IDHS Legislative Initiatives Non-General Revenue Funds

Appropriation Name CY Approp. CY Adj. CY Est. Exp. BY Adj. BY Request
Carter Temple Community Development Corporation (324) $1,000.0 ($1,000.0)
First Responders Wellness Program in City of Chicago (611) $10,000.0 $10,000.0
Home Modification Program (611) $7,500.0 $7,500.0
Non-Profit Organization for assess addiction tx facilities (611) $450.0 $450.0
Off-Hours Child Care Program (791) $2,000.0 $2,000.0 $2,000.0
Statewide 211 (611) $2,256.8 $2,256.8
Subtotal $3,000.0 ($1,000.0) $2,000.0 $20,206.8 $22,206.8
4 K.I.D.S. Sake (611) $10.0 $10.0
A New Beginning Starts Now (611) $700.0 $700.0
Addons for Specified Named Entities (611) $3,907.7 $3,907.7
AGP (611) $250.0 $250.0
Alternative School Network (611) $0.9 $0.9
Alternatives (611) $33.7 $33.7
Angel's Youth (611) $116.6 $116.6
Arab American Family Services (611) $250.0 $250.0
ARPA - Homeless Youth Services (324) $727.2 ($545.0) $182.2 $362.8 $545.0
ARPA - Housing is Recovery Pilot (324) $10,000.0 ($9,089.3) $910.7 $8,178.6 $9,089.3
ARPA - Illinois Special Children's Charities (324) $8,735.6 ($8,196.0) $539.7 $7,656.3 $8,196.0
ARPA - Illinois Special Olympics (324) $6,018.9 ($4,778.7) $1,240.2 $3,538.5 $4,778.7
ARPA - Legal Assistance to Migrants (324) $2,155.0 ($1,814.8) $340.2 $1,474.6 $1,814.8
ARPA - Living to Serve - health disparity initiatives (324) $6.4 $6.4 $6.4
ARPA - MH Services to First Responders (324) $4,884.1 ($4,101.3) $782.8 $3,318.5 $4,101.3
ARPA - MH, Behavioral Health, Substance Abuse and Other services (324) $7,137.6 ($5,537.0) $1,600.6 $3,936.4 $5,537.0
ARPA - Parents Too Soon (324) $9,991.3 ($8,288.4) $1,702.9 $6,585.4 $8,288.4
ARPA - Refugee Case Management (324) $0.7 $0.7 $0.7
ARPA - Special Olympics Illinois (324) $1,000.0 $1,000.0 $1,000.0
ARPA - Suicide Prevention (324) $5,000.0 $5,000.0 $5,000.0
ARPA - Supportive Housing Services (324) $20,639.0 ($17,796.0) $2,843.1 $14,952.9 $17,796.0
ARPA - Supportive Housing Services (324) $1,595.6 $1,595.6 $1,595.6
ARPA - Teen Reach After-School Programs (324) $4,443.2 ($1,293.2) $3,150.0 ($1,856.8) $1,293.2
ARPA - United African Organization Welcoming Centers (324) $1,638.3 $1,638.3 $1,638.3
ARPA - United Power (324) $8,575.0 ($8,372.7) $202.3 $8,170.4 $8,372.7
ARPA - Welcoming Centers (324) $3,365.3 ($2,316.0) $1,049.4 $1,266.6 $2,316.0
ARPA - Working on Womanhood (324) $3.9 $3.9 $3.9
ARPA - Youth Employment Programs (324) $47,733.1 ($33,052.3) $14,680.8 $18,371.6 $33,052.3
ARPA - Youth Guidance - Becoming a Man Program (324) $0.3 $0.3 $0.3
ARPA - East Bluff Community Center (324) $47.0 $47.0 $47.0
ARPA - Emerg & Transition Housing recruitment and retention - Reapprop (324) $1,038.4 ($757.5) $280.9 $476.5 $757.5
ARPA - Homeless Prevention recruitment and retention - Reapprop (324) $1,100.0 $1,100.0 $1,100.0
ARPA - Homeless Youth Program recruitment and retention - Reapprop (324) $446.1 ($132.8) $313.3 ($180.5) $132.8
ARPA - Peoria County for Residential Safety Improv (324) $75.0 $75.0 $75.0
ARPA - Peoria County Tenth Judicial Circuit Court Visitation Center (324) $100.0 $100.0 $100.0
