GA-TANF Employment & Training Program-Job Placement Program (25-444-80-0699-01)

FY25 Continuation Application CFSA 444-80-0699-01

Due Date: June 28, 2024 11:59 PM

Program Description: The TANF Job Placement with Retention Program (TANF JP) is operated by the Department of Human Services under the Office of Workforce Development Bureau of Employment and Training for people receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) benefits. Customers participate in a variety of activities that are countable in the federal participation rate while searching for employment. Time spent in activities must be documented appropriately via IDHS system software along with case notes to assure compliance with federal regulations. Activities are highly structured and must be monitored and should help to develop and support the participant in building skills to assist in or in finding and maintaining employment.

Recipients of services provided by the Grantee are to be engaged in the following activities as a means to develop work experiences or unsubsidized employment that leads to a livable wage.

These countable activities include:

  • Vocational Training
  • High School Equivalency/GED/ESL
  • Community Service
  • Work Experience
  • Job Search and Job Readiness Activities
  • Job Skills Training
  • Education Directly Related to Employment

The customer will continue to participate in these activities until employment is obtained, or until it is determined that participation is no longer an appropriate activity for the participant.

Eligibility is limited to Bureau of Employment & Training grantees currently funding under CFSA 24-444-80-0699-01.

To be eligible to apply, all current grantees must be registered in the Illinois GATA Grantee Portal, meet the Pre-Qualification Process, and complete the FY25 Internal Controls Questionnaire (in the GATA Grantee Portal). See Grant Application Information and Instructions webpage for more details.

At the time of application, all Bureau grantees must submit for each grant program the following documents:

The completed documents are to be emailed by June 28, 2024 y 11:59 PM to the Bureau email address  with the subject line stating:

  • Last 4 digits of CSFA #0699-01
  • Provider Organization Name

For Example:  0699-01 TANF Employment & Training Program-Job Placement Program

The Bureau of Employment and Training reserves the right to request additional information from the applicant to assist in FY25 funding and programmatic decisions.