Reimagine Youth Development Services (RYDS) Technical Assistance, Appendices and Questions & Answers

Reimagine Youth Development Services (RYDS) Technical Assistance Session

Reimagine Youth Development Services (RYDS) Appendices:

Reimagine Youth Development Services (RYDS) Questions & Answers:

Date: July 10, 2024

  1. Question: The link to the appendices won't open. Please send the Appendices to me. 
    We are correcting the appendices links and have changed the instructions to  say to use links in NOFO. Applicant does not need to request appendices.
  2. Question: Is this NOFO for 3005 or 3007? 
    This is NOFO # 25-444-80-3416. NOFO's ending in 3005 and 3007 end  September 30, 2024. No further funding will be issued under those grant programs. Current providers of 3005 or 3007 must not presume they will be funded under 3416. This is a competitive funding notice. All providers of 3005 or 3007 will no longer have a grant effective 9/30/24. Providers that meet the eligibility criteria and other requirements may apply for this NOFO.
  3. Question: My agency had a grant ending in 2775. Do I have to reapply to provide RPSA Youth Development Services again? 
    Grant #2775 ended June 30, 2024. Grantees received a letter on March 22nd  explaining that the 2775 grant ends June 30th and that we will be posting a new NOFO opportunity coming this summer. This new NOFO is open to any provider that meets all eligibility and mandatory requirements stated in the NOFO. Please know that this is a different program than #2775 with different requirements and deliverables etc..
  4. Question: If we are located outside of the eligible service areas, are we able to apply  for the grant? 
    This grant opportunity is for RPSA eligible areas only please refer to the eligibility criteria identified in the NOFO.
  5. Question: What is the maximum number of separate applications an organization may submit if  targeting different neighborhoods? Previously, the limit was 3 applications. Is that still the case? 
    There is not a limit on the number of separate applications that can be submitted if focusing on different RPSA communities. However, applicants must meet the eligibility criteria and other mandatory requirements, these include having an established physical presence in the community you propose to serve. Further, while an organization may apply for as many areas as they like, there will be limitations on the number of grants that may be awarded to a single organization for the same grant program. That number is 3, although there may be exceptions.

July 16, 2024:

  1. Question: What cost factor (number per youth) is used to determine the budget, if any. Ie. incentive @ up to $900.00 per youth (participant).
    There is no cost factor included in the NOFO. The reference to the $900 is in regard to the stipends for the civics requirements. The NOFO did not stipulate the number of youth to be served. The applicant proposes the number of youth they expect to serve and budgets accordingly.
  2. Question: RE: Target Population, the NOFO states that one of the risk factors considered a priority for awardees is working with youth who "reside in an RPSA community and municipal block where more than 35% of all fatal and non-fatal firearm incidents occur in a given community." Must participants meet both of those criteria? Or is residing in the RPSA service area enough?
      See Program Description 4a-The Reimagine Public Safety Act REQUIRES that youth meeting the first four eligibility criteria above are prioritized for Youth Development Program services. This means that youth in these communities are not only eligible for services but that they take priority over the youth meeting the other risk factors. A youth that meets other criteria listed but doesn't live within 35% blocks is eligible for services however youth within the 35% block take priority.
  3. Question: Is there a minimum number of youths the award is expected to serve?
    No. It is based on the program the applicant proposes in the narrative and budget you submit within the budget guidelines.
  4. Question: Will there be funding tiers based on enrollment?
    No, there are no funding tiers. See NOFO Transmittal Section #12. Average award amount: $240,000 plus participant incentives (for the civics program) up to $900 per participant.
  5. Question: I was writing to see if the City of Carbondale falls under the eligible service areas of the Reimagine Youth Development Services grant.
    See question #4 above, eligibility and location criteria are in the NOFO, Section A2.
  6. Question: Can one application be submitted if an agency wants to server multiple communities or is it one application per community.
    See Section C (f): Applications will only be considered for a single eligible service area.  If an applicant is proposing to provide services in more than one RPSA eligible service area, the applicant must submit a separate application for each eligible area. No applicant will be granted more than one Reimagine Youth Development Services program grant award under this CSFA number (444-80-3416) for the same eligible RPSA service area.
  7. Question: If an agency wants to serve the Chicago Services Area and Greater  Illinois Service Areas, can one application be submitted.
    No, See answer to question 11.
  8. Question: If our organization intends to serve the Northside Cluster (Belmont Cragin, Hermosa,  Logan Square, Avondale, Irving Park, Albany Park) under the RYDS program, are we required to  serve each of those neighborhoods? Is it acceptable if we have program participants who are  residents of each area but we only deliver services/programming at one location in one of the areas listed (Avondale)?
    : One service location within a cluster is acceptable.
  9. Question: Are the participant initiatives up to $900 per participant or is the total grant amount  up to $900 per person?
    The incentive is $900 per participant. See question #9
  10. Question: Should the program narrative include items listed beneath the program summary  such as the executive summary etc. or a these to be separate items? 
    Please follow and include the NOFO Checklist for order of documents. The checklist and all other appendices can be found as a link on the upper right side of the NOFO.
  11. Question: What is meant by "available as an appendix"?
    See link on upper right side of NOFO, all appendices can be found on the linked site.
  12. Question: Are we to submit a letter of intent? 

