Reporting OTP Data to the Illinois Prescription Monitoring Program


Per 720 ILCS 570/316, Opioid Treatment Programs (OTPs) must attempt to obtain written patient consent to report data to the Illinois Prescription Monitoring Program (ILPMP).

Step by Step Compliance

1. Consent

  • OTP staff should attempt to obtain written patient consent to share prescription data with ILPMP.
  • Provide the patient with the Methadone Dosage Sharing Brochure.

2. Patient Decision

  • The patient shall make the decision to consent free of coercion and should not be denied treatment if they refuse to consent.

3. Documentation

  • All documentation should be maintained in the patient record.
  • If the patient provides consent - the OTP should document the consent.
  • If the patient does not provide consent - the OTP should document the attempt to obtain patient consent.

4. Continuous Compliance and Monitoring

  • The Illinois Department of Human Services, Division of Substance Use Prevention and Recovery (IDHS/SUPR) conducts continuous compliance and monitoring reviews, and during these reviews the organization may be required to show compliance with the Illinois Controlled Substances Act, 720 ILCS 570/316.

Useful Links


Watch the OTPs Use of ILPMP: Patient Consent training IDHS/SUPR provided on July 18, 2023

Laws and Regulations

  1. Illinois Controlled Substances Act, Prescription Monitoring Program - 720 ILCS 570/316
  2. Confidentiality on Substance Use Disorder (SUD), Patient Records


Regarding Requirements, Consent Form, and Brochure Contact

Technical Issues Using the ILPMP

Medication Reporting Logs