Important Information for IDHS/SUPR Licensed Organizations Delivering DUI Evaluation Services Regarding Objective Tests

The Illinois Department of Human Services/Division of Substance Use Prevention and Recovery (IDHS/SUPR) is sharing important updates for organizations licensed to provide DUI Evaluation services about two objective tests. In accordance with 2060.503 f) 4) 1), organizations must administer an objective test as part of the DUI evaluation. Effective December 31, the objective test, Adult Substance Use and Driving Survey - Revised for Illinois (ASUDS-RI) will no longer be available.

In addition, IDHS/SUPR will no longer support the use of the objective test, the Mortimer-Filkins Questionnaire, effective June 30, 2025.

If you use ASUDS-RI, your organization is required to select a new objective test to start using on January 1, 2025.

If you use Mortimer-Filkins, your organization is required to select a new objective test to start using by July 1, 2025. We are sharing this important information to ensure organizations have time to identify, select and prepare for the use of a new objective test.

To assist organizations that need to identify a new objective test, we are sharing information about an existing objective test, Driver Risk Inventory (DRI-II), as well as a new objective test called Impaired Driver Assessment (IDA).

Organizations may consider or continue to use the DRI-II or select the new objective test, IDA. If your organization is using DRI-II, you may also consider using the new objective test.

Below please find information about each objective test:

Driver's Risk Inventory (DRI-II)

  • Evidence-based -- empirically demonstrated reliability, validity, and accuracy.
  • DUI offender screening instrument/self-report test.
  • Available online and on Windows diskettes/USB flash drives paper/pencil format.
  • The test unit fee is $9.95 per test and volume discounts are available.
  • To order online tests, contact Professional Online Testing Solutions, Inc.
  • To order Windows diskettes or USB flash drive tests, contact --

Impaired Driving Assessment (IDA)

  • Differential screening assessment that consists of 45 items across two components.
  • Estimates the risk for future impaired driving, provides preliminary guidelines for service needs, estimates the level of responsivity to supervision and services and identifies the degree in which traffic safety has been jeopardized among individuals convicted of a DUI/DWI offense.
  • Web-based and paper/pencil formats are available. The paper/pencil version has been widely used for more than 10 years and the online version was made available in 2021.
  • The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) funds the IDA. There is no cost to use IDA.
  • To gain access to the IDA, an organization is required to complete a 4-hour training on a web-based platform before access to the test is granted. Trainings are periodically offered by American Probation and Parole Association (APPA).
  • IDHS/SUPR will share information about upcoming IDA training opportunities.
  • To learn more about IDA, please visit IDA Resource Center.

IDHS/SUPR highly encourages authorized organization representatives (AORs) to share this Smart Alert with staff who are responsible for the delivery of DUI evaluation services and to discuss if there is a need to replace the objective test your organization is currently administering. If this is the case, we encourage you to review each option to make a decision about a new test and then obtain the necessary training and resources to administer the objective test.

IDHS/SUPR is also working with the Department of Innovation & Technology (DoIT) to update the electronic DUI Service Reporting System (eDSRS) to include the new objective test and remove objective tests that will no longer be used. We will provide information as to when eDSRS is updated as well as information about any additional actions required on the part of organizations.

We hope that you find this information helpful if your organization needs to select a new objective test. If you have additional questions about objective tests, please contact SUPR's help desk at