July 23, 2024:

  1. Question: Can you please provide some guidance on how many youths the projects should aim to serve? All students are required to participate in Civics, but without knowing what the curriculum will be, how many weeks long, its expected outcomes, and when it will actually be approved and provided to us, it is hard to determine how many youth we will be able to serve and how many cohorts we can run. Also, are we to budget $900 per youth for incentives for every youth participant? Again, that is hard to anticipate without knowing more about the actual curriculum.
    Please project the number of youth your agency feels they can serve under the required Civics as well as any optional services. At this time, the length of the program is not known. What is known is that the maximum amount is $900 per youth for program accomplishments.
  2. Question: Where can I find the 35% block maps?
    The interactive map is linked here IDHS: RPSA Eligible Community Areas/Municipalities and Associated Programming (
  3. Question: We serve youth who have been injured by gun violence and are met in the hospital bed side after injury. As a result they come from various neighborhoods on the south and west sides. Can we submit one application if participants come from various RPSA Identified Eligible Chicago Service Areas and only need to submit a second application if we are also serving individuals from RPSA Identified Eligible Greater Illinois Service Areas? Or do we need to submit a different application for each RPSA neighborhood that we are serving within Chicago? Or are we still eligible if our programming takes place in East Garfield Park but participants are coming from various neighborhoods?
    Every service area must have a separate application. If all services are provided at one location and enrolled youth are from that area , then one application could be submitted for a single location. If eligible youth reside outside the grants' service area, the grantee should refer them to a service provider within their community.
  4. Question: I'm no longer able to attend this session tomorrow, is there any way that I can have the recording shared with me?
    The recording will be posted here: IDHS: Reimagine Youth Development Services (RYDS) Technical Assistance, Appendices and Questions & Answers (
  5. Question: The grant documentation states that the ceiling for the grant is $240,000 plus participant incentives of $900 each. If we estimate participants at 100, should we submit a budget in CSA for $330,000?
    : The applicant should propose a grant amount that reflect the program design, is  reasonable and cost effective. The average award is expected to be $240,000. In addition to that, if an applicant estimates to serve 100 youth in Civic program, the applicant should include $90,000 in the grant exclusive line.
  6. Question: When reviewing the information on Eligible Service Area, the language notes that the OFVP may select up to an additional five areas of any population size and specify those factors involved in making the selection (of service areas). I was writing to see if you might know if those five areas have been predetermined by the OFVP or if it is the duty of the applicant to argue why they meet the factors for selection.
    All RPSA eligible service areas have been selected and are listed in the NOFO.
  7. Question: Our Community Schools program is a holistic initiative that provides activities in all the optional program categories (Life Skills Education, Improving Academic Performance, Recreation, Sports and Cultural/Artistic Activities, Service-Learning Activities, and STEM). However we do not meet all the outcomes mentioned under those categories. For instance, we define Life Skills Education as promotion of SEL and developmental skills, not things related to substance abuse, etc. Particularly since we are serving elementary schools. If we propose to deliver services in these areas, will we be expected to document and report on all the outcomes listed under each category?
    You will be asked to report on ALL of these areas. If you propose programming that does not address a specific outcome, you will need to provide evidence that the programming is not age appropriate. Also - you will be required to provide the specific life skills civics curriculum once it is identified. it would be in addition to whatever else you are proposing.
  8. Question: Many of the evidence based / emerging practices programs are school based, but the RFP is limited to only after school programming. Does that mean that school-based models should not be used?
    School-based models can be adapted to the after-school and community-based setting.
  9. Question: In terms of categories, are we required to track and address all the outcomes associated with each one in the RFP?
    You will be asked to report on ALL of these areas. If you propose programming that does not address a specific outcome, you will need to provide evidence that the programming is not age appropriate. Also - you will be required to provide the specific life skills civics curriculum once it is identified. it would be in addition to whatever else you are proposing. Applicants should expect to track the outcomes associated with the civics component to be determined and any optional service areas you propose in your application.
