COVID-19 Domestic Violence Shelter and Supportive Services (25-444-80-3467-01)

Summary Information

Awarding Agency Name Illinois Department of Human Services
Awarding Division Name Family and Community Services/Adult Services and Basic Supports
Agency Contact

Erica Koegler

Announcement Type Competitive
Funding Opportunity Title COVID-19 Domestic Violence Shelter and Supportive Services
Funding Opportunity Number 25-444-80-3467-01
Application Posting Date 10/11/2024
Application Closing Date 10/31/2024
Catalog of State Financial Assistance (CSFA) Number 444-80-3467
Catalog of State Financial Assistance (CSFA) Popular Name COVID-19 DV Flexible Support
Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) Number(s) 93.671
Award Funding Source Federal
Estimated Total Program Funding $2,800,000.00
Anticipated Number of Awards 1-2
Award Range $150,000-$2,000,000
Cost Sharing or Matching Requirement No
Indirect Costs Allowed Yes
Restrictions on Indirect Costs No
Technical Assistance Session

Session Offered: Yes
Session Mandatory: No
Date/Time: 10/16/2024 1:00PM-2:00PM
Registration Link: Registration

TA - Recorded Session

A. Program Description

  1. Program Summary

    • The Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) was awarded funding from the US Department of Health and Human Services Family Violence Prevention Services Act American Rescue Plan Act to focus on ensuring the safety, sustainability, and capacity building of domestic violence advocacy workforce during and after the COVID 19 pandemic. The purpose of these supplemental funds in the FVPSA program is to prevent, prepare for, and respond to COVID-19 with an intentional focus on increasing access to COVID-19 testing, vaccines, and mobile health units to mitigate the spread of this virus, and increase supports for domestic violence survivors. Within these parameters, grant recipients have flexibility to determine which services best support the needs of survivors, children, and families experiencing family violence, domestic violence, and dating violence. In response to the COVID 19 pandemic, the primary focus of awards made under this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO), is to provide state-wide temporary refuge in conjunction with supportive services to survivors and their dependents including culturally specific needs, language services, counseling services, and direct services. Funds must be used to establish a state-wide approach to providing survivors supportive services, shelters, and/or be used to support personnel and related expenses to provide services within the domestic violence service provider agency.
      • Temporary refuge includes a residential service, including shelter and off-site services such as hotel or motel vouchers or individual dwellings, which is not transitional or permanent housing, but must also provide comprehensive supportive services. The mere act of making a referral to shelter or housing shall not itself be considered provision of shelter. Should other jurisdictional laws conflict with this definition of temporary refuge, the definition which provides more expansive housing accessibility governs. temporary refuge in conjunction with supportive services (not transitional or permanent housing).
      • Supportive services includes services for adult and youth victims of family violence, domestic violence, or dating violence, and their dependents that are designed to meet the needs of such victims and their dependents for short-term, transitional, or long-term safety and recovery. Supportive services include, but are not limited to: Direct and/or referral-based advocac on behalf of victims and their dependents, counseling, case management, employment services, referrals, transportation services, legal advocacy or assistance, childcare services, health, behavioral health and preventive health services, culturally and linguistically appropriate services, and other services that assist victims or their dependents in recovering from the effects of the violence.
      • Applicant must have the demonstrated capacity over two years or longer to provide state-wide assistance and response to the specific needs of domestic violence survivors experiencing hardship as a result of the pandemic.
        • Examples of desired successes that may be demonstrated include but are not limited to:
          1. Staff education and support with an emphasis on supporting culturally specific survivor needs caused or exasperated by the COVID-19 pandemic.
          2. Supportive services as a response to the exacerbation of domestic violence caused by the COVID 19 pandemic.
          3. Temporary refuge and rental assistance in conjunction with supportive services as a response to the exacerbation of homelessness caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
      • Other strategies may be included in the application which demonstrate how the funded activities increase access to resources improving overall health and safety of survivors and their vulnerable dependents in response to hardships caused by the pandemic. Funded applications are anticipated to support activities implemented beginning December 1, 2024.
    • Service Delivery and Eligible Activities

