December 11, 2023 - Meeting Minutes

Illinois Opioid Remediation Advisory Board

Workforce Development and Infrastructure Workgroup

December 11, 2023

Virtual Meeting Held Via Zoom

Meeting Minutes

Workforce Development and Infrastructure Workgroup Members

Blanca Campos, Community Behavioral Healthcare Association (Chair)

Chelsea Laliberte Barnes, Live4Lali

Angie Hampton, Egyptian Health Department

Kristin Hanblock, Rosecrance

Theressa Perdieu, CEAD Council (DBA Hour House)

John Horsely, Kenneth Young Center

Mila Tsagalis, DuPage County Health Department

Lora Passetti, Chestnut Health Systems

Chris Schaffner, JOLT Harm Reduction

Dr. Trenton Fedrick, Habilitative Systems, Inc.

Michelle Saddler, Kittleman and Associates

Tom Wright, MD, Rosecrance

Angel Cruz, Peoria County Sheriff's Office

Jen Nagel-Fischer, The Porchlight Collective, SAP

Bessie Alcantara, Alternatives, Inc.

Welcome and Roll Call

Sue Pickett, PhD of Advocates for Human Potential, Inc. (AHP), facilitator, welcomed the group and roll call was taken. All members were presents except for Kristin Hanblock, Dr. Tom Wright, and Bessie Alcantara. Quorum was established.

Review and Approval of November 13, 2023 Meeting Minutes

Ms. Campos, working group chair, called for a motion to approve the November meeting minutes. Dr. Fedrick made a motion to approve the minutes. John Horsely seconded the motion. All members present voted in favor of approving the minutes. The motion passed.

Priority Recommendation for the IORAB

Working group members discussed the following recommendation: Provide funding to support paid clinical internships and the expansion of dedicated supervision for entry-level clinicians.

  • The recommendation should be expanded to include funding for scholarships, certification/licensure, and training.
  • Add language that would encourage these funds to be used to specifically target underserved communities and populations.
  • Dr. Barnett asked the group how the recommendation differs from current community behavioral health scholarship programs (e.g., Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor (CADC) Success, Certified Recovery Support Specialist (CRSS) Success)). Ms. Campos responded that it is different because it is not a student loan repayment program but rather to provide support for people before incurring debt/student loans to encourage them to enter the behavioral health workforce.
  • The group discussed expanding the types of behavioral health workers eligible for this funding, and not just limiting it to entry-level and early career clinicians. Doing so will be more inclusive and better meet the different needs of the different types of behavioral health workers, from master-level clinicians to CADCs to peer support specialists.
  • The group agreed to replace "clinical internships" with "training experiences" to be more inclusive and to add a note that training includes internships, training experiences, and field training.
  • It was noted that funding should prioritize rural and underserved communities.
  • The group voted on the following recommendation: "Provide funding to support paid training experiences/field training and the expansion of dedicated supervision including but not limited to entry-level and early career clinicians, peer support specialists, harm reduction providers, and individuals working toward licensure or supervision." Ms. Campos asked for a motion to approve the recommendation. Ms. Passetti motioned to approve the recommendation. Ms. Nagel-Fischer seconded the motion. All member present voted in favor of approving the recommendation. The motion passed.

The group discussed recommendations related to harm reduction that were considered at the last meeting:

  • It was noted that studies show that harm reduction syringe access programs are chronically and severely underfunded by at least 15-25% of the budget that is recommended for these programs. There is a need for significant, robust funding supporting infrastructure to hire and maintain staff and provide them with essential support, education, and training that they need to operate efficiently.
  • Provide funding for a harm reduction technical assistance (TA) center and a learning lab for overdose prevention site (OPS) readiness. Dr. Pickett noted that the Access & Equity Working Group is working on an OPS recommendation.
  • The group inquired about opportunities to bill for harm reduction services and, if and when there is an ability to bill for these services, what that process would look like. Dr. Pickett shared that SUPR is holding a meeting later today to discuss this matter and encouraged harm reduction agencies to attend. Dr. Barnett said he would follow-up with SUPR for further information. It was noted that billing for harm reduction services may require changes to Administrative Code 2060 as well as identifying how insurance defines harm reduction.

Public Participation

  • A member of the public stated that many harm reduction agencies are built from the ground up and do not have administrative support. There is a concern that larger agencies will co-opt harm reduction and duplicate those services rather than work with existing harm reduction agencies. How do we ensure that funding goes to the grassroot harm reduction agencies and supporting the harm reductionists and peer support specialists who have been doing this work?
    • Dr. Pickett noted that one of SUPR's Regional Leadership Centers has created webinars on how to apply for Notices of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) and will share the link to the webinars following the meeting.
    • Ms. Campos inquired whether settlement funds can be used to support a living/competitive wage. A RCCA member who attended the meeting explained that NOFOs can only require that staff be paid a salary in accordance of local ordinance(s), so there can't be a salary requirement that exceeds the state minimum wage.
    • A member asked if the group could consider using funds to incentivize retention, either by building in wage increases or a bonusing process. Ms. Campos said the group can discuss a retention recommendation at the next work group meeting.


  • Dr. Pickett encouraged members representing harm reduction organization to attend this afternoon's meeting. If you have specific questions for SUPR, please email Dr. Pickett ( or Dr. Barnett ( Dr. Pickett also reminded everyone that per the Open Meetings Act, working group members cannot meet in groups of four or more outside of this meeting. If there are more than three members planning to meet, you must notify Dr. Pickett prior to the meeting so it can be made available to the public.
  • Ms. Campos thanked participants and adjourned the meeting. The next meeting of the Workforce Development & Infrastructure Working Group is Monday, January 8, 2024 from 11 am-12 pm.