ISVI Advisory Council Meeting
October 27, 2023
Via Zoom
The meeting of the Illinois School for the Visually Impaired Advisory Council came to order on October 27, 2023, at approximately 9 a.m. The meeting began by formal introductions. The introductions were as follows:
- Aimee Veith, Superintendent here at ISVI.
- Council Person Dan Thompson represents a Not for Profit Fresh Start and JACIL who lives in Jacksonville and is a 1972 graduate of ISVI and former educator.
- Mark Peters is our Chair of Advisory Council and alumni of ISVI.
- Molly Pasley introduced herself as a Professor of Northern Illinois University.
- Malinda Pollard introduced herself as Director of Student Life here at ISVI.
- Rebecca Patten presented herself as the statewide Deaf and Blind Services Coordinator for DCFS.
- Michelle Clark represents herself as the Outreach Director here at ISVI.
- Maryjane Bradbury, former name was Million, married Keith Bradbury in April, retired from Catholic Services as Exec Dir, with 10 group homes in Jacksonville and before spent 25 years in higher education here in Jacksonville.
- Brittni Mason (absent) new temporary assigned secretary to the superintendent's office here at ISVI.
- Ron Terhark represents Alumni for which he is President and is a 1965 graduate of ISVI.
- Ken Mansell introduced himself as the Athletic Director and assists Mrs. Ortman in Admissions here at ISVI.
- Stefanie Ortman presented herself as the Admissions director here at ISVI.
- Andy Losasso introduced himself as the Chief of Staff for Division of Rehabilitation Services.
- Assistant Superintendent Barbi Ballard will be joining the meeting at 10am.
Next is a motion to approve the minutes. No one received the minutes from the last meeting. No one also received the agenda before Deb Buchanan left ISVI, so the team is not able to approve that. There is no conflict of interest.
Superintendent Veith gave the Superintendent's Report. She said many of you received the links for Warrior Day. She mentioned how our student LT Spears hopes to join us, but he is currently on a field trip today. She expressed how thankful she was for allowing the students to go through this process. Aimee stated if you were able to join us then you saw how the process worked and how we adopted the new symbol for ISVI. Aimee shared how amazing it was to work with the Native American Chamber of Commerce and Andrew Johnson's team the past 6 months. She shares how the headdress, and the Indian symbol haven't been respectful in years, so it was so important that we made this change.
Mrs. Veith shared back during Covid-19 when she took the position as the new superintendent, she found a binder labeled Mascot. She stated she purposely didn't look at it because of other priorities during Covid-19. She also mentions how when she was a principal, she tried to change the mascot, but the idea didn't go past administration. After ISVI had picked out their final symbol Aimee mentioned she decided to read the mascot binder. She shared in the binder it mentioned how back in 2007 members of the advisory council had surveys go out regarding the mascot. One member on advisory council shared a vision of developing a shield and becoming our own warrior. Superintendent Veith shared how that person was shot down and the council team decided against it. Aimee shared how this would be a good keepsake for the historical part of ISVI since our journey was so like 2007's journey. Superintendent Veith stated how Mrs. Forney was a part of that journey and is thrilled about our current change. Aimee shared how the recording from Warrior Day will be going out soon.
Superintendent Veith moved on to sharing information about the 175th Gala coming up. She shared how tickets can easily be bought at ISVI or they can be purchased digitally. Mrs. Veith told the group that Deb Morris will be retiring. Aimee mentioned how the job was posted and now we will have a new person starting next Tuesday. Deb will be staying a bit longer to help the new employee with training which will help with the transition. Superintendent Veith shared again how Deb Buchanan left to go work for Andy Losasso. Aimee mentioned how we will have a guard position being filled as well. She also shared how we had teaching jobs posted recently as well.
Superintendent Veith shared we have five Illinois State practicum teachers here on campus. She mentioned how two of them will student teach in January. Aimee stated how one of them will be here for a whole year. He is hoping to get hired full time as a teacher here. Superintendent Veith shared we haven't had a student teacher here at ISVI in 4 years, so it is exciting.
Superintendent Veith goes on to share that many have been taking Diversity Equity Inclusion classes. The first goal was to retire the Warrior Head which they accomplished. The second goal is to rename our school from Illinois School for the Visually Impaired to Illinois School for the Blind. She shared how our student leadership team has been discussing this. Superintendent Veith stated how the word is a deficit word, and no longer represents their needs. She shared how she has reached out to many organizations across the state for support regarding this.
Superintendent Veith shared how administrative council is starting to read the book, "Start with Why." She shared she chose that book because during Covid-19 we had to change our ways regarding technology. Aimee mentioned our students are using technology much more of a collaborative way then before. During this time our students had to learn to do things on their own. In the book it talks about the center of our circle. Superintendent Veith shares we can all agree at school the students are the center of our circle. She shared how we are aiming to support all students with visual impairments in the state even if it's just through their IEP's or workshops. Molly was wondering what kind of communication is existing for short courses or outreach. Aimee shared we look at our summer camp as a short course so maybe offering some classes in June, July & August. Dan mentioned he would like to be apart of these short classes as part as the committee. Aimee suggested having Spanish fine arts as well as adaptive PE for students who don't have access to that. It was discussed if we can focus on recreation and leisure or the nine areas of ECC. Superintendent Veith shared we could survey the state and be flexible for all involved.