      • The purpose of this funding opportunity is to provide temporary refuge shelter and supportive services to survivors of domestic violence and their vulnerable family members post pandemic.
    • Eligible Activities

      • This funding supports IDHS's goals of health and safety with the specific focus on increasing access to supportive services for survivors and their dependents including culturally specific needs, language services, counseling services, and direct services. This goal may be achieved through providing direct services, hiring staff for domestic violence programs, and/or contracting out for allowable services. Contracting out for such services may be conducted with for profit entities, not for profit provider organizations and/or individual licensed health or behavioral health professionals. Applicants may use one or more of the following strategies to implement eligible activities for domestic violence survivors and their dependent family members.
        1. Provide for temporary refuge in conjunction with supportive services as a result of and in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The applicant must have policy and procedure in place dictating how long "temporary" is and how these funds are dispersed (no direct cash assistance is allowed to survivors).
        2. Supportive services including: Direct and/or referral-based advocacy on behalf of victims and their dependents, counseling, case management, employment services, referrals, transportation services, legal advocacy or assistance, childcare services, health, behavioral health and preventive health services, culturally and linguistically appropriate services, and other services that assist victims or their dependents in recovering from the effects of the violence exacerbated by the pandemic.
        3. Develop and distribute educational and awareness materials for outreach to educate communities about the impact domestic violence has on health and general wellbeing with an emphasis on prevalence of domestic violence post-pandemic.
    • Allowable Expenses

      • Allowable expenses for this funding opportunity are those necessary, reasonable, and allocable to support the eligible activities for this project. These include but are not limited to:
        1. Funding for supportive services and temporary refuge.
        2. Personnel to carry out approved program strategies as described in the application program narrative.
        3. Health supplies such as medical supplies, COVID-19 test supplies, personal protective supplies, and program supplies such as health resources and education materials.
        4. Printing of educational and outreach materials.
        5. Translation and interpreter services.
        6. Funding to support culturally specific services.
        7. Compensation for health and behavioral health partners delivering services and/or increasing domestic violence staff capacity to respond to health and behavioral health needs of survivors and their children.
        8. Indirect costs as allowable under 2 CFR Part 200.
  2. Funding Priorities or Focus Areas

    1. IDHS is working to counteract systemic racism and inequity, and to prioritize and maximize diversity throughout its service provision process. This work involves addressing existing institutionalized inequities, aiming to create transformation, and operationalizing equity and racial justice. It also focuses on the creation of a culture of inclusivity for all regardless of race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, or ability.
  3. Authorizing Statutes or Regulations

    1. The funding for this grant opportunity is authorized through the Family Violence Prevention Services Act and The American Rescue Act Plan of 2021.

B. Funding Information

  1.  Total Amount of Funding

    1. The Department anticipates the availability of approximately $2,500,000 for the grant period.
    2. The source of funding for this program is Federal funds provided through the Family Violence Prevention Services Act American Rescue Plan Act.
  2. Number of Grant Awards

    1. The Department anticipates funding approximately 1-2 grant awards to provide this program.
  3. Expected Amounts of Individual Grant Award

    1. The Department anticipates that grant awards will be $150,000-$2,000,000.
  4. Amount of Funding per Grant Award on average in previous years

    1.  Not applicable.
  5. Anticipated Start Dates and Periods of Performance for new grant awards.

    1. Subject to appropriation, the grant period will begin no sooner than November 1, 2024 and will continue through June 30, 2025.
  6. Renewal or Supplementation of existing projects eligibility

    1. Applications for renewal or supplementation of existing projects are eligible to compete with applications for new State awards.
  7.  Type of Assistance Instrument

    1. This is a competitive grant award funding opportunity.
  8. Procurement Contract Allowability

    1. Subcontractor Agreement(s) and budgets must be pre-approved by the Department and on file with the Department. Subcontractors are subject to all provisions of this Agreement. The successful applicant Agency shall retain sole responsibility for the performance and monitoring of the subcontractor.
    2. The release of this NOFO does not obligate the Illinois Department of Human Services to make an award.

