WAG 16-05-11-b: Balancing Bank Statements

Family Community Resource Center Protective Payees and Protective Payee Service Unit (PPSU) Accounts

The DHS staff person serving as protective payee is not given the responsibility for balancing the bank statements. Another designated staff person is assigned this duty by the administrator.

(Designee) Balances the protective payee checking account bank statement each month, based on the following:

  • Uses Bank Reconciliation PPP Fund Account (Form 2255) to balance the account records with the bank statement showing the funds on deposit.
  • Adds the balances of all Recipient Ledgers together. This total must equal the bank account balance on the same date.
  • Prepares an adding machine tally of the individual Recipient Ledger balances and attaches it to the monthly bank statement.
  • Attaches canceled checks in numerical order, and attaches adjustment slips to corresponding bank statements.
  • Reports any discrepancies immediately to the office administrator.