TANF Employment & Training Program-Job Placement with Retention Program (25-444-80-0699-02)Notification of Funding Opportunity

Summary Information

Awarding Agency Name Illinois Department of Human Services
Awarding Division Name
  • Family and Community Services
  • Office of Workforce Development
  • Bureau of Workforce Development
Agency Contact
Announcement Type Competitive
Funding Opportunity Title
  • TANF employment & Training Program - Job Placement with Retention
  • Southern Illinois (includes counties of Franklin, Jackson, Saline and Williamson Only)
Funding Opportunity Number 25-444-80-0699-02
Application Posting Date June 11, 2024
Application Closing Date July 11, 2024 at 11:59 P.M.
Catalog of State Financial Assistance (CSFA) Number 444-80-0699
Catalog of State Financial Assistance (CSFA) Popular Name TANF Job Placement with Retention
Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) Number(s) 10.561
Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) Number(s) N/A
Award Funding Source Federal
Estimated Total Program Funding Up to $290,000.00
Anticipated Number of Awards 1
Award Range $250,000.00 to $290,000.00
Cost Sharing or Matching Requirement No
Indirect Costs Allowed Yes
Restrictions on Indirect Costs No
Technical Assistance Session Session Offered: No
Session Mandatory: No

A. Program Description

  1. Program Summary

    1. Program Summary 

      • TANF Job Placement with Retention providers primarily target current TANF clients.  While clients are searching for unsubsidized employment.  The Provider is responsible for assuring that they are engaged in work and training activities and hours that are consistent with Federal guidelines.
    2. Program Goals, and Objectives

      1. Scope of Services

        • The TANF Job Placement with Retention Program (TANF JP) is operated by the Illinois Department of Human Services under the Office of Workforce Development, Bureau of Bureau of Employment and Training for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) recipients. Customers participate in a variety of activities that are countable in the federal work participation rate for TANF while seeking or preparing for competitive employment. Time spent in activities must be documented appropriately via IDHS system software along with case notes to assure compliance with federal regulations. Activities are highly structured, must be monitored and assist the participant in building skills to find and maintain employment. Recipients of services provided by the grantee must be engaged in the following activities as a means to develop knowledge, skills, or experience that leads to a livable wage. These countable activities include:
          1. Work Experience
          2. Community Service aka Unpaid Internship
          3. Unsubsidized Employment
          4. Subsidized Employment
          5. Vocational Training
          6. Supervised Job Search and Job Readiness Activities
          7. Education Directly Related to Employment
          8. High School Equivalency/GED (effective 01/01/2017)
        • The customer will continue to participate in these activities until independent employment is obtained, or until it is determined by the Local Family Community Resource Center (FCRC) that participation is no longer an appropriate activity for the client. 
        • Communication with the Provider Manager and the FCRC is critical to ongoing case management.
      2. Deliverables

        • The Provider/Grantee is expected to serve and engage customers in countable TANF activities each month during the period of July 1 through June 30.
        • The Grantee is expected to ensure:
          1. Each customer participates for:
            1. 30 hours per week
            2. OR 20 hours per week for household with a child under age 6
          2. Participant must be active and engaged in a federally approved TANF countable activity from the point of enrollment in the program until employment is attained.
          3. Participants in the program are to be engaged in countable activities and are required to complete their assigned hours weekly. (See Program Manual for a detailed description of these activities and their restrictions).
          4. Each Customer is supervised daily in his or her activity. The activities and actual hours completed by each customer are recorded by the Provider/Grantee via data entry in the Work Verification System (WVS).
          5. Attendance and Activity Reports are to be reported weekly for each customer served in their program. These reports are due each weekday, as specified by the department, to report activity and attendance for the preceding week of engagement.
          6. Follow up must be provided by the grantee with employers to address issues affecting customers and act as a liaison to address issues that arise with customers affecting customers employment and employment retention.
          7. Grantees must provide on-going job coaching and counseling to customers throughout the program including to those participants that have started work and are within the 90 days retention period.
          8. This assists customers who have started work to maintain employment through regular contact with their provider agency even after being placed in a job.
          9. Subcontractors and entities that hold work agreements must be made familiar with the policies and processes of the Employment & Training program. Assessment of customers is an ongoing process beyond the point of intake in determining strengths and barriers.
        • The Grantee is required to:
          1. Provide quality case management activities that are documented in the customer's case file and in WVS to ensure that customer engagement is documented through a permanent record of all services and contact with the program participant;
          2. Complete a comprehensive intake assessment, create an individualized responsibilities and services plan (RSP) for each individual, monitor progress and coordinate with other needed services as necessary;
          3. Gather, review case documents and related information, maintain records, case notes, supportive services and referral documentation when those services/referrals are issued;
          4. Identify supportive services needs and then issue any needed supportive services to continue participation in the program and to engage in a productive job search;
          5. Make contacts with other stakeholders working with the participant to coordinate efficient and effective services (Humans Services Caseworker, DHS Employment and Training Staff, Family and Community Resource Center Employment & Training Liaisons, Subcontractors, Mental Health/Housing/Child Care service providers, etc.) where appropriate;
          6. Make adjustments and changes to services plan (RSP) based on circumstances as Grantee becomes aware of them;
          7. Document case activities in IDHS Work Verification System (WVS);
          8. Send correspondence to the local Family Community Resource Center (FCRC) representatives and engage in monthly plan coordination meetings with DHS Staff to discuss the progress of customers.
        • Placement with Retention Bonus Opportunities