C. Eligibility Information

  1. Eligible Applicants

    • This competitive funding opportunity is limited to applicants that meet the following requirements:
      • The types of applicants that may apply for the grant award are not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organizations currently funded by the Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) under the Domestic Violence Training Program offering Statewide Training to provide crisis intervention to victims of domestic violence and their vulnerable family members are eligible to apply for these funds. Providers not currently funded by IDHS are not eligible to apply. All providers receiving awards as a result of this notice of funding opportunity must already function as part of the state-wide safety net for victims and provide trauma informed, quality comprehensive domestic violence services to victims and their vulnerable family members. The goal of this project is to build upon the foundation of these domestic violence services so that survivors who have experienced hardship secondary to the COVID-19 pandemic have increased access to temporary refuge in conjunction with supportive services, culturally specific direct services, health and behavioral health resources.
      • The applicant has met the Prequalification and Mandatory Requirements listed in this funding opportunity.
      • Applicants must be prequalified; therefore, applications from entities that have not prequalified prior to the due date of this application will NOT be reviewed and will NOT be considered for funding.
      • Successful Applicants will not receive an award if pre-award requirements are not met.
      • Funding restrictions-See Section D for funding restriction impacting eligibility or no funding restrictions.
  2. Cost Sharing or Match Requirements

    1. Providers are not required to participate in cost sharing or provide match.
  3. Indirect Costs

    1. Indirect Costs may be applied to this grant award. Indirect cost rates must be approved.
  4. Other

    1. Limit on Number of Applications: Applicants must submit only one application for this Notice of Funding Opportunity.

D. Application and Submission Information

  1. Address to Request Application Package

    1. The complete application package (this Notice of Funding Opportunity, including links to required forms) is available through the Illinois Catalog of State Financial Assistance and the DHS Grants website page.
    2. Each applicant must have access to the internet. The Department's website will contain information regarding the NOFO and materials necessary for submission. Questions and answers will also be posted on the Department's website as described later in this announcement. It is the responsibility of each applicant to monitor that website and comply with any instructions or requirements relating to the NOFO.
  2. Content and Form of Application Submission

    1. Required Content

      1. Applications must include the required documents and demonstrate that the program eligibility requirements have been met. The Department will not contact applicants for missing items listed below. Applicants that do not include all the following documents will be considered substantially incomplete and will not be considered for funding.
    2. Cover Page

      1. The Cover page must contain the following information and be place on top of the application packet:
        1. Name of Applicant
        2. Address of Applicant
        3. Point of Contact and email address for Applicant Organization
        4. Name(s) of Project Partner Organization(s)/Consultant
        5. Needs addressed
        6. Amount of funding requested under this opportunity
        7. Proposed number of victims to be connected to shelter, supportive services, health, and/or behavioral health services (adult, children)
        8. Proposed number of staff to be trained
      2. IMPORTANT: The program (proposal) narrative makes up the bulk of the application. Please provide a complete response to the following sections. If the program narrative is missing from your application packet, your application will receive a score of zero points and your agency will not meet the criteria to receive a grant under this notice of funding opportunity.
    3. Proposal Abstract

      1. The Proposal Abstract must provide a short summary (no more than two pages double-spaced) of the proposed project, including names of applicant organization and all project partners/consultants, purpose of the project (including goal and intended outcome); primary activities for which funds are requested, who will benefit (including geographic area to be served), products and deliverables, and how the applicant will measure progress in completing project goals and objectives. Applicants must not summarize past accomplishments in this section. The Proposal Abstract will not be scored but is used throughout the review process.
    4. Proposal Narrative Content and Attachments

