Training for DUI Evaluation Services Organizations: Impaired Driving Assessment (IDA)

The Illinois Department of Human Services/Division of Substance Use Prevention and Recovery (IDHS/SUPR) is sharing important information about one of the approved objective tests - the Impaired Driving Assessment (IDA).

As a reminder, on December 31, 2024, the Adult Substance Use and Driving Survey - Revised for Illinois (ASUDS-RI) will no longer be available. Organizations using the ASUDS-RI must select a new objective test. It is at the discretion of the organization to select one of the two IDHS/SUPR approved objective tests: the IDA or the Driver's Risk Inventory (DRI-II). For more information, please refer to the Smart Alert dated October 2, 2024.

IDA - Training Required

Organizations are required to complete a 4-hour training before access to the IDA is granted. Trainings are periodically offered by American Probation and Parole Association (APPA) and will be periodically offered by IDHS/SUPR.

To ensure that organizations can register all staff that need training, IDHS/SUPR will also share information about APPA's training opportunities.

Upcoming IDA Trainings: December 2024 and January 2025

To use the IDA, the organization's staff must complete training. To assist organizations who select the new objective test, IDHS/SUPR is providing the following trainings:

Dates and Times Link to Register

December 5, 2024


Prevention First: Impaired Driving Assessment Dec 5

December 20, 2024


Prevention First: Impaired Driving Assessment Dec 20

January 7, 2025


Prevention First: Impaired Driving Assessment Jan 7

January 15, 2025


Prevention First: Impaired Driving Assessment Jan 15

The same training will be repeated four times in December 2024 and January 2025. Your staff only needs to complete one of the four trainings.

Training Registration

How to Register

If staff have not participated in any training offered by Prevention First, they will need to create an account before they register for the training.

Other items of note:

  • Trainings are first come / first served.
  • Each training is limited to 30 participants.
  • If staff registers for a training and does not receive a confirmation, then your staff will be placed on a waiting list.

Upcoming Survey for Licensed DUI Services Organizations

To further assess training needs, IDHS/SUPR will be conducting a survey, in cooperation with Prevention First, to gather information to identify additional IDA training needs for organization who select to administer IDA. Organizations licensed to provide DUI evaluation services will be asked to complete the survey. A Smart Alert will be forthcoming with information about the survey, including a link.

Once we identify the training needs, additional IDA trainings will be scheduled to ensure all staff that need training can register and participate in an IDA training. We also anticipate conducting additional IDA trainings in Spring/Summer 2025.

IDHS/SUPR highly encourages authorized organization representatives (AORs) to share this Smart Alert with staff who are responsible for the delivery of DUI evaluation services and to discuss whether the organization has selected the IDA and whether there is a need to have staff attend an upcoming training.

Electronic DUI Services Reporting System (eDSRS)

IDHS/SUPR is working with the Department of Innovation & Technology (DoIT) to update the electronic DUI Service Reporting System (eDSRS) to include information regarding the new objective test and remove objective tests that can no longer be used. The IDA training will include more information about additional actions that your organization will be required to complete in eDSRS. IDHS/SUPR anticipates new information will be available in eDSRS starting in January 2025.

We hope that you find this information helpful if your organization needs to select a new objective test. If you have additional questions about objective tests, please contact SUPR's help desk at