SMART Alert The Future of Behavioral Health in Illinois

Invitation to Free Virtual Event

The Illinois Department of Human Services Division of Substance Use Prevention and Recovery is sharing information from the Illinois Association of Rehabilitation Services.

As part of the year-long Behavioral Health + Economics Network (BHECON) grant, the Illinois Association of Rehabilitation Facilities (IARF), Illinois Association for Behavioral Health (IABH), and the Community Behavioral Healthcare Association (CBHA) will be hosting a statewide virtual educational event on Tuesday, December 10, 2024, from 9:30 AM to Noon.

Register for The Future of Behavioral Health in Illinois

This event will highlight a number of crucial programmatic and policy changes that will impact the future of Illinois' behavioral health system, including participation by experts from across the state who will provide attendees with the most up-to-date information on:

  • The state's new 1115 Illinois Healthcare Transformation Waiver
  • The Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC) Demonstration Program
  • The Unified Crisis System (including implementation of the Community Emergency Services and Supports Act [CESSA])

Additionally, this event will provide several opportunities to share your thoughts on integrating the Divisions of Substance Use Prevention and Recovery and Mental Health.

The Directors from both Divisions, along with consultants from the Institute for Healthcare Delivery Design, will be present to conduct a listening session with attendees on the upcoming merger of the two divisions into the Division of Behavioral Health.