      1. If the applicant believes that the subject has been adequately addressed in another part of the application narrative, then provide the cross-reference to the appropriate part of the narrative. If a cross-reference is not included in the section, the reviewer will only consider content contained within that specific section. The narrative portion must follow the page maximums where prescribed and must be organized in the order and format outlined below.
        • NOTE: Five points will be deducted for applications not adhering to prescribed format.
        • The Proposal Narrative may not exceed 15 pages, double-spaced, and reviewers will not read beyond this page limit. The Proposal Narrative must include the four sections below. The total point value for the proposal narrative section is 100 points.
          1. Statement of Need (25 points)
            • The purpose of this section is for the applicant organization to provide a clear and accurate picture of the need for these services and benefits gained. State and describe the service area, the target population, and the need for supplemental funds to prevent, prepare for, and respond to COVID-19 with an intentional focus on mitigating the spread of this virus, and increasing supports for domestic violence survivors. Information in this section should include, but is not necessarily limited to, the following:
              1. Identify and describe the unmet housing and supportive needs of community served as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
              2. Describe barriers survivors have experienced in obtaining services post COVID-19 pandemic.
              3. Describe the needs and gaps in services as they pertain to survivors and their dependents, post COVID-19 pandemic.
              4. Describe how the proposed project will meet these needs and gaps in services and benefit the needs of survivors.
          2. What Will Be Done (40 points)
            • The application must provide a clear link between the proposed activities and the need identified in the "Statement of Need" section above. This section must provide:
              • A description of specific goals, objectives, and activities necessary to accomplish associated tasks and intended outcomes of the funded project.
              • A project timeline of proposed activities which clearly state timeframes of planning and implementation of funded project.
              • This section should provide responses to the following questions as applicable to funded project:
                1. What resources will be made available under this project?
                2. Where will the services offered/provided and by whom?
                3. How will the schedule of services offered/provided to survivors be determined?
                4. How will the services offered to survivors be promoted within the organization?
                5. How will this funded project eliminate and/or reduce the barriers survivors have experienced in obtaining services?
                6. How will domestic violence program identify and refer survivors to receive funding under this project?
                7. How will the services offered to survivors to increase accessibility to temporary refuge housing and supportive services be promoted within the community and to other organizations?
                8. How will your agency address the confidentiality needs of survivors receiving services from external partners?
                9. How will the proposed project help achieve the desired outcomes intended with these funds?
          3. Who Will Implement the Proposal (30 points)
            • This section must clearly identify the key individuals and/or organizations, including all project partners, involved in the proposed project. If known at the time of writing, identify who or what entities will be contracted to offer services to survivors and the nature of the services delivered by each.
              1. Who at your agency will be responsible for implementing program activities?
              2. Who at your agency will be responsible for overseeing and managing the funded program activities?
              3. Who at your agency will be promoting these activities and referring survivors in need?
              4. How will project activities be integrated in services already provided to survivors and their dependents?
              5. Who at the domestic violence program will engage and collaborate with health service providers to ensure increased accessibility for survivors and their dependents?
              6. What experience or expertise do key personnel and/or contractors have to ensure the success of the project?
          4. Budget and Budget Narrative (5 points)
            1. The budget must be submitted which covers the anticipated 12-month grant award. The budget must be submitted in the uniform grant budget template GOMBGATU-3002.
            2. The Budget must include a narrative or detailed description/justification for each line in the budget and will describe why each expenditure is necessary for program implementation and how you arrived at the amount. Please include cost allocations as necessary. This narrative must also clearly identify if using an indirect cost rate, all direct program costs, direct administrative costs, and any project partner compensation (contractors and subawards).
            3. The Budget (including MTDC base exclusions as appropriate) should clearly describe how the specified resources and personnel have been allocated for the tasks and activities described in your plan.
            4. Successful applicants will be required to submit their budget in the DHS CSA system prior to a grant award being issued.
            5. There is no match requirement for this project.
    5. Required Forms