Mr. Thompson suggested ideas for the visually impaired to take short classes on handwriting and print the complete alphabet out. Superintendent Veith shared more about Ai. She shared it will be offered by our local ROE in a four-part series. We have asked a few educators, administrators, and Southern/Northern state to join as well. This will show us the current policies with Ai and learn what is the most accessible. Superintendent Veith shared the main things we will get out of Ai is how to use it appropriately, how to use it with language development, as well as with careers avenue. She shared she wrote her graduation speech last year herself but then asked Chat GPT to write one. She told the group how close the writing style was just by using the Chat a few times. Superintendent Veith encouraged the group to check out Chat GPT.
Superintendent Veith then moved on to Chief of Staff, Andy Losasso. Andy shared the education specialist position that works between both DRS schools and central office posting will be closed on Monday. Andy shared he is looking forward to getting that support back in that position. He mentioned he would not be involved in the hiring process. Andy gave a shout out to Superintendent Veith for all the hard work she has done for changing ISVI's mascot but also her day-to-day work. Andy mentioned he brought some of the DRS staff to our mascot day and they were impressed with our campus. He said overall it was a positive experience and they are looking forward to getting some tables for the 175th Gala that will take place in January.
Superintendent Veith shared the Governor is going to make a legislation to make a super agency that will oversee early childhood, early intervention, and the DCFS home licensing daycare process. This would all be removed from DHS and under their own agency. Michelle Clark moved on to her Outreach report. She stated she is back to travel and has many conferences planned for this year. Michelle mentioned she had a conference recently with Mr. Mansell in Peoria. She shared at this conference they shared a vision which as never been done before. Michelle shared she just got back from an Education conference in Tinley Park. Next Michelle has a transition conference in Bloomington. She discussed how Principal Wells brought Michelle on the NIU braille challenge committee. Michelle mentioned what was the Southern Parent Conference we will be doing on our campus at ISVI. We will provide parents with what we provide and other resources available in the state. She shared they are also working on opening doors. Michelle told the group that ISVI has been asked to cosponsor and do the preconference for IAER.
Malinda Pollard gave her update next. Malinda shared the big news that we have a new recreational director, Mr. James Grable who started in October. She explained he is doing an awesome job and has a lot of activities planned for the students. Some of the current activities they have been doing is haunted houses, hayrides, and pumpkin patches. Next weekend they will be doing a wiener roast. Malinda stated they have a big dinner meal coming up on November 14th for the residential students and residential staff. She mentioned they will use the kitchen and cook together with the students. Malinda shared we have 20 residential care workers and two of them are filling in for temporary residential care worker supervisors and that is Gerri Gillis and Deborah Burnett. She mentioned we are still unfortunately mandating due to the shortage of RCW's. She shared on October 9th they implemented a new overtime procedure so hopefully that will cut down on the mandating. Malinda shared the overtime procedure is now all on skyward and now RCW's can look at the positions and see if they are available to work.
Mr. Mansell shared on behalf of the PTO that they would be providing a school spirit store. This will be open to all families and can be delivered during thanksgiving break. He also mentioned they are getting more parents involved as well. Assistant Ballard was able to join and mentioned she would do the education report for Mrs. Wells and the vocational report for Ms. Staats. Mrs. Ortman gave her report next for admissions. She mentioned since the start of the school year we have had 11 new students start. Stefanie mentioned she has sent over several packets for students to start this school year as well as starting next school year primarily in the TLC program. Stefanie stated she has been attending conferences with Michelle. She also has one next week in Bloomington as well.
Stefanie shared they have changed the admissions process to make it easier for parents. She stated before they would have about 25 documents for parents to fill out before they would start reviewing but now, they do it in two different phases. She stated parents will fill out about 7 documents then they review those forms. The second phase is more registration paperwork but overall, this would just make the process easier for the families. Stefanie shared the first Wednesday of every month they are having an admission meeting to go over possible new students. She stated we currently have 56 students on campus. Malinda mentioned she has 41 students who are residential. Stefanie believed we have about 30-40 students in the early intervention outreach program. Stefanie shared when she goes to these conferences, she can explain our services to these districts in hope of bringing in new students.
Michelle mentioned they also explain that we are not just a residential school, and we provide other services as well. Molly asked what makes other districts fearful of sending students here or is it a money problem. Stefanie shared that some school districts could think they will lose funding. Dan mentioned how some think it is true that students with visual impairments will succeed better in their home district while they are at home. Assistant superintendent Ballard mentioned she had joined a feedback session with Heather, Jasmine, and Malinda with Rahnee Patrick's team. Barbi mentioned many think our school is more restrictive than what it is. She shared we make accommodations and modifications here at ISVI. Becky suggested making videos of students who were in their home district previously and now they are at ISVI and discuss how beneficial ISVI is for them currently. She mentioned we could use these videos at conferences or opening doors to show parents from a student's point of view. Stefanie shared that we have had some students share their testimony before.
