FY24/25 Illinois Youth Investment Program-Summer Jobs Appendices, Technical Assistance Session, Questions & Answers

Technical Assistance Session:

This technical assistance session will provide participants with an overview of the 24-444-80-3357-01 Illinois Youth Investment Program - Summer Jobs Notice of Funding Opportunity and information on how providers can apply for FY24.

Illinois Youth Investment Program Appendices:

Illinois Youth Investment Program Questions & Answers:

February 6, 2024: 

  1. Question: Is there a maximum or cap on the cost per youth participant?
    Yes, there is a maximum cost per youth for the IYIP - Summer Jobs or IYIP - SJ NOFO. Please refer to number 15 under the Award and Funding Information section of the NOFO. Maximum grant award amounts will be determined by a per-capita cost per youth served, not to exceed $6,900 per youth. For example, if an applicant is proposing to serve 25 youth in its IYIP-SJ, the maximum grant award amount would be $172,500 (25*$6,900). This amount includes all program and administrative costs.
  2. Question: On the Uniform Application there are two boxes with marks - change/corrected application and revision. Is this considered a continuation grant or a full new grant?
    It would be the "New" box that you check on the Uniform Application for State Grant Assistance (UGA). Also, see link below for the UGA which is pre-populated for the IYIP (444-80-3357) grant. (Unform Application for State Grant Assistance (pdf))
  3. Question: Can the grantee serve as the sole employer or are you required to also engage other employers?
    The grantee may serve as the sole employer however there are certain restrictions that will apply, including limits on the number youth. Please refer to the NOFO for additional detail.
  4. Question: We have our own Apprenticeship program. Would it be possible for other grantees to partner with us and send some of their candidates to our program?
  5. Question: How many subsidized days in DHS programming make someone ineligible to participate? The minimum hours that a participant can work is 180 hours. What is the maximum number of hours that can be subsidized under the grant? Is there a maximum amount of hours that can be worked in one week? Also, if someone participated in another DHS grant previously with subsidized hours. days, how can I know if they will reach their maximum subsidized days while in our program?
    The grant sets a maximum number of weeks that a youth may receive subsidized wages. Provided that the youth has not exceed this period of subsidized wages, the youth would remain eligible until they reach that maximum number of weeks. In the case of this IYIP-SJ program that is 13 weeks. How do we know? DHS requires that youth are enrolled in the Illinois workNet data system. This system tracks the amount of time a youth have received subsidized wages. This will enable you to determine continued eligibility. Further, a youth may still participate in the program even if they are not eligible for subsidized wages. They can be placed un un-subsidized employment and may still receive supportive services.

February 13, 2024:

