
U Unknown.
SSA Direct Deposit
SSI Direct Deposit
Indicator that benefits are directly deposited to an account.
C Checking.
S Savings.
Blank Not applicable.
SSI Eligibility Date MMYY This date reflects the date the client was first determined eligible, or most recently redetermined eligible after a period of ineligibility.
SSN The social security number of the client.
SSN Status Indicates SSN verification or the reason for nonverification.
1 SSN not in file.
3 Name match, birth date not matched.
5 Name not matched, birth date not matched.
* The input SSN was not verified. SSA located and verified the SSN shown in verified SSN data.
F SSN is verified (surname disregarded).
M SSN is verified other than via number.
P SSN is verified other than via number.
R SSN is verified other than via number.
V SSN is verified.
& Multiple SSNs are provided in verified SSN data.
Suspension/Term Date MMYY Date the event causing the suspension or termination occurred.
Triple Entitlement # Indicates the beneficiary is entitled on more than one claim account number.
Type of Client Identifies the person who receives SSI.
AI Aged Person.
AS Aged Spouse.
BI Blind Person.
BC Blind Child.
DI Disabled Person.
DC Disabled Child.
DS Disabled Spouse.
EP Essential Person.
EX Ineligible Spouse.
Unearned Income Net Countable Amount $$$cc Reflects the current month's amount of unearned income after all exclusions are applied. Used in determining eligibility and computing the benefit.
Xref Entitlement No Indicates the claim number under which the Past/Present beneficiary is/was entitled.