Social Services Block Grant Pre-Expenditure Report SFY2025

Public Notice

The Illinois Department of Human Services (DHS) hereby gives notice of the SSBG Report to the citizens of Illinois for review and comment. The report reflects the Department's plans to expend Social Services Block Grant funds for the 2025 state fiscal year, July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025.

This notice is given pursuant to the requirements of Title XX, Section 2004 of the Social Security Act (as enacted in the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981 [P.L. 97-35] and codified at 42 U.S.C. 1397c). Comments regarding this notice will be accepted through July 1, 2025.

Written comments about the FY 2025 Pre-Expenditure Report may be submitted to:

Illinois Department of Human Services

Bureau of Basic Supports-Title XX

823 E. Monroe Street Springfield, Illinois 62701

State of Illinois - J. B. Pritzker, Governor

Department of Human Services - Dulce M. Quintero, Secretary Designate

Social Services Block Grant

Intended Use Plan Pre-Expenditure Report

State Fiscal Year July 2024 - June 2025


As the administrator for the distribution of Social Services Block Grant funds, the Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) is charged with the responsibility of identifying and filling gaps in the social service continuum of the State of Illinois. The task of addressing the needs of the diverse populations of this State is accomplished by engendering a spirit of cooperation between the service provider community, partnering State agencies and the Department. While the Department of Human Services administers large programs dedicated to serving significant populations of customers, the task of filling in the "gaps" which may be caused by need, eligibility factors, federal regulations or lack of a funding source, falls to the bureau which maintains experience and expertise necessary to administer the SSBG, the Bureau of Basic Supports-Title XX. By considering the needs of the individuals, groups or communities, the Department has demonstrated the ability to strategically target populations and provide needed services to persons who otherwise would not be served or under served customers.


Funds are allocated to the 50 States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and the Territories of Guam, American Samoa, the Virgin Islands, and the Northern Mariana Islands. Each fiscal year, States receive an allocation of SSBG funds based on population. Illinois allocation is approximately 4% of the total 1.7 billion in SSBG funds that are awarded to States

For State Fiscal Year 2025, the Illinois allocation is $62,523,100. Approximately 166,100 persons, 44,400 children and 121,700 adults are projected to be served with this funding. Adults are defined as persons released from parent or guardian and age18 or older. Children are defined as under the age of 18 or between 18 and 21 under parental or guardian supervision.

Congress created the Title XX Social Services Block Grant (SSBG) in 1981 as part of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act. Many lawmakers believed that by creating the block grant, states would be able to manage their own programs and respond more efficiently to local needs. Social Services Block Grant (SSBG) funds are to enable each State to furnish social services best suited to meet the needs of the individuals residing within the State.

National Goals

Each State has the flexibility to determine what services will be provided, who is eligible to receive services, and how funds are distributed among various services within the State. Target population is determined by each State according to these needs and must be directed at one or more of five broad statutory goals:

  • Achieving or maintaining economic self support to prevent, reduce or eliminate dependency;
  • Achieving or maintaining self sufficiency, including reduction or prevention of dependency;
  • Preventing or remedying neglect, abuse or exploitation of children and adults unable to protect their own interests or preserving, rehabilitating or reuniting families;
  • Preventing or reducing inappropriate institutional care by providing for community based care, home based care or other forms of less intensive care; and
  • Securing referral or admission for institutional care when other forms of care are not appropriate or providing services to individuals in institutions.

Various federal legislation authorize the block grant: Social Security Act, Title XX, as amended; Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981, as amended, Public Law 97-35; Jobs Training Bill, Public Law 98-8; Public Law 98-473; Medicaid and Medicare Patient and Program Act of 1987; Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987, Public Law 100-203; Family Support Act of 1988, Public Law 100- 485; Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993, Public Law 103-66; 42 U.S.C. 1397 et seq. For more information on the Social Services Block Grant, go to The Administration For Children and Families.

Example Goals for the Department of Human Services

In compliance with Public Act 79-1035, a Human Services Plan is prepared on behalf of the State of Illinois Department of Human Services. This report delivers strategies that support and guarantee a family centered, seamless human services delivery system. Examples of strategic goals are as follows:

  • Improve effectiveness of treatment for persons with co-existing disorders (chronic mental illness and addiction) by stabilizing needs of food and shelter.
  • Improve the health status of children and adolescents.
  • Ensure service coordination/case management outcomes for persons with developmental disabilities relate to individual needs and preferences.
  • Collaborate with human service agencies to help families and individuals obtain economic stability.
  • Collaborate with human service agencies to effectively help individuals with disabilities to maximize independence.


