WAG 16-05-15-b: Protective Payment Check to Creditor

When a check written to a creditor by a Family Community Resource Center protective payee or by the Protective Payee Service Unit (PPSU) is reported lost, stolen, or not received, the following occurs:

  1. (FCRC PP/PPSU) Calls the bank and requests a stop payment on the check.
  2. (FCRC PP/PPSU) Replaces the check, if the stop payment is successful.
  3. (Creditor) If the stop payment is unsuccessful, completes 4 copies of Form 98.
  4. (FCRC PP/PPSU) Processes a Mercury Form 552 to reimburse the protective payment checking account.
  5. (FCRC PP/PPSU) Issues a replacement check to the creditor, from the protective payment account.

    Writes in the lower left hand corner of the replacement check the following words: "replacement for check number (enter the number of the original check)". 

  6. (FCRC PP/PPSU) Informs the creditor that a stop payment was filed and that the original check must be returned if found.
  7. (FCRC PP/PPSU) If both checks are cashed, asks the creditor to examine the endorsements on the checks.
  8. (FCRC PP/PPSU) If the creditor acknowledges receipt of both checks, requests the creditor to provide immediate reimbursement to the Department.
  9. (FCRC PP/PPSU) Sends all creditor reimbursement payments to the Bureau of Fiscal Operations, Emergency Revolving Fund Unit. Also attaches an explanatory memorandum.