FY24 IDHS SUPR Training Opportunities and NEW SUPR Training Course

New Training Calendar

The Illinois Department of Human Services/Division of Substance Use Prevention and Recovery (IDHS/SUPR) encourages you to participate in our sponsored trainings scheduled during the third and fourth quarters of fiscal year 2024. The trainings focus on best practices in substance use disorder treatment and recovery support, such as:

  • LGBTQ & Addiction
  • Harm Reduction
  • Co-occurring disorders
  • Recovery Coaching

Please review the handout, "FY24 3rd-4th Qtrs. IDHS-SUPR Training Calendar", for a list of all trainings that are scheduled between February through June 2024. IDHS/SUPR encourages your organization to review the calendar as it includes descriptions, dates and times for each training, and registration information. Please note that Prevention First is coordinating the trainings.

Registration Instructions

Registration will remain open until all training slots are full. IDHS/SUPR cannot expand the number of slots available for these trainings. Therefore, early registration is highly encouraged. The trainings are free and CEUs will be offered for Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselors (CADCs), social workers and licensed clinical professional counselors.

Billing for Participation

As a reminder, IDHS/SUPR-funded organizations can bill for participation in these trainings.

Staff time spent in an IDHS/SUPR sponsored training can be billed to Community Intervention using activity code 35.


If you are unable to attend a training after you registered, IDHS/SUPR highly encourages you to formally cancel your registration as soon as possible prior to the event. For guidance about how to cancel your registration, please see the instructions for how to register. At the end of this handout, you will find step by step instructions about how to cancel your registration. If you are unable to attend a training the day of the training (e.g., due to illness, emergency), please contact Prevention First at 1.800.252.8951 extension 123, to let Prevention First staff know that you are unable to attend.

NEW Training Course - Introduction to IDHS/SUPR

A new online training that assists organizations become acquainted with important information about the Division of Substance Use Prevention and Recovery is now available to all organizations focused on treatment and intervention services. This is a self-paced course that takes approximately 60 to 90 minutes to complete. The "Introduction to IDHS/SUPR" includes five modules:

  • Module 1: Overview of SUPR
  • Module 2: Substance Use Disorder Act and the Administrative Code - Part 2060
  • Module 3: SUPR Communication Methods and Information Sources
  • Module 4: Administrative, Fiscal and Programmatic Compliance
  • Module 5: Training and Technical Assistance

You and your staff are encouraged to complete this new online course. It is available to any staff within your organization and participation is voluntary. If you start the training and cannot finish the course, you can leave and return where you left off by clicking the "Resume" button when you come back to complete the training. To register for the training, please visit Prevention First's website: Introduction to IDHS/SUPR

Illinois Co-occurring Center for Excellence (ICOCE)

Weekly Learning Support Series

The 2024 ICOCE Weekly Learning Support Series was initiated to assist and support IDHS/SUPR licensed organizations address co-occurring disorders. Weekly sessions are scheduled through end of March 2024. For more information, please see the handout for dates, times, topics and presenters. No registration is required and there is no fee to joinany of the weekly sessions. CEUs are also issued. To join, use the same Zoom link for all Sessions: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/9421288143  | Meeting ID: 942 128 8143  

DUI Service Provider Orientation

As a reminder, additional DUI trainings offered by the University of Illinois Springfield (UIS) are

scheduled as follows:

* DUI Service Provider Training Program training: March 5-7, April 16-18 and May 21-23, 2024

* Advanced DUI Training - Secretary of State Denial Letters: June 6, 2023

All trainings are held by Zoom from 9 AM to 4 PM and CEUs are available. Registration is open for thistraining course. To register and learn more about upcoming DUI trainings, please visit their website at Registration | University of Illinois Springfield (uis.edu) If you have any questions about trainings or registration, please email UIS at ILLAPSS-UPR@uis.edu