  1. Question: Can we submit proposals for different trainings for the same service location? Example: We submit 3 Different proposals for Cook for EMT, Pre-Apprenticeship and Cybersecurity. Follow up: Can we only be funded for one program in that service location or can we be funded for multiple training programs in the same service location?
    Training programs are simply considered different types of placements. All of which would be including under a single program. This would require a single application per eligible Service Area
  2. Question:
    1. Can we submit proposals for different trainings for the same service location? Example: We submit 3 Different proposals for Cook for EMT, Pre-Apprenticeship and Cybersecurity.
      You would submit only 1 application to include all of your different proposed training programs and placements. Per the NOFO, you may only be funded for one grant per eligible service area.
    2. Follow up: Can we only be funded for one program in that service location or can we be funded for multiple training programs in the same service location?
      Per the NOFO, you may only be funded for one grant per eligible service area.
  3. Question: Do you have to be previously funded by DHS in order to apply for this opportunity?
    No, you do not have to be a previously funded DHS youth employment provider in order to be eligible to apply for the IYIP-SJ grant.
  4. Question: Is the letter of interest a separate attachment or just the text contained within the e-mail?
    Please, if possible, include as an attachment to your email and place on organization letterhead. if this is not possible, yes, an email will suffice.
  5. Question: Are organizations able to apply for IYIP and the IYIP-SJ opportunities, or are we only able to apply to one or the other?
    While you can apply for both, applicants will NOT be awarded both grants in the same county. If your agency is interested in doing more than summer programming - you should consider applying for the IYIP grant.
  6. Question: Can an organization apply for more than one county?
  7. Question: When is the intent letter due?
    Anytime, however, you will only receive communication AFTER we receive your LOI, you will not receive past communications.
  8. Question: Are Employer Agreements required to be submitted with the application or can they be secured after the award is made?
    If you have secured any please include with your app as it will help to support your agency's readiness - but yes, they can be developed once funded.
  9. Question: Does the partnership with employer partners have to be in place prior to applying?
    No but hopefully some work has been done to secure agreements with potential employers.
  10. Question: Can teaching youth skills like a programming language count as workforce development?
    Please see the Appendix Definitions (docx) in the NOFO - and above. 
  11. Question: Can I use my current business partners for the summer program?
    Most likely yes, refer to the NOFO for further information regarding employer partnerships.
  12. Question: Will we receive a copy of the Technical Assistance session / webinar?
    A recording is available at the following link: Illinois Youth Investment Program - Summer Jobs Technical Assistance, Questions and Answers and Appendices
  13. Question: Can the grant funding be used to pay all youth wages, or is it required that the employer do some cost sharing for youth wages?
    Provider can pay all - within the limitations laid out in the NOFO such as the maximum subsidy allowed $17 per hour, and the length of subsidy etc.
  14. Question: We had hired and would prefer to employ the youths on contract, that is, as contractual, but not as employee. Then, we will only issue F-1099 at the year end, but not W-2. Is that OK?
    Please refer to the limitations outlined in the NOFO related to hiring youth to work at your own organization.
  15. Question: Can you direct me where to find the answer to this question can organizations hire youth summer camp workers for their own program?
    Yes, however please refer to the limitations outlined in the NOFO -
  16. Question: Is there a max amount of youth we can serve?
  17. Question: Does the letter of intent go to the same email?
  18. Question: Can you employ skilled youth to teach the unskilled youth? And in turn use the funds to pay both groups of youth?
    Being taught skills is not a work experience.
  19. Question: How are we to complete the budget - are we to do line items in the budget or just utilize the flat rate of 6900?
    Line-item budget - you will be paid to cost for eligible expenses. the $6,900 per youth is a Maximum allowed - not a rate.
  20. Question: The budget is for 12 months, do we have to place the youth for 12 months, or it is OK for the summer?
    Successful applicants will be funded for a full summer program (the Summer period will run from 4/1 - 9/30) this will be accomplished through 2 separate state grant awards one in FY24 and one in FY25. you will enter a budget in CSA for both the FY24 portion and for the FY25 portion. you will be eligible for 2 additional 1-year renewals for a possible total of 3 full summer programs, presuming sufficient appropriation and successful implementation. while your FY25 budget will technically go through 3/31/25, the vast majority of your expenditures, if not all, will occur prior to 9/30/25.
  21. Question: Is this grant direct federal, indirect pass thru federal, or purely state? We need this because we have to do the single audit.
    At this time, we believe this will be 100% General Revenue.
  22. Question: Are we submitting 3-, 9- and 12-month budgets. or just 9- and 12-month budgets?
    FY24 - 3 month & FY25 - 9 month (with most all expenses being incurred during the Summer months.)
