Chicago Youth Development & Intervention Services (CYDIS) (25-444-80-3007) Continuation Application

Summary Information

Awarding Agency Name Illinois Department of Human Services
Awarding Division Name Office of Firearm Violence Prevention; FCS Bureau of Violence Prevention Services
Agency Contact Reshma Desai
Announcement Type Non-Competitive/Renewal
Funding Opportunity Title Chicago Youth Development & Intervention Services (CYDIS)
Funding Opportunity Number 25-444-80-3007
Application Posting Date March 25, 2024
Application Closing Date Refer to the Continuation Application for Due Date
Catalog of State Financial Assistance (CSFA) Number 444-80-3007
Catalog of State Financial Assistance (CSFA) Popular Name Chicago Youth Development & Intervention Services (CYDIS)
Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) Number(s) 21.027
  1. Program Description
    Chicago Youth Development & Intervention Services (CYDIS) provider organizations provide a wide variety of Youth Development & Intervention programming intended to improve youth outcomes and reduce youth risk factors in the highest-risk Chicago communities. This evidence-informed, age-appropriate programming includes mentoring, caregiver involvement, safe place programming, life skills, employment readiness and skill development.
  2. FY25 Continuation Application
    Current Providers will receive a continuation application packet via email. Providers may request additional copies of the continuation application by sending an email to
    1. This FY25 continuation application is for Chicago Youth Development & Intervention Services (CYDIS); CSFA #444-80-3007 and is limited to current grantees.
    2. This continuation application is for a period of 3 months; July 1, 2024, to September 30, 2024.
    3. Grantees must be registered in the Illinois GATA Grantee Portal and must continue to be GATA Prequalified. Refer to IDHS: Pre-Qualification Instructions and Resources (
    4. Grantees must complete the FY25 ICQ before an award can be made. (Accessed through the Grantee Portal.)
    5. Grantees must submit a complete FY25 Application Packet to by the due date listed above. Please include in the Subject Line - " FY25 CYDIS CONTINUATION APPLICATION"
    6. A complete application packet includes: 
      • Uniform Application for Grant Assistance (included in this portfolio).
      • Application Summary Page and Program Narrative UPDATE (this form).
      • A pro-rated FY25 Budget (for a period of 3 months) must be entered into CSA by application due date.
      • Any Additional attachments required by your program.
      • If your organization is proposing to use subrecipients in this program, you must complete the Subrecipient section of this application and include the corresponding attachments for each subrecipient.
      • All Organizations must also include a signed Grantee Conflict of Interest Disclosure.pdf.
      • If choosing Advance Payment (Advance and Reconcile) or Working Capital Advance payment method, include the Advance Payment Request Cash Budget IL444-4985.pdf (
    7. The Bureau of Violence Prevention reserves the right to request additional information from the applicant to assist in FY25 funding and programmatic decisions.