      • The Uniform Application for State Grant Assistance (pdf)
        • The Uniform Application for State Grant Assistance is a three-page document used to formalize organization's request to apply for funding. The document requires the signature and email address of the organization's authorized representative. This email address will be used for official communication between the Department and the applicant organization for matters regarding this application
      • Grantee Conflict of Interest Disclosure
      • The grantee Conflict of Interest Disclosure is a required for all grant award programs. The document requires agencies to identify actual or potential conflicts of interest. The form must be signed by a representative of the organization.
    6. Required Format

      • The narrative portion must follow the page maximums where prescribed and must be organized in the format outlined below or points may be deducted.
    7. Pre-Award Requirements

      • All successful applicants are required to complete a risk assessment prior to execution of a grant award. The Internal Controls Questionnaire (ICQ) is one instrument used to assess risk of grantees by identifying an organization's potential weaknesses. The ICQ is accessed through the Grantee Portal.
  3. Unique Entity Identifiers and SAM Registration

    • Each applicant (unless the applicant is an individual or Federal or State awarding agency that is exempt from those requirements under 2 CFR § 25.110(b) or (c), or has an exception approved by the Federal or State awarding agency under 2 CFR § 25.110(d)) is required to:
      • Be registered in before the application due date.
      • Provide a valid unique entity identifier (UE) in its application
      • Continue to maintain an active SAM registration with current information at all times during which it has an active Federal, Federal pass-through or State award or an application or plan under consideration by a Federal or State awarding agency.
      • The Department may not make an award until applicant has fully complied to all UEI and SAM requirements
      • The department may determine that an applicant is not qualified if they have not complied to requirements and use that determination as a basis to award to another applicant.
  4. Application Submission Dates and Times

    1. Application Due Date and Time

      1. The Department must receive the Full Application
        1. Due on Thursday, October 31, 2024 at 11:59pm CST.
      2. Applicants must electronically submit the complete application including all required narratives, attachments, and forms. Order the documents as listed in the application checklist below.
        • Application Checklist
          1. Cover Page
          2. Proposal Narrative
            1. Statement of Need 
            2. What Will be done
            3. Who Will Implement the Proposal
            4. Budget and Budget Narrative
          3. Uniform Grant Application
          4. Conflict of Interest Disclosure
        • Applications must be sent electronically via email to and received by the deadline listed above. The application will be electronically time-stamped upon receipt. The Department will ONLY accept applications submitted by electronic mail sent to Include the following in the subject line: NOFO number and your agency name.
        • Application submissions or delivery to any other email address or contact, including other IDHS offices or employees, will not be considered for review or funding. Applications will NOT be accepted if received by fax machine, hard copy, disk, or thumb drive.
        • Applicants are required to notify the Department within 48 hours of the deadline, if they did NOT receive an email notifying them that their application was received. If the applicant does not receive an email and/or does not notify the Department within 48 hours, their application will be considered a late submission and will NOT be reviewed or scored. The applicant will NOT have the right to protest the submission/receipt of their application to the Department after the 48 hours. In the event of a dispute, the applicant bears the burden of proof that the application was received on time at the email location listed above.
        • Applications received after the due date and time will not be considered for review or funding. All applicants/applications determined to be non-compliant or otherwise determined to be disqualified from consideration will be separately notified in writing, by email, upon determination. This email will be sent to the email addresses provided in the application and will identify the reason for disqualification.
        • For your records, please keep a copy of your submission with the date and time the application was submitted along with the email address to which it was sent. The deadline will be strictly enforced.
  5. Intergovernmental Review

    1. This funding opportunity is NOT subject to Executive Order 12372, "Intergovernmental Review of Federal Programs."
  6. Funding Restrictions

    1. Unallowable Costs
    2. IDHS grants are governed by 2 CFR. Part 200, Subpart E-Cost Principles and 30 ILCS 708 which include information on allowable costs, audit requirements, and financial records.
    3. Direct payments to victims are an unallowable expense per the federal funding source.
    4. Pre-Award Costs are not allowed.
  7. Other Submission Requirements

    • Electronic Submission

      1. Each applicant must have access to the internet.
      2. Applications must be submitted electronically to
      3. Documents must or must not include a password.
      4. Contact the Program Unit at in the event of technical difficulties.
    • IMPORTANT: It is strongly recommended that the applicant not wait until the deadline to apply in case they experience technical difficulties with the submission process. Applicants should keep copies of all documentation that that may prove their application was submitted to the correct location and that it was received by IDHS on or before the deadline. Applicants should also maintain all electronic documentation, including screen shots, email correspondence, help desk ticket numbers, etc. that would document any unforeseen difficulties the applicant may have encountered regarding the timely submission of the application.