Education Department and CTE report given by BB on behalf of Mrs. Wells & Mrs. Staats. Assistant superintendent Ballard shared we do have 25 students in the work program. Seven of them have more than one job and five of them are working off campus. She shared Mrs. Staats is working with Mrs. Veith and Mrs. French to get new science tables from two separate grants. Mrs. Ballard shared the Low Vision Clinic went well and Mrs. Cindy Miller did a great job supporting it while the principals were out.
Assistant Superintendent Ballard shared Mrs. Wells education report next. Before she shared the report, she wanted to give a shout out to Heather & Jasmine for working so well together. Barbi mentioned they support each other's area of needs. She also shared with the group we were able to celebrate them last week with principals' appreciation week. The educators and students decorated their doors with reasons why we appreciate them. Barbi shared we finished the parent teacher conferences in October. Some were in person while the rest were over the phone or over zoom.
Barbi shared we have been doing a lot with Leader in Me with Coach Courtney who comes to campus periodically. She brought up that Coach Courtney suggested ISVI be one of the first to be the first National High School for the visually impaired as an official lighthouse in the program. Ms. Ballard shared we are honored and very appreciative however, we feel as though we have some additional work to do for accessibility. Barbi shares we have five ISU students on campus providing extra support in classrooms until December. Another piece that we have been working on is our safety drills. Some of our team will attend a training called, "Love U Guys" that prepares us for safety components. Dan mentioned he would like to meet with Jasmine regarding Strive Days. He shared he bought writing materials and raised letter materials to help our students with writing. Barbi mentioned she would send a reminder for Jasmine to follow up.
Mark and Dan mentioned they liked the ISVI newsletter that they received in the past from admissions and records office. Barbi shared Mrs. Andrew does a student led newsletter with her creative writing class. Dan asked if she could send that out to alumni as well. Barbi shared she would certainly ask. Dan had previously asked Barbi what off campus jobs are students are currently working at. Barbi looked up the student employment chart and mentioned we have students who work at Hardees, JACIL, and we have grocery shoppers for our CTE cooking classes.
Ron shared the 175th Gala ticket sales with the group. He mentioned we are moving a little slow, but we have sold $1,900 with donations and sales as of now. He shared our goal is to sell 125 tickets for the Gala. Ron shared we have a Radio Program scheduled in December to get the word out. He also mentioned he has been in contact with Peoria Area Blind Association and the Lions Club Association regarding the Gala. Ron shared 22 tickets have been sold so far for the Gala. Barbi shared we have a parent who designed a red, gold, and white decorative cake to float around town promoting the Gala. Barbi mentioned she reached out to Brittany Henry who is at the Jacksonville Visitor Bureau who was happy to work with us. So, each week Mr. Foster will take a student to different locations in Jacksonville and deliver the cake. The businesses will promote information on the Gala on their social media so it will be a fun way to spread word about the 175th. Some of the places the cake will go are the library, JPD, JFD, City Hall, Farmer's State Bank and possibly Hy-Vee in Jacksonville.
Becky mentioned possibly reaching out to The Source for a possible article regarding the Gala. Barbi shared she believed that was on our list to reach out to. Ron mentioned in December we have a program on the radio station, "What's on your mind" to also promote the Gala. Ron shared we have contacted Main Street and they will provide a banner on their side for the 175th as well. Dan mentioned they haven't received any essays for the essay contest either. Barbi stated she would share with Jasmine and Heather again to see if they can reach out to the students again. Ron shared the students who win the essay contest will be provided a ticket to the Gala as we would like them to be present at the Gala. The alumni agreed they would pay for the tickets for the winners so it will be at no cost to the winners.
Old Business:
Legal Updates, we did not have any due to Superintendent Veith being out for that part of the meeting. On Covid 19, Barbi called Nurse Director Kayt Risley for an update. Nurse Kayt shared when an individual has Covid 19 they can return to campus on day six. She shared we still notify people if you are a close contact. She mentioned we will still contact the parents and ask them to let us know if their child has any symptoms if they were a close contact. Nurse Kayt said there hasn't been any other changes for Covid 19.
New Business:
Mark mentioned we need a chair, vice chair and secretary for advisory council. Mark shared he would be leaving us since he is coming up on his 6th year on advisory council. Mark asked if he and Aimee could receive nominees for the chair, vice chair and secretary. Mark stated we could do elections for the next meeting in January. Mark shared January would be his last meeting. Mark went through the agenda one last time to make sure we covered it all. Barbi wanted to share one last piece the students did a penny war for their own 175th celebration. Barbi mentioned the way it worked is whichever teacher received the most silver coins from the students received a pie to the face. She shared the students raised a little over $300 for their celebration.
Next meeting date. Barbi shared it will be the fourth Friday of January 2024. January 26th at 9:00 am via zoom.
Meeting adjourned at approximately 11:10 a.m.