SUPR has updated its Prevention Full Time Equivalent (FTE) policy, effective July 1, 2024, to clarify expectations, as meeting training requirements is essential to retaining Prevention staff and equipping them to deliver high-quality services. Please note that this policy change does not influence the total amounts awarded to Chicago Substance Use Prevention Services (CSUPS) and Substance Use Prevention Services (SUPS) grantees but allows providers more flexibility in how they allocate their budgets.
FY24 requirement:
Substance Use Prevention Program grantees must allocate 1 Full Time Equivalent (FTE) for every $75,000 in funding from IDHS/SUPR.
FY25 requirements:
All CSUPS and SUPS grantees must have at least 1 Full-Time Prevention Specialist per grant agreement. Grantees must have one FTE for every $90,000 in Substance Use Prevention, Treatment, and Recovery Services (SUPTRS) Block Grant funding from IDHS/SUPR. All Prevention Specialists (FT or PT) must meet IDHS/SUPR Prevention training requirements within one year of hire.
Shantel High has sent additional guidance to SUPS/CSUPS grantees to help them prepare their FY25 applications and budgets.