Some restrictions are placed on the use of Title XX funds. Funds cannot be used for the following: most medical care except family planning; medical care (other than family planning services, rehabilitation services, or initial detoxification of an alcoholic or drug dependent individual); purchase of land, construction, or major capital improvements; most room and board except emergency short-term services; educational services generally provided by public schools; most social services provided in and by employees of hospitals, nursing homes, and prisons; cash payments for subsistence; child care services that do not meet State and local standards; and wages to individuals.

Illinois Department of Human Services

Title XX also assures that the mission of IDHS, "to provide immediate and continued supportive services and benefits that empowers individuals and families to gain stability and achieve self sufficiency through advocacy and a broad range of customized resources in a partnership and environment that is supportive, safe and respectful," is fulfilled in the activities funded by the SSBG.

Guiding principles of IDHS are:

  • To help families and individuals help themselves by increasing their ability to meet their responsibilities.
  • To serve clients with respect, fairness, and cultural competence.
  • To deliver services in a way that promotes independent living.
  • To find ways to reduce permanent dependence on the human services system.
  • To strengthen communities by coordinating and linking community and state resources, and involving them as partners in policy making and implementation.
  • To measure the effectiveness of human services in terms of outcomes and costs.
  • To deliver services in the most effective way possible within the resources invested in.

The Family Self-Sufficiency Advisory Council, as stated in 305 ILCS 5/12 4.2d, is composed of 30 members who represent recipients, service providers, local governmental units, community and welfare advocacy groups, and the general public. The Council advises the Department regarding all aspects of assistance delivered or contracted and other areas as deemed appropriate by the Secretary. The Council meets at least quarterly. The Council holds meetings in compliance with Illinois' Open Meetings Act (P.A. 82 387).

Department  Organization

Department organization consists of the following Divisions and Offices which are all involved in services related to the Social Services Block Grant:

  • Division of Substance Use Prevention & Recovery
  • Division of Developmental Disabilities
  • Division of Family and Community Services
  • Division of Mental Health
  • Division of Rehabilitation Services

Eligibility for Services

Eligibility for social services funded by the Social Services Block Grant is determined by each individual State. For Illinois, eligibility is based primarily on the need for services and ability to benefit from the service. Funds are set aside to serve various target populations with many different types of services as defined by the State Department.

Each provider establishes criteria of need according to the service provided. Funds are generally utilized by service providers for families that have few resources and would not otherwise qualify for other state and federal programs. Fees for services are not charged to those served, with the exception of child care which is on a sliding fee scale. Service providers submit a program plan, including a spending plan, to the Department for each Program detailed in the Community Services Agreement.

The standard Community Service Agreement (boilerplate) lists requirements which must be complied with by all contractors providing direct services to clients. The agreement cites the numerous statutes and Administrative Rules which providers must follow, lists the estimated amount of funding (which the Department may add to or reduce as needed without amending the agreement), and lists on the last page all attachments included in the agreement. Additional Exhibits may also be added to specify the scope of work or other provisions specific to the funded services.

How Persons May Apply for Services

Services are delivered through a network of community-based agencies. Persons may apply for services at these agencies and are self-referred or referred by other local community or state agencies. As part of the service, these agencies may also assist persons in applying for other programs such as food stamps, medical, and cash grants. Information on service providers is made available at Family Community Resource Centers located across Illinois. Family Community Resource Centers and service providers can also be located by accessing the Department's website and typing in "Title XX" under search.

Funding Availability

The Department decides if and when to co-fund service programs. This decision is based upon the eligibility of the services to be provided, past experience with the provider in the provision of services, record keeping and general contractual compliance, availability of federal funds, the need for the service in the geographic area as evidenced by research available to the Department concerning the need for services, and the recommendations of sponsoring agencies and the best interests of the client population.

If previously obligated or new funds are made available, the Department may prepare a Request for Proposal, in accordance with Central Management Services Standard Procurement rules (44 Ill. Adm. Code 1).