  10. Question: What if a potential participant doesn't meet the eligibility criteria but is in need of supports. He witnesses his mother being abused by his father.
    Please call the statewide Domestic Violence Helpline at 1.877.863.6338.
  11. Questions: Will the Grant pay for transportation so that we will have a vehicle big enough to take them on trips, or other events?
    : Expenditures for transportation are allowed, such as van rental. See Section A(4)(k) for Participant Transportation.
  12. Question: If our building is just outside the target community but our participants live on the correct municipal blocks and meet other criteria, are we eligible to apply?
    NOFO Section A.2. lists the RPSA Eligible Areas. Applicants must demonstrate an established physical presence in the community proposed to be served. Within Chicago, there is a priority to serve blocks with highest shootings-35% blocks. There is no requirement that the agency have a physical presence within the 35% blocks.
  13. Question: Is the Curriculum for the mandated civic leadership provided by IDHS?
    IDHS will identify the required curriculum. Grantees will be trained to implement the program.
  14. Question: For the required staff, are there specific qualifications needed?
    Please see NOFO Section A 4. (o) Program Staff and Volunteers
  15. Question: Can funds could be used to enhance existing IDHS funded programs?
    Funds must be used as described in the NOFO. If enhancing an existing program, the applicant must ensure this grant is specifically funding new and or additional services and youth. ONLY the staff, youth and services funded by this grant may be charged to the grant. Ideally, a completely new and separate program site specific to this grant would be ideal, but not required.
  16. Question: If we registered with the attorney general's office and file taxes in IL, do we need to register with sec of state to do business? We called the business office and said since we are a national group, even though we've been in Chicago for 10 years we need to fill out the NFP115.13. The PowerPoint listed on the grant that walks us through the process it instructs us to fill out BCA 2.10 articles of incorporation. Do you know exactly what is needed for us to register?
    Any entity doing business within Illinois must register with the SOS. Questions should be directed to SOS. Please follow the instructions to become "pre-qualified": Eligible applicant entities must be registered and prequalified through the Grant Accountability and Transparency Act (GATA) Grantee Portal, available here: Illinois GATA Grantee Portal. See Section C.b.i.
  17. Question: Will there be another technical assistance session scheduled for this funding opportunity or will the Q & A be posted online? Please advise. Answer: There will not be another technical assistance session. The Q&A from the Bidder's Conference will be posted on the NOFO FAQ pages.
  18. Question: Would the $900 participant incentive be in addition to the program budget cap of $240,0000 or included in the program budget total not to exceed the $240,000 cap?
    The participant incentive is an addition to the program budget and added to the Grant Exclusive line. There is not a cap on total program budget, the NOFO states the average award amount is $240,000 plus the participant incentive of up to $900 per participant in the Civics program.
  19. Question: For organizations with established curriculum used for gun violence prevention, should the established curriculum be proposed for use? Should the established curriculum be proposed and implemented in conjunction with program's approved curriculum? Is the approved program curriculum the only expected curriculum to be implemented?
    the first two questions are asking for opinion or recommendation, which we cannot give. The Civics curriculum is mandatory for all grantees. The optional service areas include a link to information about evidence-based and evidence-informed curriculums, it is an applicant's choice on curriculum for the optional service areas.
  20. Question: After reviewing the NOFO, I still am unsure if my organization qualifies to apply for funding. Our brick and mortar offices are located in West Town, but a significant portion of our students reside in Humboldt Park. We provide all services in West Town at our offices, but would tailor this program to only serve residents of Humboldt Park. Does this make us ineligible to apply since we do not have a "physical presence" in Humboldt?
    Applicants must have a physical presence in the RPSA community proposed to be served. West Town is not an RPSA eligible community.
  21. Question: Our mental health program is a designated Community Mental Health Center. I was informed that we receive priority consideration for IDHS grants because of this. Is this true for this particular funding opportunity?
    This is a Youth Development Program as outlined in the NOFO. RPSA has a separate High-Risk Youth Intervention Services grant program that did provide priority consideration. This NOFO does not.
  22. Question: If we are applying for the grant with a fiscal sponsor, should we include our fiscal sponsorship agreement in an appendix? Additionally, if the fiscal sponsor is not a subrecipient, should we note this in the budget narrative or in the CSA?
    The fiscal sponsor should be the applicant. Your agency would be a subrecipient.

