
Note: As you complete the People section of the application, you will be asked for the Social Security Number (SSN) and Citizenship status for each person.

  • The State will use your SSN to verify your citizenship. If you are a documented alien, try to tell us the document type you were issued and the Document Number (or A#). The ABE Help features can help you find the A# on your immigration documents.

1. Under Benefit Selection, using the Yes or No buttons, select the benefits for each person you are applying for.

Insert Benefit Selection

2. Under Tax Information, answer the question Yes or No if this person is planning on filing taxes.

3. Under Social Security Information, enter and confirm your SSN.

Insert SSN_

Note: While you are not required to give an SSN on ABE when you apply, most applicants will need to provide the SSN or proof that they applied for an SSN to receive benefits. Supplying a SSN with the application can reduce the time it takes to approve your application. Some non-citizens, including children, pregnant women and seniors over age 65, may be eligible for medical benefits without an SSN.

4. Under Ethnicity and Race, check the applicable boxes.

Insert Race_Ethnicity

5. Under Residence Information, use the drop-down to select where the applicant lives, then press Next.

Insert Residence

6. Answer any additional questions that populate, and press Next.

Insert Disability

7.Under Household Members Summary, confirm that all household members are included. If you need to add additional people, press Add Person.

Insert Add_Person

8. If all members of the household have been added and the information provided is correct, press Next.

Insert Confirm People

9. Answer any additional questions that populate, and press Next.

Insert DV

10. Review all of your answers and, if correct, press Next.

Insert Review 1

review 2