SSBG Funds Distribution

There are no major changes from Fiscal Year 2021. The funds continue to be distributed to a variety of programs and services through three accounts within IDHS:

Fund Amount
762 Local Initiative Fund $22,000,000
408 Special Purpose Trust Fund $12,394,297
001 General Revenue Fund $28,128,803
Total SSBG Fund Allocation $62,523,100

Local Initiative Fund $22,000,000

The Department makes use of the Local Initiative Fund as governed by the appropriations authority established by the Illinois General Assembly (Illinois Public Aid Code [305 ILCS 5/12-10.1]) for the purpose of purchasing social services. This authority is through the appropriation from the Local Initiative Fund, which is the designated account into which the Department receives federal funds and out of which it reimburses up to 75% of the costs of services provided under the Donated Funds Initiative (DFI).

The Division of Family and Community Services (DFCS), Bureau of Basic Supports-Title XX, as well as the Divisions of Substance Use Prevention & Recovery, Community Health and Prevention, Developmental Disabilities, Mental Health and Rehabilitation Services contract with community-based providers for a variety of services. Public or private not-for-profit agencies providing services funded through the Local Initiative Fund are required (Illinois Administrative Code Title 89, Part 130) to provide local cash match and in-kind contributions for 25% of the cost of the program being funded. No more than 15% of the total cost of the program may be represented by in-kind contributions and no less than 10% cash match. The United Way, mental health boards, and donations from the community are examples of the local cash match. The other 75% is made available from federal funds provided through the Title XX Social Services Block Grant.

In addition to the Department sponsored Donated Funds Initiative programs, other Donated Funds Initiative programs are sponsored by the Departments on Aging, Corrections, and Children and Family Services.

  • Special Initiatives
  • Crisis Nurseries

Through a partnership with six crisis nurseries, some of Illinois' most fragile families, many of whom experience crisis due to violence, family dysfunction, medical emergency or lost employment, have hope and opportunity. There are currently six Donated Funds Initiative funded nurseries, Rockford, Des Plaines, Peoria, Bloomington, Urbana and Springfield. These empower families by providing opportunity for stabilization; that first step forward, and support for the many steps that follow.

Care is provided in a licensed facility where state requirements for food preparation, staff-child ratio, health and safety and other licensing requirements are followed. The nurseries work with families who have children under six by providing 24-hour round-the-clock crisis care and children's groups, and by providing home visits, parenting classes, parent support groups, crisis counseling and referrals to after care services. The strategy is to build a community-based support system.

Over 60,800 persons are served through the Donated Funds Initiative each year. Sponsored service providers deliver the following services:

  • Domestic violence prevention services
  • Employment services for low income families
  • Family services to prevent neglect and abuse
  • Nurseries for infants and small children for families in crisis
  • Rehabilitation services for the disabled
  • Services for ex offenders
  • Senior services
  • Services for mental health and developmental disabilities
  • Treatment of alcohol and substance abuse
  • Youth development services
  • Homeless Prevention Services
  • Other specialized community services to be determined

These funds are also utilized for administration cost associated with the oversight of the activities funded by the Social Services Block Grant. The administrative rules, program manual, service definitions, and list of service providers for this program may be obtained from the Department's website .

Special Purpose Trust Funds $12,394,297

The Department makes use of the Special Purpose Trust Fund as governed by the appropriations authority established by the Illinois General Assembly (305 ILCS 5/12 5). These funds are used for services administered by the Department's Division of Family and Community Services and the Illinois Department of Public Health. The Department contracts with community-based providers for a variety of services:

  • Chicago Department of Public Health
  • Better Birth Outcomes
  • Family Planning Services
  • Youth Opportunity
  • Parents Care and Share
  • Responsible Parenting
  • Parents Too Soon
  • IL Perinatal Quality Collaborative
  • High Risk Infant Follow Up/HealthWorks
  • Perinatal/Postpartum Depression

Over 84,000 persons are served through this funding each year. The administrative rules, program manual, service definitions, and list of service providers may be obtained from the Department's website www

General Revenue Funds $28,128,803

SSBG funds that are not utilized by the Local Initiative and Special Purpose Trust Funds are utilized to reimburse eligible General Revenue Fund expenditures that do not qualify for claiming to other assistance programs. In addition to the SSBG federal allocation, up to 10% of the Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) block grant may be transferred into the Social Services Block Grant to reimburse for expenditures for families whose income is below 200% of federal poverty guidelines. Only allowable services and costs are claimed under the SSBG federal program. Services that are reimbursed with General Revenue Funds and claimed to the Social Services Block Grant include the following programs:

  • Home Services
  • Domestic Violence Intervention
  • Other DCFS Services as needed

TANF Transfer (Day Care-Children): $1,200,000.00 occurs to service an estimated 183 children with an estimated typical annual cost of $6,557 per child.

