FY 25 SUPR Contract Policy Manual Posted

The Division of Substance Use Prevention and Recovery's (SUPR) Contract Policy Manual (CPM) for FY 25 has been posted on the Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) website at SUPR Contract Policy Manual FY2025. Please make sure to review the CPM for any changes that may impact programming. All Illinois Department of Human Services Division of Substance Use Prevention and Recovery grantees are expected to know the content of the CPM as well as follow the policies reflected in it.

Submissions through SUPR's DARTS will have the correct rates applied and will be processed for all grant agreement (contract) driven services. The Department of Health and Family Services (HFS) has submitted a state plan amendment for the FY25 Medicaid rate increase, which is pending federal Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) approval. SUPR will hold all Medicaid entries submitted through DARTS until the published rates are approved.

Please contact the SUPR Helpdesk at DoIT.SUPRHelp@illinois.gov with questions about the CPM.