  23. Question: What positions are important in the Org Chart? Our Org has 150 employees, so is the relevant implementing department sufficient?
    We need to see where this program will sit within your organization.
  24. Question: Are both funded and unfunded applications shared with the public?
    They are not necessarily shared. However, they are subject to FOIA for a period of time.
  25. Question: One of the funding criteria is Career Development Experience - is this any workshops in career development like being taught accounting or investing?
    Please refer to the Appendix Definitions (docx)
  26. Question: So we write two budgets per year?
    You will have a single budget that will be split across 2 separate state fiscal year grants - yes you will separate your budget into two separate budgets by fiscal year. FY24 3 months (4/1/24 - 6/30/24) and FY25 7/1/24 - 3/31/25)
  27. Question: Do you want us to break down the budget by monthly basis?
    No, although doing so internally may help you to determine how much you want to request in each FY budget.
  28. Question: To clarify, we will not be able to receive both the Summer Programming AND the regular IYIP grants, unless we apply for different service areas?
    Correct. If you want to do more than Summer jobs programming, you should apply for the IYIP grant as it will allow you to do both Summer and other programming.
  29. Question: So can we divide the total ask by 2
    Yes, but not recommended. When you lay out your plan and full budget for your summer program you may realize that a larger portion of your projected expenses occur after June, maybe not. if you simply divide by two you may be left short in one of the budget periods.
  30. Question: Or do you want us to do by monthly basis?
    You are welcome to in your narrative, but not in the CSA system.
  31. Question: To clarify, we will not be able to receive both the Summer Programming AND the regular IYIP grants, unless we apply for different service areas?
    Yes, you cannot receive multiple grants for the same service area. If you want to do more than Summer jobs programming, you should apply for the IYIP grant as it will allow you to do both Summer and other programming.
  32. Question: We must spend 100% of the budget for 4/1/-6/30, right?
    You cannot spend more than the amount you budgeted for in each fiscal year. If for example you are proposing a $100,000 summer jobs program. you need to project the amount you will need under each time period. For example $30,000 in FY24 and $70,000 in the FY25 portion.
  33. Question: Are we able to be reimbursed for any training we do directly with the youth - such as workplace harassment or job-related skills?
    Absolutely, you are able to charge the grant for what you need to manage this grant program. As long as the costs are reasonable and allowable. Staff, training space, supportive service. Refer to NOFO for additional details regarding allowable and un-allowable costs and further guidance regarding other program costs.
  34. Question: Can we charge the budget for a minor reconstruction of our office?
    No. we cannot use this grant funding to pay for capital expenditures. maintenance and repair items may be allowed under certain conditions but not capital expenditures.
  35. Question: If I apply for both summer and the year round IYIP NOFO and both of them score well who determines which grant I'll get approved for?
    DHS will make that determination.
  36. Question: is rent for space covered for use of a portion of facility for our services?
    : Yes
  37. Question: Can the grant cover costs such as a washroom that is blocked and we hire a company to fix it?
    Yes, that would be a repair cost. Depending on your cost allocation plan on how much of the cost would be covered.
  38. Question: Is there any state guidance on sq ft cost for percentage of rental for facilities use by grant program.
    Market rate in the area.
  39. Question: I am reviewing the NOFO and associated required documents for the FY24/25 Notice of Funding Opportunity (24-444-80-3357-01) and I noticed in the appendix page, the Uniform Grant Application form is missing. I did not see it linked in the "mandatory forms" section of the NOFO itself. Can you share this?
    We apologize, the FY24/25 Illinois Youth Investment Program-Summer Jobs Appendices, Technical Assistance Session, Questions & Answers (24-444-80-3357-01) page has been updated to include the Uniform Application for State Grant Assistance and also can be found here: GA - Illinois Youth Investment Program - Summer Jobs (24-444-80-3357-01)

February 27, 2024:

  1. Question: If an organization received funding under 23-444-80-2377 and was only Category 1 for Summer, we are not currently receiving funding because our summer program is over. Are we eligible to apply for this summer NOFO ?
  2. Question: I need to clarify the time for FY24 and FY25 as our program length is 3months.We would like to apply for the NOFO IYIP-SJ and run 2 cohorts for the total program period. Youths with get paid for 180 hours during each cohort.
    Cohort 1: FY 24 (3 months): April, May, June
    Cohort 2: FY 25 (9 months): July, August, September
    Does this meet the requirements for both program periods FY24 and FY25?
    Our 2nd cohort is also complete within 3 months, so our question is for FY25 the program we offered need to be 9 months long or we can do 3 months program?
    This is a Summer Only program. While your grant term is 12 months, we do expect you are operating your Summer program during the Summer. So you are NOT expected to implement programming during non-summer months. What I believe you are asking is can you stagger the start dates of the youth that will participate in your Summer program so long as they complete during the Summer project period of April - September - the answer is yes that is okay.