E. Application Review Information

All competitive grant applications are subject to merit-based review.

  1.  Criteria

    1. Applications that fail to meet the criteria described in Section C "Eligibility Information" will not be scored and/or considered for funding.
    2. All applicants / applications determined to be non-compliant or otherwise determined to be disqualified from consideration will be notified. This email will be sent to the email addresses provided in the application and will identify the reason for disqualification.
    3. Program staff will conduct an initial eligibility review to determine if an application meets the eligibility requirements published in this Notice and will advance to the next stage of the review process. An application is compliant if the applicant is a current DVPI funded entity, meeting pre-qualified requirements and submits an application by the submission deadline.
    4. Scoring will be on a 100 point scale. Applications will be evaluated on the following criteria:
      1. Statement of Need - 25 points
      2. What Will Be Done - 40 points
      3. Who Will Implement the Proposal - 30 points
      4. Budget and Budget Narrative - 5 points
      5. Total Possible Points - 100 Points
    5. In the event of a tie with insufficient funding for all tied applications, the Department may choose to elect one of the following options:
      1. Apply one or more of the additional factors for consideration described above to prioritize the applications
      2. Partially fund each of the tied application
      3. Not fund any of the tied applications.
    6. The Department reserves the right to negotiate with successful applicants to adjust award amounts, targets, deliverables, etc.
  2. Review and Selection Process

    1. The process for evaluation of the application is as follows: an evaluation of the application packet will be done by a review team comprised of up to 3 individuals. The numerical score may not be the sole award criterion. The Department reserves the right to consider other factors such as: geographical distribution, demonstrated need, and agency past performance as a state grantee, etc. While the recommendation of the review panel will be a key factor in the funding decision, the Department maintains final authority over funding decisions and considers the findings of the reviewers to be non-binding recommendations. Any internal documentation used in scoring or awarding of grants shall not be considered public information.
  3. Merit-Based Review Appeal Process

    1. Competitive grant appeals are limited to the evaluation process. Evaluation scores may not be protested. Only the evaluation process is subject to appeal and shall be reviewed by IDHS' Appeal Review Officer (ARO).
      1. Submission of Appeal
        1. Appeals submission IDHS contact information:
          1. Name of Agency contact for appeals: Erica Koegler
          2. Email of Agency contact for appeals:
          3. Email Subject Line: Appeal 25-444-80-3467-01
        2. An appeal must be submitted in writing to appeals submission IDHS contact listed above, who will send to the IDHS Appeal Review Officer (ARO) for consideration.
          1. An appeal must be received within 14 calendar days after the date that the grant award notice has been published.
          2. The written appeal shall include at a minimum the following:
            1. Name and address of the appealing party
            2. Identification of the grant
            3. Statement of reasons for the appeal
            4. Supporting documentation, if applicable
      2. Response to Appeal
        1. IDHS will acknowledge receipt of an appeal within fourteen (14) calendar days from the date the appeal was received.
          1. IDHS will respond to the appeal within 60 days or supply a written explanation to the appealing party as to why additional time is required.
          2. The appealing party must supply any additional information requested by IDHS within the time period set in the request.
      3. Resolution
        • The ARO shall make a recommendation to the Agency Head or designee as expeditiously as possible after receiving all relevant, requested information.
          1. In determining the appropriate recommendation, the ARO shall consider the integrity of the competitive grant process and the impact of the recommendation on the State Agency.
          2. The Agency will resolve the appeal by means of written determination.
          3. The determination shall include, but not be limited to:
            1. Review of the appeal;
            2. Appeal determination;
            3. Rationale for the determination.
  4. Simplified Acquisition Threshold - Federal Awards and State Awards

    1. Potential grantees under this funding announcement may receive an award in excess of the Simplified Acquisition Threshold (Refer to 2 CFR 200 Section 200.1). Therefore, the grantee is subject to Simplified Acquisition Threshold. Refer to Section C. 8. Grant Funds Use Requirements for more information.