July 26, 2024:

  1. Question:  Typically, the budget PDF includes a section for the Executive Director and CFO to sign. Where should we indicate this information if we are printing budgets in the CSA?
    Answer:  Once the CSA budget form is completed and ready to submit, you will be able to electronically sign. there are multiple levels of approval, each in the system. The signers must have IDs that authorize their specific levels of approval. Please refer to the budget instructions refer to IDHS: CSA Tracking System ( printed version of the CSA budget will display any added signatures. use this link to find CSA tracking system:\l%20%22a_toc2
  2. Question:  Under capacity section of NOFO, where I can find the reference to the proposed council's mission statement, to appropriately respond to this question: "Give a brief overview of the applicant entity, outlining its primary programs and services offered. Describe how the existing or proposed council's mission statement and goals align with the purpose of this funding opportunity
    Answer:  Sorry this is an error in the NOFO, the statement should have been "Describe how the applicant's mission statement and goals align with the purpose of this funding opportunity."
  3. Question: Should grant applications to RYDS 444-80-3416 include new programs that will be designed and implemented if awarded the grant or it can include existing programs within the RPSA eligible communities?
    Answer: this question is asking for opinion which we cannot give. It is up to the applicant to decide if they are creating a new program to meet the requirements or adding it to an existing program to enhance or expand services within the RPSA eligible community. see also answer in question 32. Existing RPSA Youth Development and Intervention Services programs will not continue past September 24. Youth Development programs have already been discontinued. 
  4. Question: Is one RPSA Identified Eligible Service Area a neighborhood (such as East Garfield Park) or is it a region (Chicago is one area and Greater Illinois another)?
    Answer: Each service area is identified in Program Description (A)(2)(a & b). There are 26 service areas in Chicago and 16 service areas not in Chicago.
  5. Question:  Are RPSA Identified Eligible Service Areas determined based on where programming takes place, or based on where individuals live? Eg. our programming takes place in East Garfield Park, but participants attend from all areas of the south and west sides. Are we eligible to apply for East Garfield Park as our RPSA Identified Eligible Service Area?
    Answer: see answer to question 20. Service areas are based on where individuals live. Also understand that funded providers must have a physical location inside the eligible service area for which they intend to serve. 
  6. Question: Will we need files on 100% of participants? Will a file audit be scheduled during the grant period?
    Answer: Yes, all participants must have an individual file. All grantees should keep records and be available for an audit at any time during the program. 
  7. Question: Is there currently an RFP and/or NOFO opportunity available for the proposed civics curriculum?
    Answer:  No
  8. Question:  Will there be a separate NOFO release for TTA providers?
    Answer: Yes go to this link for new grant opportunities: IDHS: Community and Positive Youth Development Grants (
  9. Question:  In regards to program service delivery, do we need to partner with an agency to provide the service or can we partner with a school using a MOU/linkage agreement?
    Answer: The option to partner or contract for service delivery or provide services directly is up to the applicant. A school can apply as the applicant to provide afterschool and summer programming meeting the NOFO requirements or can be a sub-contractor for another applicant. 
  10. Question:  Is it the requirement that all youth funded by this grant will participate in the curriculum and receive incentives? 
    Answer: As a two-part question, it is a requirement that all youth participate in the civics curriculum; it is not a requirement for all youth to receive an incentive. It is up to the applicant to determine what incentive works best for youth served in their service area, understanding the maximum amount of incentive per youth is $900. However, there will not be an expectation for youth already served by the program and exiting prior to full implementation of the TBD curriculum to participate. 
  11. Question: When I am typing the body of the grant, do I copy and paste the headings then proceed with responding to it? Or is there a document that you have that you'd like completed with the program details entered?
    Answer:  the link is in the NOFO in Section B, Awarding and Funding Information or use this one:
  12. Question: When I am typing the body of the grant, do I copy and paste the headings then proceed with responding to it? Or is there a document that you have that you'd like completed with the program details entered? 
    Answer: There is not a document or template provided. The program (proposal) narrative makes up the bulk of your application. Please provide a complete response to the following sections. If the program narrative is missing from your application packet, your application may receive a score of zero points and your agency will not meet the criteria to receive a grant under this notice of funding opportunity. 
  13. Question:  Is a fire department eligible for this grant?
    Answer:  Yes, if the department is a unit of local government and if they have a physical presence in an identified service area.
  14. Question: If we offer optional program categories, can youth participate in those without participating in the civics curriculum? 
    Answer: All youth must participate in the civics curriculum and at least one of the optional services. Also see answers to questions 32 and 49. 
  15. Question: Assessment of Need refers to an asset map. What exactly are you looking for? 
    Answer: Assessment of Need - Programming must be designed to meet the specific needs of the community in which it is located. Each Applicant must have a plan to conduct/update their community needs assessment or at a minimum, part of their community needs assessment, annually. This includes local youth, family, school and community surveys and focus groups, in addition to reviewing all relevant available data and recently completed community assessments and any available asset maps. These will be analyzed to determine the level of need in the community and to provide a foundation for developing carefully planned and thoughtful service provision. The results of the assessment/updates will be presented and supported in the application. 

