Family Community Resource Center Protective Payees and Protective Payee Service Unit (PPSU) Accounts
Cash benefits which are designated for protective payment purposes, are:
- deposited in a local bank selected by the administrator of each Family Community Resource Center; and
- deposited in one checking account per Family Community Resource Center.
The Family Community Resource Center protective payee receives a Notice of Benefit Direct Deposit (Form 3159A) each time a check is deposited into their protective payee bank account.
The Protective Payee Service Unit (PPSU) receives a daily list of checks deposited to their protective payee bank account.
Both the Protective Payee Service Unit (PPSU) and Family Community Resource Center protective payees perform duties that keep track of their protective payment bank accounts.
(FCRC PP/PPSU) Maintains a recipient ledger to account for the funds for each client in protective payee status.
- Family Community Resource Center protective payees use Recipient Ledger (Form 1548A) for this purpose.
- PPSU uses Form 1548 for this purpose.
Makes an entry on the appropriate Recipient Ledger each time a transaction affecting the client's account is made.
- Records aid checks deposited into the protective payee checking account by the date the direct deposit was made.
- Records all checks issued to or in behalf of the client, by the date on which the check was issued.
NOTE: All checks are prenumbered to help keep track of disbursements.
Posts the receipt or disbursement of all protective payee funds on a daily basis as they occur.
- Family Community Resource Center protective payees use PPP Account Check Register (Form 1547A) for this purpose.
- PPSU uses Form 1547 for this purpose.
Uses a separate Form 1547A or Form 1547 for each month.
- Records aid checks deposited into the protective payee checking account by the date the direct deposit was made.
- Makes an entry in check number sequence for each check issued to, or in behalf, of a client.
- Records the check register balance after each entry.