Additional expenditures for services provided through the Department of Children and Family Services may also be claimed as needed. These may include adoption, counseling, foster care, homemaker, protective intervention, and residential child care. Further information on these services can also be obtained from the Department's website.

Assessment of Compliance

The Title XX Social Services Block Grant is a major federal program and is included in the State's annual Single Audit and is on file with the Illinois Auditor General. The DHS Office of Contract Administration (OCA) is responsible for fiscal and administrative compliance. Program Divisions are responsible for evaluation of provider readiness and current compliance with DHS service delivery provisions and the related Manuals and Exhibits. Program Divisions are also responsible for payment and reconciliation methods and are also involved in fiscal and administrative on-site monitoring.

As a technical assistance tool for agencies, OCA has developed a "self-assessment checklist" that can guide a provider to summarize the general fiscal and administrative requirements and to identify the specific contract requirements of each service funded within a DHS Community Services Agreement. The individual checklist items may not apply to every agency, and the checklist is not intended to be a comprehensive list of requirements. The self-assessment checklist can be used to guide the organization to review the contract, attachment(s), Manual(s), and any cited regulations for administrative and client care systems.

State Reporting

Each year, States are required to prepare a federal pre-expenditure report indicating how they will use the Title XX SSBG funds. The due date for the pre-expenditure report is thirty days prior to the beginning of the State's fiscal year. States are also required to prepare a post expenditure report within six months after the end of the fiscal year. States complete these reports based on uniform federal service definitions.

This report is made available to the public on the Department's website to meet public notification requirements.

State Service Definitions for the SSBG

The following is a listing of service programs that may be funded by the Social Services Block Grant:

Chicago Department of Public Health

Direct health services and enabling services to pregnant women, children and women of reproductive age in the city of Chicago. Services are provided to the non-Medicaid and medically indigent population in CDPH clinics.

Child Care

Direct care and supervision of children inside or outside their homes during a portion of a 24-hour day in a day care center or in a home that meets state and local standards.

Comprehensive Youth Development

Comprehensive activities provided to youth and their families that are designed to improve personal and social functioning. The activities aim to prevent future contact with the juvenile justice system. Youth may be placed in regular or specialized group homes or foster homes when appropriate.

Crisis Nurseries

Provide 24 hour crisis care and post crisis care in licensed facilities to at-risk families who have children less than seven years of age. The contract deliverables, service activities, cost and outcomes are stipulated in the Program Plan.

Domestic Violence Victim Services

Provide safety assistance to victims of domestic violence.

Early Intervention (IDHS/Division of Community Health and Prevention)

Provides services for infants and toddlers under three years of age who may have or be at risk for a developmental delay.

Employability Development

Arrange or provide for assistance in acquiring academic or vocational skills to enable individuals to obtain, retain, or improve employment and overcome barriers to employability. The service activities are not generally available without cost in the public school system.

Family Planning

Confidential and voluntary services provide information about birth control methods or help in planning the number and spacing of children, if and when you decide to become pregnant.

Healthy Families

Home visitation with expectant and new parents at risk for problems in parenting including child abuse/neglect.

Home Services

Provides services to individuals with severe disabilities so they can remain in their own homes and live as independently as possible.

Illinois Dept of Public Health

Direct health services and enabling services to pregnant women, children and women of reproductive age in the state of Illinois. Services are provided to the non-Medicaid and medically indigent population in IDPH clinics.

Illinois Perinatal Quality Collaborative

Develops and facilitates trainings for providers in key areas of concern surrounding maternal and infant morbidity and mortality.

Parents Too Soon

Services to individuals 20 years of age or younger who are facing the risk of long-term dependency or whose children might be at risk of abuse or neglect.

Perinatal Postpartum Depression

Complete postpartum depression screening, assessment, treatment and psychiatric services to postpartum women referred from DHS' Family Case Management and Healthy Families Illinois programs. Increase knowledge of the signs, symptoms and treatment of perinatal mood disorders through training to community agencies and medical providers

Protective Intervention

Assistance to individuals in response to potential, actual, or alleged abuse, neglect, or exploitation and who are unable to protect their own interests or individuals who are harmed or threatened with harm through action or inaction by another individual or through their own actions.

Rehabilitation and Training for People with Disabilities

Residential care or home-based instruction, training, and rehabilitation to meet the special needs of individuals with disabilities. Services are not generally available to state residents without cost or without regard to their income.