July 31, 2024:

  1. Question: Can we have a food budget line?
    yes, see (4)(s)(iv)Snacks and Meals
    Reimagine Youth Development Services programs may offer nutritious snacks to the participants. All food must be served in accordance with relevant local and state health standards for food preparation and handling and meet the standards of the National Afterschool Association.
    While program funds may be used to purchase food, programs must demonstrate that they researched and applied for assistance through the food programs sponsored through the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), found at; the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE), found at; or through Feeding America, found at
  2. Question: What is the allowability and/or requirement as far as having a community partner to use their facility and we serve as the fiscal agent?
    There is no requirement to have a community partner. Facilities may be provided by applicant, as in-kind from a community partner, or as rent/lease arrangement; this is up to the applicant.
  3. Question: Is one organization permitted to submit two applications for the same community area?
    No, see C.1.b.ii.f: Applications will only be considered for a single eligible service area.
    If an applicant is proposing to provide services in more than one RPSA eligible service area, the applicant must submit a separate application for each eligible area.
    No applicant will be granted more than one Reimagine Youth Development Services program grant award under this CSFA number (444-80-3416) for the same eligible RPSA service area. If an application is received to serve more than one eligible service area as defined in Section A.2. Eligible Service Areas, DHS staff will make one attempt to contact the applicant via the email addresses provided in the Uniform Grant Application form to determine which eligible service area the applicant would like DHS to consider. Absent a response within seven (7) calendar days or if we get a return/undeliverable email, DHS will make a service area selection on behalf of the applicant.
  4. Question: Do we submit a budget for 12 or 9 months since this spans 2 fiscal years?
    Two budgets must be submitted to cover the entire program year, 9-month one from October to June and a 3-month one from July to September. See NOFO Section D Application and Submission Information (D.2.g.)
  5. Question: Can we add a refrigerator to refrigerate the youth's food that they eat during program hours.
    Yes, if determined to meet GATA requirements. The budgets must tie fiscal activity to program objectives and deliverables and demonstrate that all proposed costs are: Reasonable and necessary; Allocable, and Allowable as defined by program regulatory requirements and the Uniform Guidance (2 CFR 200), as applicable.
  6. Question: The Program Narrative Content instructions state "each section must begin on a new page and have a heading that corresponds to the headings listed below after each section number". What items should have a new page?
    See D.2.j.ii Program Narrative: Order of Application, b-f should each start with a new sheet. Item "a. Executive Summary is found in appendices as template".
  7. Question: Is there any specific formatting or template that should be used for the budget narrative?
    No. Per the NOFO in Section , applicant must provide a detailed Budget Narrative of the items allocated within your proposed budget. Identify the source of those funds and detail how the specified resources and personnel are being allocated to ensure the tasks, activities, goals, and objectives described in your proposal will be implemented. If you plan to use additional state or federal funds, or other funds to support the program, please also describe how these additional funds will be utilized to implement the program.
  8. Question: I do not have access to my client's CSA. Is there a template for the budget that you can send me to work from?