F. Award Administration Information

  1. State Award Notices

    1. Applicants recommended for funding under this NOFO following the above review and selection process will receive a Notice of State Award (NOSA). The NOSA shall include:
      1. Grant award amount
      2. The terms and conditions of the award
      3. Specific conditions, if any, assigned to the applicant based on the fiscal and administrative (ICQ), programmatic risk assessments (PRA) and merit-based review.
    2. Note: The Department cannot issue a NOSA until the successful applicant has an approved budget entered into CSA. The applicant shall receive the NOSA through the Grantee Portal. The NOSA must be signed by the grants officer (or equivalent). This signature effectively accepts the state award amount and all conditions set forth within the notice. This signed NOSA is the document authorizing the Department to proceed with issuing an agreement. The Agency signed NOSA must be remitted to the Department as instructed in the notice.
    3. The notice is not an authorization to begin performance (to the extent that it allows charging to State awards of pre-award costs at the non- State entity's own risk).
    4. A written Notice of Denial shall be sent to the applicants not receiving the award.
  2. Administrative and National Policy Requirements

    1. The agency awarded funds shall provide services as set forth in the IDHS grant agreement and shall act in accordance with all state and federal statutes and administrative rules applicable to the provision of the services.
    2. To review a sample of the current IDHS Uniform Grant Agreement.
  3. Reporting

    • Upon execution of the grant agreement, reporting shall be in accordance with the requirements set forth in the Uniform Grant Agreement and related Exhibits which includes, but is not limited to the following
      1. Time Period for Required Periodic Financial Reports. Grantee shall submit financial reports monthly to Grantor pursuant to Paragraph 10.1 of the Uniform Grant Agreement.
      2. Time Period for Close-out Reports. Grantee shall submit a Close-out Report pursuant to Paragraph 10.2 of the Uniform Grant Agreement and no later than 60 calendar days following the end of the Period of Performance for this Agreement or Agreement termination.
      3. Time Period for Required Periodic Performance Reports. Grantee shall submit Performance Reports to Grantor pursuant to Paragraph 11.1 of the Uniform Grant Agreement and such reports must be submitted no later than 15 days after the quarter ends.
      4. Time Period for Close-out Performance Reports. Grantee agrees to submit a Close-out Performance Report, pursuant to Paragraph 11.2 of the Uniform Grant Agreement and no later than 60 days following the end of the Period of Performance or Agreement termination.
      5. Other Unique Programmatic Reporting Requirements: Additional annual performance data may be collected as directed by the Department and in a format prescribed by the Department.
      6. If the State share of any State award may include more than $500,000 over the period of performance, applicants are also subject to the reporting requirements reflected in appendix XII to 2CFR200. Non-compliance with any of the identified reports may lead to being placed on the Illinois Stop Payment List (SSPL).
  4. Payment Terms

    1. It is the policy of the Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) that this policy complies with 2 CFR 200.302, 2 CFR 200.305, 31 CFR 205 (procedures implementing Cash Management Improvement Act and Treasury-State Agreement (TSA)), and 44 Ill. Admin. Code 7000.120 (GOMB Adoption of Supplemental Rules for Grant Payment Methods). Three different award payment method exist, namely Advance Payment, Reimbursement, and Working Capital Advance.

G. State Awarding Agency Contact(s)

  1. If you have questions about this NOFO, please contact the Program Unit at
  2. A frequently asked Question and Answer page is posted on the DHS website. Questions submitted up to two business days prior to the end of the NOFO posting period, will be posted on the website.

H. Other Information, if applicable

I. Mandatory Forms