Rehabilitation and Treatment for Substance Abuse

Comprehensive range of treatment, deterrent, and rehabilitation service activities designed to reduce or eliminate abuse or dependency, restore individuals to a drug free condition, and/or deter experimental use.

Services for People Who Are Blind and Visually Impaired

Assists adults who are blind or visually impaired in achieving their education, employment, and independent living goals.

Social Adjustment and Rehabilitation

Direct interaction between a service provider and an individual(s) in need of assistance in coping with personal problems and improving social functioning.

TANF is voluntary for all other eligible teen parents. The goal of the program is to increase below post secondary school completion, reduce subsequent pregnancy, improve parenting skills, increase the rate of the immunizations, well baby visits and screening for developmental delay of the teen parent's children.


Assisting persons in making arrangements for travel to and from community resources. Services are provided to individuals sixty years of age or older. Services are measured based on each one-way participant trip. Each participant must reside in a non long term care setting within a pre established geographic service area.

Youth Opportunity intensive counseling with a focus on building self-esteem; on-site case management, with an emphasis on identifying and resolving barriers to school completion; career awareness activities; job readiness activities; vocational training; advocacy; job placement and job retention support; and mentoring.

Definition of Family, from the TANF State Plan for TANF Eligibility.

Families must contain at least one eligible child under the age of 18, or under the age of 19 if attending secondary school full time and may contain no more than two adult caretakers who are related to the children, or are related to each other by marriage. All eligible siblings residing in the home, including eligible half siblings of children included in the assistance unit, must be included in the assistance unit. Parents of the children living with them must be included in the assistance family unit, and their income must be considered when determining eligibility and assistance levels.

Other related caretakers may choose to be included in or excluded from the assisted family unit if they have insufficient income to support themselves according to agency standards. They are not required to be included.

Pregnant women and, if living in the home, their spouse or civil union partner, with no children in the home, may be eligible upon application and verification of her pregnancy.

To be eligible a child must live with a caretaker adult related to the child to the fifth degree of consanguinity.

Children and their married minor parent(s) under age 18 living with the minor parent's parents will be considered separate family units from their parents and siblings. If both legal parents are living with the children, one or both are minors, and they are not married, they will be considered a separate family unit even if living with the children's grandparents.

An unmarried parent under the age of 18 and the minor's children will be included in any existing assistance unit of the minor parent's parents if all three generations are living together.

Crosswalk of Federal/state Service Categories

The federal government has uniform service categories for reporting. The following chart shows the state category as it relates to the federal category:

Federal Service Definition State Plan Equivalent (Grouped by Federal Category)
Case Management Services Case Coordination (IDHS)
Counseling Services Social Adjustment and Rehabilitation, Crisis Nursery, Youth Opportunity, Refugee (IDHS/IDCFS/IDOC)
Child Care Services-Children Child Care for Children (IDCFS)
Employment Services Employability Development (IDHS/IDOC)*
Health Related Services Better Birth Outcomes, Chicago Dept. of Public Health, Il Perinatal Quality Collaborative, Parents Care & Share, Perinatal/Post Partum Depression (IDHS/IDPH)
Home Based Services Home Services Program (IDHS/HSP)
Pregnancy and Parenting Family Planning Services, Parents Too Soon, High Risk Infant Follow Up/HealthWorks, Responsible Parenting
Prevention and Intervention Services Comprehensive Intervention for Victims of Domestic Violence (IDHS)
Special Services - Youth at Risk Comprehensive Youth Development (IDOC)
Substance Abuse Services Rehabilitation and Treatment for Substance Abuse (IDHS)
Transportation Services Transportation for Seniors (IDoA)*
Other Services Services to be Determined (IDHS)


  • IDCFS - Illinois Department of Children and Family Services*
  • IDHS Illinois Department of Human Services
  • IDHS/HSP Illinois Department of Human Services/Home Services
  • IDOC Illinois Department of Corrections*
  • IDoA Illinois Department on Aging*
  • IDPH Illinois Department of Public Health

*IDHS may contract directly with the provider but service is sponsored by partner Departments.

401 South Clinton Street, Chicago, Illinois 60607

100 South Grand Avenue, East, Springfield, Illinois 62762

State of Illinois Website

Programs, activities and employment opportunities in the Illinois Department of Human Services are open and accessible to any individual or group without regard to age, sex, race, sexual orientation, disability, ethnic origin or religion. The department is an equal opportunity employer and practices affirmative action and reasonable accommodation programs.

Printed by the Authority of the State of Illinois.

Single Audit