    The applicant or authorized representative must enter the budget into the CSA portal and print a copy to include with the application materials. There is a budget template for Subrecipients in Section D.2.j. that can be used as a template but cannot be submitted for the applicant.
  9. Question: Are there examples of incentives that can be used?
    No. there are examples in NOFO of items that cannot be used according to GATA and CFR200 rules.
  10. Question: Are there any existing grant programs (such as being a Laureus grantees or applicants) that would disqualify an agency from applying for this RYDS program?
    No, please see: Section 4.C: Eligibility Information and Grant Funding Requirements
  11. Question: I just want clarification regarding the Reimagine Youth Development grant. The Civics program is mandatory and recipients are provided with your curriculum for implementation?
    Yes, all grantees awarded funding will be trained prior to implementation of the mandatory civics' curriculum. See also answer to question #49.
  12. Question: Is Phoenix Illinois part of the Calumet Cluster for services? 
  13. Question: We received an ARPA grant 2 years ago. Would we still be eligible for this funding?
  14. Question: I have a question regarding the 20-page limit for the narrative section?
    The total application may not exceed 20 pages, single-spaced. The Uniform Application for State Grant Assistance, NOFO Checklist, Executive Summary, other attachments, letters of intent and Uniform Budget are not included in the page limitation.
  15. Question: We operate school programs in several of the RPSA Identified Eligible Chicago Service Areas, but we do not yet have our own space. Are we able to apply to use the funding from this grant to rent a building space for our program in one of the RPSA service areas in order to expand our reach?
    No, per NOFO you must have a physical space located in the eligible service area at the time of application.
  16. Question: What is the criteria for issuing the $75/week award?
    The criteria for issuing incentive payments to youth in the Civics area is up to the applicant. The only restrictions are the youth cannot receive more than $900; the incentive must be based on accomplishments in the Civics program; the applicant must have a written incentive policy; and the incentive itself must meet the CFR200 guidelines for allowable and allocable.
  17. Question: Is the funding for the $900 per student separate from the grant award?
    No, the incentive amount and budget description goes on the Grant Exclusive line in the CSA budget and is part of the overall funding request.
  18. Question: We would like some clarification on geographic restrictions related to the borders of Chicago Community Areas. How would an organization reconcile serving a school whose geography serves multiple community areas?
    Applicant must have a physical presence in the eligible service area and must serve eligible youth from the service area. Youth who reside in other eligible service areas should be referred to service providers in the other area. Applicant must apply separately for each service area and award is limited to three service areas unless an exception is allowed.
  19. Question: Does a separate budget have to be entered into CSA for each area?
    Yes, if applicant is applying for more than one eligible service area, then a separate CSA budget must be entered and respective copy submitted with each application.
  20. Question: Can we provide weekend/break programming at a location outside of our primary community area if our primary school location is closed or unavailable?
    First, programming does not need to take place at a school location. Second, Programming such as fieldtrips, if approved, can take place outside of the service area. Lastly, Yes, it is possible for you to identify a secondary site location for programming at various times throughout the year, however, that secondary site must be accessible by all youth in the program same as the primary site location. Further, that secondary site location must also be located inside the eligible service area.

