Mental Health Grants & Program Support - GRF

Appropriation Name CY Approp. CY Adj. CY Est. Exp. BY Adj. BY Request
Personal Services $6,280.0 $589.9 $6,869.9 $2,654.1 $9,524.0
Social Security $480.4 $45.1 $525.5 $206.7 $732.2
Subtotal $6,760.4 $635.0 $7,395.4 $2,860.8 $10,256.2
Contractual $972.1 $972.1 $972.1
Travel $80.5 $80.5 $80.5
Commodities $17.1 $17.1 $17.1
Equipment $3.9 $3.9 $3.9
Telecommunications $173.6 $173.6 $173.6
First Responders Wellness Program in City of Chicago $10,000.0 ($10,000.0)
Subtotal $11,247.2 ($10,000.0) $1,247.2 $1,247.2
NAMI $780.0 $780.0 ($600.0) $180.0
MH Psychotropic Drugs $1,381.8 $1,381.8 $1,381.8
Community Transitions & System Rebalancing $57,781.5 $57,781.5 $2,700.0 $60,481.5
MH Evaluation Determination, Disposition $1,200.0 $1,200.0 $1,200.0
Colbert Consent Decree $56,677.5 $56,677.5 $3,000.0 $59,677.5
Supportive MI Housing $22,713.8 $22,713.8 $22,713.8
MH Grants, Transitions, SOF, & SMHRF $169,761.9 $169,761.9 $13,333.3 $183,095.2
Subtotal $310,296.5 $310,296.5 $18,433.3 $328,729.8
Total Appropriation $328,304.1 ($9,365.0) $318,939.1 $21,294.1 $340,233.2
CY Adjustments Description Amount
Personal Services Personal Services pricing adjustment for bargaining unit agreements $589.9
Social Security Annualization at rate of 7.65% $45.1
First Responders Wellness Program in City of Chicago Discontinue GRF Appropriation of estimated unexpended FY24 appropriation. The FY24 unexpended appropriation will be appropriated from the Fund for Illinois' Future in FY25. ($10,000.0)
BY Adjustments Description Amount
Personal Services Personal Services pricing adjustment for annualization of FY24 COLAs and Steps and funding for FY25 COLA and Steps $2,654.1
Social Security Annualization at rate of 7.65% $206.7
NAMI Reduce legislative add on to FY23 level ($600.0)
Community Transitions & System Rebalancing Increase to support Williams Housing Transition costs $2,700.0
Colbert Consent Decree Increase to support Colbert Housing Transition costs $3,000.0
MH Grants, Transitions, SOF, & SMHRF GRF pickup of ARPA funding of mental health community grant programs $10,333.3, Increase to support Jail Based Forensic Pilot $3,000.0 $13,333.3