Competitive/Initial Announcement
This award will be made as a grant. Selected Applications will be submitted to AmeriCorps for final determination of award
Eligibility Information and Grant Funding Requirements
Application and Submission Information
Evidence Tier (12 points) An evidence tier will be assessed for each applicant for the purpose of understanding the relative strength of each applicant's evidence base for their proposed service and the likelihood that the proposed intervention (s) will lead to outcomes identified in the Logic Model. In 2023, the evidence tiers of successful AmeriCorps State and National applicants that were competing were as follows: Strong 25 percent, Moderate 12 percent, Preliminary 20 percent, and Pre-Preliminary 43 percent. As these figures indicate, AmeriCorps National values and funds programs at all points along the evidence continuum and expects programs to progress along the evidence continuum over time. Thus, applicants should not be deterred from applying for funding due to their current evidence level. Applicants who have outcome or impact evaluation reports of the same intervention described in the application and Logic Model (use the FY 2024 AmeriCorps State and National Grants | AmeriCorps for a definition of "same intervention") may submit up to two of those reports, plus (if applicable) the evaluation report from their last three-year grant cycle, to qualify for the Preliminary, Moderate, or Strong evidence tier. In order to qualify for consideration, the intervention evaluated in the submitted report(s) must match the intervention proposed by the applicant in the following areas, all of which must be clearly described in the Community and Logic Model sections of the application:
Member Supervision (6 points)
Evaluation Summary/Plan (Required for recompeting applicants - 0 points)If the applicant has previously received three or more years of formula funding for the same project being proposed (use the FY 2024 AmeriCorps State and National Grants | AmeriCorps for the AmeriCorps definition of "same project"), the applicant must submit an evaluation plan as an attachment (Refer to Section D Application and Submission Information for more information). If the applicant has previously received six or more years of formula funding for the same project being proposed, the applicant must submit both an evaluation plan and an evaluation report as attachments. Applicants should use the Evaluation Plan Template found on the Notice webpage to craft their evaluation plans. The template document provides detailed information about the AmeriCorps National evaluation requirements (CFR :: 45 CFR 2522.700 - 710) and specifies the information that must be provided for the evaluation plan to be approved by AmeriCorps National. The evaluation plan will not be scored and will not be reviewed until after funding decisions have been made. All applicants should enter "N/A" in the "Evaluation Summary or Plan" field of the Narrative. Any other text entered in this field will not be reviewed.
Application Review Information
Award Administration Information
Awarding Agency Contact(s)
Important Notices
Mandatory Forms - Required for grant program
Illinois Department of Human ServicesJB Pritzker, Governor · Dulce M. Quintero, Secretary Designate
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