August 1, 2024:

  1. Question: I am having difficulty downloading the Uniform Grant Budget Template (PDF), even after following the instructions.
    The template is for subrecipient use, the applicant must use the CSA portal to enter budget and include a signed copy as part of the application packet. If applicant wants to use the template to develop a draft (see questions 62 above), the instructions state you must save as pdf, there are instructions on the budget template page. You will get an error if you attempt to open online.
  2. Question: We are trying to find the links to the administrative attachments for RPSA application. Do we create an organization chart (A3) and job description/Resume (A4), or is there a template that has been created to for this that we are just not seeing?
    There is not a template for an organizational chart or for job description/resumes. Each applicant will create their own.
  3. Question: The grant start date is stated as October 1st and awarded agencies have to begin services within 3 months. However, it doesn't appear that the Civics curriculum will be available until 2025. Are the first three months of the contract to be used for ramp up and other program service offerings (i.e., life skills, recreation, etc.)?
    Yes, the awarded grantee is to start services within 3 months of the contract date, which is expected to be Oct 1st. Every applicant must propose at least one of the optional services areas besides the Civics component. We will provide you time to prepare to implement the Civics curriculum once it has been determined.
  4. Question: Is the RYD 25-444-80-3416 grant application to be submitted to or to The previous e-mail is referenced throughout the application, but section 4. Other submission requirements states that application should be sent to the latter e-mail address. I also think Section 4 is giving us the wrong subject line to use as well. Can you confirm the submission details?
    You did find an error in our NOFO, thank you for your question. In Section D. Applicaiton and Submission Information, sub-section 4 Other Submission Requirements the first sentence is incorrect. It should say: Applications must be sent electronically to and received no later than 12:00 p.m. (noon) on Wednesday, 8/7/2024. The application will be electronically time-stamped upon receipt. IDHS will ONLY accept applications submitted by electronic mail sent to Include the following in the subject line: [Applicant Organization Name] RYDS 444-80-3416.
  5. Question: We would like to include the number of participants who already live on the municipal blocks indicated on the provided interactive map. To make the process less labor intensive, is there a way to get the block data in spreadsheet or list form to review our participant data against?
  6. Question: Are we required to use specific assessment tools such as TSCC or ACEs?
  7. Question: Can two age subsets be combined to make up an age group, ie. 11-17 years?
    Yes, as long as the youth are in the overall age range specified in NOFO.
  8. Question: Until the time when the Civic Engagement and Leadership Development curriculum can be implemented, can we utilize incentives in one of the optional service areas?
    No, incentives can only be used in the Civics component.
  9. Question: Is it required that we submit a letter of interest?
  10. Question: Is equipment an allowable expense?
    Yes, if the items area reasonable, necessary for the implementation of the program, allowable, and allocable. Please refer to 2 CFR 200 - Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards, PART 200 Subpart E - Cost Principles to determine the appropriateness of costs.
  11. Question: We were inputting the budgets as requested by the NOFO in two parts. The system did not allow for the 3-month budget for FY26 (7/1/25 to 9/30/25) to be input. For the 9-month FY25 budget (10/1/24 to 6/30/25), it capped it at $180,000. How do we proceed?
    Both budget years are available on CSA and are working for other applicants and there is not a CAP on requested amount. Please review the CSA Users Manual for providers, which can be found by clicking the "help" button at top of CSA portal to ensure you are entering the budgets properly. Further, to avoid the creation of duplicate budgets, you will need to search for an existing budget before entering a new one. Click on the "GATA Budgets" tab to go to the GATA Budgets page. Select the fiscal year from the dropdown menu and click "Search." If the budget has not yet been entered, click on "Add Budget." If the budget has already been entered for the grant, do not create a new one.

August 2, 2024

  1. Question: Upon looking further into the linked UChicago Crime Lab map that is supposed to show the top 35% of city blocks where firearm incidents occur, it looks like it only shows the top 10% of affected blocks. Am I reading the map incorrectly?

Answer: The NOFO lists the eligible service areas, and the U of C Crime Lab maps show 5-10% of blocks where 35% of shootings happen.