ARPA - Prevention of Abuse (324) $73.3 $73.3 $73.3
ARPA - South Side Mission (324) $39.2 $39.2 $39.2
ARPA - Supportive Housing recruitment and retention - Reapprop (324) $1,987.3 ($903.0) $1,084.2 ($181.2) $903.0
ARPA - Supportive MI Housing recruitment and retention - Reapprop (324) $2,271.4 $2,271.4 $2,271.4
Ashunti Residential Management Systems Inc (611) $182.1 $182.1
Asian Human Services (611) $2.5 $2.5
Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, St. Louis Chapter (611) $310.4 $310.4
Atlas Academy (611) $210.0 $210.0
Austin Chamber of Commerce (611) $206.3 $206.3
Austin Community Family Center (611) $250.0 $250.0
Beautiful Angels (611) $388.9 $388.9
Berwyn Public Health District (611) $250.0 $250.0
Bethel New Life Inc (611) $500.0 $500.0
Black Ensemble Theater (611) $20.2 $20.2
Black Fire Brigade (611) $1,404.3 $1,404.3
Black Girls Break Bread - Org programs and srvs (611) $99.7 $99.7
Black Men United to fight Homelessness and Hunger (611) $514.4 $514.4
Black Researchers Collective (611) $700.0 $700.0
Boys and Girls Clubs of Central Illinois (611) $82.6 $82.6
Bridge Water Sullivan Community Life Center (611) $130.0 $130.0
Bright Leadership Institute (611) $208.4 $208.4
Bright Star Community Outreach (611) $50.0 $50.0
Build (611) $8.4 $8.4
Building Brighter Futures (611) $214.2 $214.2
Calumet Memorial Park (611) $184.6 $184.6
CAPS (611) $500.0 $500.0
Carter Temple Developmental Corporation (611) $202.3 $202.3
Center for Prevention of Abuse, Education and Training Human Trafficking Prevention (611) $1,000.0 $1,000.0
Chatham Community Collaborative (611) $777.8 $777.8
Chicago Austin Your Travel Adventure (611) $72.4 $72.4
Chicago Center for Torah and Chesed (611) $125.0 $125.0
Chicago Center for Torah and Chesed (611) $125.0 $125.0
Chicago Police Memorial Foundation, including First Responders MH Prgms (611) $2,000.0 $2,000.0
Chicago Recovering Communities Coalition (611) $850.0 $850.0
Chicago West Community Music Center (611) $164.8 $164.8
Chicago Westside Branch of the NAACP (611) $500.0 $500.0
Chinese Mutual Aid (611) $4.3 $4.3
Chinese Mutual Aid (611) $90.3 $90.3
Christian Community Health Center (611) $1,000.0 $1,000.0
City of Brooklyn (611) $1,000.0 $1,000.0
City of Cahokia Heights (611) $442.6 $442.6
City of East St Louis (611) $456.8 $456.8
City of Madison (611) $119.9 $119.9
City of North Chicago (611) $47.1 $47.1
City of Peoria for Violence Prevention (611) $500.0 $500.0
City of Venice (611) $165.8 $165.8
City of Washington Park (611) $500.0 $500.0
Club Apaseo el Alto (611) $188.9 $188.9
Community Counseling Centers of Chicago (C4) in Oak Park (611) $500.0 $500.0
Community Works (611) $5.3 $5.3
Concerned Christian Men (611) $250.0 $250.0
Court-based Eviction early resolution programs and legal assistance - to Counties (611) $2,000.0 $2,000.0
CYN Counseling Center - Comm Bsd Counseling and Psychotherapy (611) $250.5 $250.5
DD Community and LTC recruitment and retention (611) $12,500.0 $12,500.0
Don Moyers Boys and Girls Club (611) $134.9 $134.9
Don Moyers Boys and Girls Club (611) $150.0 $150.0