          • Retention bonuses are an incentive component for Grantees to develop systems that keep customers engaged in traditional jobs that lead to a family sustaining career pathway.
          • It is critical that the Grantee develops a rapport with customers, subcontractors & potential employers in order to assure grantee can acquire the necessary documentation to support retention billing submissions.
          • The Grantee will assist program participants in obtaining employment at jobs that earn at least minimum wage working for a minimum of 30 hours per week.
          • In addition, the Grantee may earn a Placement with Retention bonus for customers that complete 30, 60 or 90 consecutive calendar day benchmarks of job retention after obtaining a new job that meets the employment criteria for a retention bonus.
          • Employment is defined as a job for which a participant is hired by a private employer for which no federal, state, or municipal funds are used to supplement job costs/salary.
          • Customers may be placed in jobs with federal, state, or municipal entities in which the source of payment and employment activities are in accordance with personnel procedures and policies that pertain to all employees of the agency.
          • For the grantee to be eligible for a retention payment, the job acquired must meet the following criteria:
            • 30 hours per week with wages not less than Federal or State minimum wage, whichever is higher; or
            • Less than 30 hours per week with sufficient earned income, resulting in the cancellation of the TANF case due to income from employment.
          • The grantee may earn the Placement with Retention bonus for all placed customers as contract funds are available to do so. Grantees are expected to serve and place program participants in available jobs even when the grantee exhausts their available funds for retention bonuses and if the jobs where placements occur do not meet the criteria for a bonus.

        • The Grantee will issue Supportive Services as specified in the TANF Employment & Training Program Manual directly to TANF Employment & Training customers. Supportive Services may be authorized for activities which support the participants' employability. Supportive services can vary and are specific to customer needs. Supportive documentation and the expenditure and dispersal of supportive services is required to receive full reimbursement.
    3. Expected Performance Goals, Indicators, Targets, Outcomes, Baseline Data, and Data Collection

      1. Performance Measures 
        1. Services rendered are accounted for through the submittal of monthly program reporting documents. The program reporting documents as specified by the Department must be submitted with monthly billing documents (EDFs) and should be received from the Grantee no later than the 15th of the month following the month of service.
        2. The Bureau of Employment & Training will provide the reporting format and instructions upon execution of the contract. The Provider/Grantee is expected to achieve and report on the following deliverables monthly via their programmatic reporting documents:
          1. The number of customers enrolled with the provider for the month, as well as the customer's name and DHS case number and start date in the program;
          2. The number of new referrals and reverse referrals received during the month;
          3. The number of customers who received an assessment and a guided introduction/orientation to Illinois WorkNet;
          4. Customers referred to vocational training programs resulting in a certificate and the industry sector of these training programs;
          5. Customers completing and/or earning certifications;
          6. Customers enrolled in ABE, GED or ESL classes, number currently engaged in on-going educational activity, and number obtaining a GED or report grade level gains based on pre and post-testing;
          7. Number of customers identified as in need of and/or participating in Mental Health and Substance Abuse programs/counseling (up to a maximum of 4 hours per week) and/or Vocational Rehabilitation; The number of customers hired during the month and the industry/sector in which employment was gained;
          8. The number of customers that met retention benchmarks during the month; and Customers who received retention services;
          9. Some customers may prefer temporary employment to meet short-term needs, the Grantee's primary focus should be to collaborate with custmers to develop an individualized employment plan that is designed to lead to long term career pathways and employment goals.
      2. Performance Standard
        1. Grantees are expected to ensure:
          1. 100% of the customers enrolled are engaged in countable activities and complete their weekly assigned hours. (See TANF Work & Training Program Manual for a detailed description of these activities)
          2. 100% of the customers receive a guided introduction in Illinois WorkNet and complete registration & show proof via a print out in their case file.
          3. 100% of Attendance and Activity are submitted weekly and on-time for each customer served in their program. These reports are due each Tuesday to report activity and attendance for the preceding week.
          4. 100% of the number of participants attaining employment while participating in the program will receive retention services including: job coaching, counseling, employer follow up, supportive services, etc. as outlined above.
          5. 50% of the participants who attain employment will do so in industry growth sectors. To determine growth sectors relevant to your geographic area, each provider should coordinate with the LWIA or gather labor market data to identify local/regional high-growth sectors/industries. For greater success rates employment and training activities should be focused on growth industries that also pay a family sustaining wage. * Providers earn 100% of their placement funds available on their contract.
          6. 100% of all program reports, billing documents, periodic performance reports (PPR) and periodic financial reports (PFR) will be submitted on time. PPRs and PFRs must be submitted at least quarterly unless otherwise specified by the department and are due within 30 days after the end of each fiscal quarter starting from the beginning of the contract year, which begins July 1st.
          7. As needed, corrective action plans will be initiated to address unmet performance standards, which may result in a reduction or termination of funding.
  2. Funding Priorities or Focus Areas

