DDD Communication
January 23, 2024
- On Friday, January 19, 2024, the Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) sent a Communication regarding the January 1, 2024, rates.
- Also on Friday, DDD released several draft Information Bulletins for review and comment. Those Information Bulletins can be viewed via the DDD Draft Information Bulletins webpage.
DDD created the Developmental Disabilities Advisory Committee (DDAC) to provide a venue for stakeholders to give advice and recommendations on the activities of DDD and Illinois' intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) service system. DDD is accepting applications for members and is looking to prioritize new engagement and a variety of experience across the state with an emphasis on families and individuals receiving services. The DDAC meets once every 2 months via Webex with options to meet in-person in Springfield and Chicago.
DDAC members can expect to:
- Provide feedback on policy and processes DDD is implementing.
- Participate in the development of new policies, processes, trainings and/or other deliverables that will positively impact the service system.
- Assist DDD in obtaining feedback from individuals with I/DD in order to better inform services.
If interested, please fill out the attached application and email it to megan.brennan@illinois.gov. Applications are due by Friday, February 9th.
The Fiscal Year (FY24) Ligas Implementation Plan laid out the next step in the FY23 Person Centered Planning Quality Review which includes addressing individual issues identified during the review process. The University of Illinois Chicago (UIC) Institute on Disability and Human Development (IDHD) will oversee the distribution and receipt of Plans of Corrective Action (POCAs) from providers and Independent Service Coordination (ISC) agencies based on the initial review findings.
On February 1, 2024, UIC IDHD will distribute individual scorecards/POCA templates and the Ligas Compliance Review Tool to each of the ISC agencies and providers for the Class Members for whom they are responsible via encrypted email links through Sharefile. Providers and ISC agencies will receive a fillable form scorecard outlining all measures within an individual scorecard that is rated below 85%. This form will need to be completed and returned to UIC by February 21, 2024. The completed POCAs will be reviewed and then categorized as accepted, provisionally accepted with corrections needed, or returned for revision.
The Ligas Court Monitor and her team will host two training sessions to discuss the process, timeframes, and expectations for the POCAs. One session will be for providers and the other will be for ISC agencies. More information to follow. Both sessions will be recorded and available on the Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) website for those unable to attend.
Last week, DDD posted a draft Information Bulletin (IB) related to employment services and supports.
The draft IB can be found here: DDD Supported Employment Program Draft Information Bulletin and does the following:
- reflects the recent addition of employment services and supports available to residents of State Operated Developmental Centers;
- outlines eligibility and the process for requests and authorizations of Supported Employment Program (SEP) service and billing codes;
- describes the collaborative relationship between DDD and the Division of Rehabilitation Services, Vocational Rehabilitation (DRS VR) program; and
- includes multiple links to resources and updated forms*.
*Updated Forms:
- The Alternative Day Program Request (ADPR) (PDF) has been updated and is available for use. Effective 1/18/24, all SEP requests must include the updated ADPR.
- As of 1/18/24, the IB still links to a version of the Supported Employment Questionnaire (IL462-0286) that is currently under revision by DDD. The updated version of the Questionnaire will be available soon. Until such time as the new Questionnaire is available, requests which include the current version will be accepted.
DDD seeks feedback on the Draft IB. Please review and send comments or suggestions to: DHS.DDDComments@illinois.gov. Comments must be submitted within 14 calendar days of the day posted on the DDD Draft Information Bulletins webpage. The deadline to submit comments on the DDD Supported Employment Program IB is February 2, 2024.
DDD wanted to notify Community Integrated Living Arrangement (CILA) providers that they may be receiving retroactive billing from IntellectAbility. This billing from IntellectAbility is due to the omission of Intermittent CILA billing information in previous billings. As a reminder, all CILA providers receive payment from DDD for the monthly fee owed to IntellectAbility and as such, CILA providers are obligated to pass the payment on to IntellectAbility. DDD would greatly appreciate CILA agencies issuing the passthrough payment to IntellectAbility promptly upon receiving updated billing from IntellectAbility.
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