Early Intervention Monthly Statistical Report - January 2024

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Category 1/2024 12/2023 SFY 22 SFY 21 Avg. Change 1/2023 1/2022 Most Recent (6 mo./3 mos.)
1. # Referrals: 3,917 2,598 3,206 2,747 459 3,781 3,281 n/a
2. # New Initial IFSPs: 1,624 1,555 1,823 1,539 284 1,634 1,591 n/a
3. # Cases In Intake: 3,806 3,294 3,952 3,895 57 3,795 3,710 n/a
4. # Active IFSPs: 22,924 23,089 21,174 17,814 3,360 22,842 20,990 6 mos.: 23,569
5. # Active Cases: 26,730 26,383 25,125 21,709 3,417 26,637 24,700 n/a
6. % New IFSPs / Referrals: 41.50% 59.9% 56.9% 56.0% 0.8% 43.2% 48.5% n/a
7. % Intake / Active: 14.20% 12.5% 15.7% 17.9% -2.2% 14.2% 15.0% n/a
8. # Staffing Levels - Actual: 452.8 451.8 412.8 446.3 -33.5 414.97 405.23 n/a
8b. # Staffing Levels - Funded: 513.5 485.4 413.3 452.8 -39.5 521.0 425.1 n/a
8c.Vacancy Rate: 11.80% 6.9% 0.1% 1.5% -1.3% 20.3% 4.7% 3 mos.: 8.7%
9. Ave Caseload (All Active): 59.0 58.4 60.9 48.6 12.2 64.2 61.0 n/a
9a Ave Caseload (Active): 50.6 51.1 51.3 39.9 11.4 55.0 51.8 n/a
9b Ave Caseload (Funded): 44.6 47.6 51.2 39.3 11.9 43.8 49.4 n/a
11. % Intake past 45 days: 5.18% 12.33% 4.69% 2.09% 2.60% 7.83% 0.00% 6 mos.: 8.43%
12. % Intake past 75 days: 2.71% 3.92% 1.55% 1.25% 0.30% 3.77% 0.00% 6 mos.: 3.69%
14. % Participation: 5.37% 5.41% 4.96% 4.18% 0.79% 5.36% 4.92% 6 mos.: 5.53%
15. % with Medicaid: 50.10% 50.5% 48.3% 50.5% -2.2% 52.3% 51.4% n/a
16. % with Fees: 30.70% 30.0% 30.8% 29.0% 1.8% 30.7% 31.1% n/a
17. % with Insurance: 38.60% 38.4% 40.1% 39.8% 0.3% 39.7% 40.0% n/a
18.Closed w/o Referral or Spec Ed: 19.10% 22.6% 20.4% 26.8% -0.1 17.5% 24.2% 6 mos.: 15.7%
19. Avg. Age of Active IFSPs: 784.7 784.7 785.6 784.4 1.2 783.9 786.7 n/a
20. % of Cases over 2 1/2: 36.60% 36.3% 36.1% 36.0% 0.1% 35.7% 36.3% 6 mos.: 36.9%
21. Term from Intake Family: 78.20% 76.1% 70.5% 70.5% 0.0 0 0 6 mos.: 74.8%
22. Term from IFSP Family Reason: 12.30% 12.6% 15.7% 18.8% 0.0 0 0 6 mos.: 10.6%
23. Intake to IFSP - Avg. days: 32.13 30.01 34.59 41.43 -6.85 34.49 38.24 6 mos.: 30.93
24.% Initial IFSP within 45 days: 94.20% 95.2% 88.0% 78.2% 9.8% 89.1% 81.5% n/a
25. Avg. Age at Initial IFSP (days): 618.7 612.6 629.1 629.2 -0.1 0 0 6 mos.: 617.7
26.% Initial IFSPs < 1: 20.00% 18.0% 17.4% 17.3% 0.1% 0 0 6 mos.: 19.0%
27.% Occurrences in Nat.: 95.30% 95.5% 97.6% 98.9% -1.2% 96.2% 97.5% 6 mos.: 95.6%
29.% of Cases Under 1: 7.70% 7.4% 7.8% 7.6% 0.2% 7.8% 7.8% 6 mos.: 7.5%
30.% Participation Rate Under 1: 1.32% 1.29% 1.25% 1.02% 0.23% 1.33% 1.23% 6 mos.: 1.33%
31.% Transition meetings: 91.84% 90.99% 88.95% 86.53% 2.43% 91.99% 86.59% 6 mos.: 93.27%
32.% Service Delays: 8.33% 8.68% 4.71% 3.32% 1.39% 7.24% 0 n/a