DuPage Pads Inc for vehicle purchase (611) $60.0 $60.0
East Side Health District for Comm Garden and Sexual Health Prgm (611) $87.2 $87.2
Edna's Circle (611) $250.0 $250.0
Elite Community Outreach (611) $272.6 $272.6
Elyssa's Mission (611) $25.9 $25.9
Employee Connections (611) $53.7 $53.7
Englewood First Responders (611) $339.9 $339.9
Family Core (611) $500.0 $500.0
Family Focus Cicero (youth, violence, healthcare navigation and related) (611) $250.0 $250.0
Family Resource Center (611) $5,000.0 $5,000.0
First Followers (611) $150.0 $150.0
Floating Museum (611) $1,000.0 $1,000.0
Flowers Fitness Club (611) $175.1 $175.1
FOLA Community Action Committee (611) $750.0 $750.0
Friendship House (611) $400.0 $400.0
G.O.D. (611) $250.0 $250.0
Garfield Park Baseball League (611) $100.0 $100.0
Good Neighbors Network (611) $100.0 $100.0
Greater Chatham Initiative (611) $250.0 $250.0
Greater St. John Baptist Church (611) $2.2 $2.2
Guaranteed Income Plot (611) $3,268.1 $3,268.1
Harvey Park District (611) $34.9 $34.9
Hippocrates Medical Clinic (611) $50.0 $50.0
Howard Area Community Center (611) $1.0 $1.0
Howard Brown Youth Center (611) $50.2 $50.2
HULT Health Center (611) $190.6 $190.6
Illinois Equal Justice Foundation Eviction Help Illinois (611) $1.3 $1.3
Illinois Health Practice Alliance (611) $787.9 $787.9
Illinois Route 66 Heritage Project (611) $215.0 $215.0
Institute for Community at Highpoint-Romeoville Food Pantry (611) $10.0 $10.0
It Takes a Village for youth Violence Prevention (611) $1,425.1 $1,425.1
Jack and Jill (611) $250.0 $250.0
JLM Abundant Life Center (611) $100.0 $100.0
Joliet United Cerebral Palsy Center (611) $170.9 $170.9
Junior Achievement (611) $100.0 $100.0
Kenwood Oakland Organization (611) $429.5 $429.5
Key City Community Corporation (611) $250.0 $250.0
Lawndale Christian Legal Center (611) $2,163.3 $2,163.3
Little Angels (611) $125.0 $125.0
LMW Group (611) $165.8 $165.8
Lutheran Social Services - Homeless outreach in City of Chicago (611) $335.0 $335.0
LUV Institute (611) $2.2 $2.2
Maine Township (611) $30.0 $30.0
Mayfair Dance Academy (611) $137.2 $137.2
Metropolitan Asian Family Services (611) $50.0 $50.0
Monument of Faith After School Program (611) $1,000.0 $1,000.0
Mr. Dad's Father's Club (611) $210.7 $210.7
NAACP for the ACT-SO Achievement Program (611) $1,000.0 $1,000.0
Niles Township Early Childhood Alliance (611) $300.0 $300.0
Noah's Arc Foundation (611) $1,500.0 $1,500.0
Non-Profit Organization for operating expenses (611) $2,500.0 $2,500.0
Northeastern Illinois University of Illinois for the Afghan Refugee Transition Program (611) $1,250.0 $1,250.0
Oak Park Arts Council (611) $350.0 $350.0
Park Manor Neighbors (611) $250.0 $250.0
PCC Wellness Center (611) $300.0 $300.0
Peace Runners of Garfield Park (611) $100.0 $100.0
Peoria County Residential Safety Improvements (611) $50.0 $50.0
Peoria Heights (611) $200.0 $200.0
Phalanx Family Services (611) $597.8 $597.8
Polished Pebbles (611) $213.0 $213.0
Positive Change Charities (611) $56.6 $56.6
Preston for Peace (611) $117.3 $117.3
