Help Stop Hate

The Illinois Department of Human Services/Division of Substance Use Prevention and Recovery is here to support individuals and communities affected by hate.

In recent years, Illinois has seen a stark rise in hate and extremism, reflecting a troubling national trend. In response, Governor JB Pritzker, the Illinois Human Rights Department (IDHR), and the Illinois Commission on Discrimination and Hate Crimes (CDHC) announced the official launch of Help Stop Hate. This confidential service provides support and resources to individuals and communities affected by hate.

Help Stop Hate provides meaningful support to assist victims and witnesses of hate acts in reporting what happened and connecting them and their communities with vital resources. The service is free, confidential, and not affiliated with law enforcement. Online reports can be made in seven languages. Callers can report in the language of their preference and receive assistance from call specialists trained in trauma-informed care.

We need each and every Illinoisan to help stop hate. By reporting hate acts you witness or experience, you play a crucial role in making Illinois a more inclusive and welcoming state. Visit IL Stop Hate or call (877) 458-HATE Monday to Friday from 12-9 PM to report what you've experienced or witnessed. Together, we can ensure that hate has no place to hide.

For more information, visit IL Stop Hate and read the full press release on the launch at Illinois Newsroom- Help Stop Hate.