State Fiscal Year 2025 Annual Certification Plan

All Illinois Department of Human Services/Division of Substance Use Prevention and Recovery (IDHS/SUPR) organizations that receive Substance Use Prevention, Treatment, and Recovery Services Block Grant (SUPTRS BG) for fixed-rate grant agreements for recovery home or substance use disorder (SUD) treatment services are required to complete the FY25 Annual Certification Plan (ACP) Survey. Organizations that administer expense-based grants (e.g., prevention, gambling outreach, RCOs, and ROSCs) are not required but encouraged to complete the Survey.

Why is completion of the ACP Survey mandatory?

  • IDHS/SUPR is requesting critical data not reported through other systems. The data is needed for federal reporting purposes to help secure SUPTRS BG funding.
  • Your responses help IDHS/SUPR ensure organizations adhere to SUPTRS BG regulations outlined in the FY25 Contractual Policy Manual. 
  • IDHS/SUPR uses this information and other data to track and report priority areas critical to the prevention, treatment, and recovery system.

How to access the survey:

Click ACP Survey to begin the survey


Organizations may begin submitting responses on November 1, 2024. The survey will close by 5:00 PM on November 15, 2024.

Important reminders:

Your submission is not considered complete until you confirm your responses in the Survey on the last page. You will receive a thank you via email to confirm your submission.

Your organization can receive a PDF copy of your responses by requesting it via email from your grant manager after January 1, 2025.

If you have questions about content of the ACP Survey, contact your IDHS/SUPR grant manager. For technical difficulties with the ACP Survey software, contact