Prevention Partnership Inc - Westside Heroin/Opioid Prevention Initiative (611) $398.2 $398.2
Prevention Partnership Inc. (611) $6.1 $6.1
Proactive Community Services (611) $594.3 $594.3
Project Explorations (611) $400.0 $400.0
Public Image Partnership (611) $291.9 $291.9
Rape Advocacy, Counseling and Education Services (RACES) (611) $200.0 $200.0
Reach CDC (611) $500.0 $500.0
Renaissance Social Services Inc (611) $250.0 $250.0
Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Illinois (165) $75.0 $75.0 $75.0
Ronald McDonald House Charities of Chicagoland and Northwest Indiana (165) $75.0 $75.0 $75.0
Roseland Peace Center (611) $191.7 $191.7
Sangamon County (611) $797.7 $797.7
Seniors Assistance Center in Norridge (611) $70.0 $70.0
Soul Children of Chicago (611) $150.0 $150.0
South Central Community Services (611) $195.6 $195.6
South Shore Hospital for youth MH, ADHD, men's and women's health (611) $1,000.0 $1,000.0
South Shore Works (611) $700.0 $700.0
South Side Community United for Change (611) $50.0 $50.0
South Side Mission (611) $195.6 $195.6
Springfield Urban League (611) $475.0 $475.0
St Claire County (611) $739.1 $739.1
St Sabine Church (611) $318.4 $318.4
TASC, Inc. (611) $2,000.0 $2,000.0
Taskforce Prevention and Community Services (611) $303.2 $303.2
Teamwork Englewood (611) $500.0 $500.0
The Answers Inc (611) $300.0 $300.0
The Outlet Inc (611) $157.5 $157.5
The Support Group (611) $746.0 $746.0
Thresholds in Austin (611) $1,000.0 $1,000.0
Total Life Center (611) $100.0 $100.0
Transforming Re-Entry (611) $250.0 $250.0
Trauma Recovery Centers (611) $2,000.0 $2,000.0
Tri-Town YMCA (611) $60.0 $60.0
UBL United for Living (611) $100.0 $100.0
United Cerebral Palsy Seguin of Greater Chicago (611) $100.0 $100.0
Universal Family Connection (611) $850.0 $850.0
Urban Autism Solutions - West Side Transition Academy (611) $539.6 $539.6
Village of West Peoria (611) $200.0 $200.0
Village of Bedford Park (611) $1,000.0 $1,000.0
Violence Prevention Programs, Youth Employment and Operations (Various named entities) (611) $54,374.1 $54,374.1
Walk in My Shoes (611) $250.0 $250.0
WDB Cares, NFP (611) $300.0 $300.0
West Side Community Empowerment Center (611) $234.6 $234.6
Westside Health Authority in Austin (611) $3,111.1 $3,111.1
Wright Way Association (611) $267.0 $267.0
XS Tennis and Education Program (611) $396.9 $396.9
Youth Build (611) $166.4 $166.4
Youth Guidance - Becoming a Man and Working on Womanhood Program (611) $5,715.9 $5,715.9
Youth Summer Job Programming (611) $15,000.0 $15,000.0
Subtotal $150,978.2 ($106,973.9) $44,004.4 $241,781.4 $285,785.8
Total Appropriation $153,978.2 ($107,973.9) $46,004.4 $261,988.2 $307,992.6
CY Adjustments Description Amount
ARPA (324) Adjustment for FY24 estimated expenditures to be reappropriated into FY25 ($107,973.9)
BY Adjustments Description Amount
ARPA (324) Reappropriation of estimated unexpended FY24 funds $76,070.6
Fund for Illinois' Future (611) Request to appropriate the FY24 unexpended GRF legislative add-on appropriations from the Fund for Illinois' Future in FY25 $185,917.6