
Note: If this is your first time applying for benefits or you are a returning user that hasn't set up an ILogin account to access ABE or connect your ABE profile, visit Creating an ILogin & ABE User Account to get started.

Getting Started

After you have created an account and logged in you can begin the process in ABE.

1. Choose the Start a new application for Health care coverage, SNAP, Cash Assistance, and/or Medicare Savings Program option and press Next.

Insert Start New Application

2. Under Apply For Benefits, press Next.

3. Under Who is filling out the application?:

  • If you are filling out the application for yourself or someone else in your family, select Yes next to the Are you filling out this application for yourself or someone in your family? question and press Next.
  • If you are not filling out the application for yourself or someone in your family, pick No and choose the option that best describes your role and press Next.

Who is Applying

Note: To be an Approved Representative for an individual, you must have the signed permission of the individual using the official form that is linked in the Application.

Approved Rep

4. Under Apply for Benefits, using the Yes or No buttons, select the benefits you would like to apply for and press Next.

Insert Apply_Benefits


  • Selecting the More about … link after each program will bring you to an information page about that particular benefit.
  • The State has a new medical insurance coverage called the Family Planning Program. The Family Planning (FP) Program is a medical program that provides limited medical coverage specifically for reproductive health and family planning related services for eligible Illinois citizens regardless of age or gender. If you are applying for Medical Coverage and want to be considered for the Family Planning Program if you are not eligible for full medical coverage, choose Yes for both Apply for Medical Coverage and Apply for Family Planning Program. Some people may choose to apply only for the Family Planning Program.

5. Under More About Benefits, press Next.

6. Under People in your Home, answer all the questions related to the Primary Account Holder and press Next.

Primary Account Holder

Note: If you are completing an application for a child, enter the parent or guardian's information first, even if this person doesn't need benefits. This will be the person that receives correspondence from the State.

7. Under Where You Live, answer all the questions related to your Address and press Next.

Insert Address

8. Under Contact Information, answer all the questions related to your contact information and press Next.

Insert Contact Information

Note: It is very helpful to have a daytime telephone number where we can reach you for your SNAP interview if requested or if we have questions. The faster we can reach you the faster we can get you benefits if you are approved.

9. Under People in your Home, choose the number of people in the home and press Next.


  • If applying for Healthcare Coverage, include people that live in your household and include anyone you claim as a dependent on your federal tax return (even if they don't live with you).
  • If you are age 19 or over and only applying for Healthcare Coverage, always include yourself and your spouse and children if they live with you. Only include your parents and others in the household if they will claim you or you will claim them on your taxes.

People in home