  • IDHS is working to counteract systemic racism and inequity, and to prioritize and maximize diversity throughout its service provision process. This work involves addressing existing institutionalized inequities, aiming to create transformation, and operationalizing equity and racial justice. It also focuses on the creation of a culture of inclusivity for all regardless of race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, or ability.
  • Can demonstrate that they currently use an equity lens when creating and implementing programming. An equity lens is a process that analyzes the impact of policies and practices on marginalized communities to inform and ensure equitable outcomes. Priority applicants will have a demonstrated understanding of the history and impact of racism and inequity on communities with high rates of poverty, unemployment. This will include but not be limited to understanding the history of the community, utilizing, and understanding disaggregated data around unemployment, firearm violence and other issues in communities.
  •  The focus area of the Notice of Funding Opportunity is several counties located in Southern Illinois (Franklin, Jackson, Saline, and Williamson counties). Applicants must be located in one of these counties to be eligible to apply.
  • Authorizing Statutes or Regulations

    • 305 ILCS 5/Art. IV
    • 45 CFR 200

B. Funding Information

  1.  Total Amount of Funding

    1. The Department anticipates the availability of approximately funding $290,000.00
    2. The source of funding for this program is Federal funds.
  2. Number of Grant Awards

    1. The Department anticipates funding approximately 1 (one) grant awards to provide this program.
  3. Expected Amounts of Individual Grant Award

    1. The Department anticipates that grant awards will be up to $290,000.00..
  4. Amount of Funding per Grant Award on average in previous years

    • a.   Previous funding amounts for this grant award program on average was $160,000.00 to $250,000.00.
  5. Anticipated Start Dates and Periods of Performance for new grant awards.

    1. Subject to appropriation, the grant period will begin no sooner than July 1, 2024 and will continue through June 30, 2025
  6. Renewal or Supplementation of existing projects eligibility

    1. Applications for renewal or supplementation of existing projects are not eligible to compete with applications for new State awards.
  7.  Type of Assistance Instrument

    1. This is a competitive grant award funding opportunity.
  8. Procurement Contract Allowability

    1. Subcontractor Agreement(s) and budgets must be pre-approved by the Department and on file with the Department. Subcontractors are subject to all provisions of this Agreement. The successful applicant Agency shall retain sole responsibility for the performance and monitoring of the subcontractor.
    2. Successful applicants under this NOFO may be eligible to receive two subsequent one-year grant renewals for this program. Renewals are at the discretion of the Department and are based on sufficient appropriation and performance criteria including, but not limited to:
      1. Grantee has performed satisfactorily during the previous reporting period
      2. All required reports have been submitted on time, unless a written exception has been provided by the Division/Department
      3. No outstanding issues are present (e.g., in good standing with all pre-qualification requirements and no outstanding corrective action, etc.)
    3. The release of this NOFO does not obligate the Illinois Department of Human Services to make an award.

C. Eligibility Information

  1. Eligible Applicants

    • This competitive funding opportunity is limited to applicants that meet the following requirements:
      • The applicant must be located in one of the following counties of Franklin, Jackson, Saline or Williamson.
      • The types of applicants that may apply for the grant award includes private, non-for-profit community-based organizations that are incorporated and have been granted 501C(3) status, public community-based organizations, including units of local government.
      • Demonstrate the ability to begin services immediately upon execution of the uniform grant agreement.
      • Demonstrate strong connections with local or regional employers ad companies to provide work sites for work-based learning to develop soft skills and as an avenue to obtain permanent employment. (Refer to "Quality" section in the program narrative.)
      • Demonstrate strong community ties and capacity for both program recruitment and job placement.  (Refer to "Capacity" section in program narrative.)
      • The applicant has met the Prequalification and Mandatory Requirements listed in this funding opportunity.
      • Applicants must be prequalified; therefore, applications from entities that have not prequalified prior to the due date of this application will NOT be reviewed and will NOT be considered for funding.
      • Successful Applicants will not receive an award if pre-award requirements are not met.
      • Funding restrictions-See Section D for funding restriction impacting eligibility or no funding restrictions.
  2. Cost Sharing or Match Requirements

    1.  Providers are not required to participate in cost sharing or provide match.
  3. Other

    1. Limit on Number of Applications - 1 (one) application per agency.

D. Application and Submission Information

  1. Address to Request Application Package

    1. The complete application package (this Notice of Funding Opportunity, including links to required forms) is available through the Illinois Catalog of State Financial Assistance and the DHS Grants website page.
    2. Each applicant must have access to the internet. The Department's website will contain information regarding the NOFO and materials necessary for submission. Questions and answers will also be posted on the Department's website as described later in this announcement. It is the responsibility of each applicant to monitor that website and comply with any instructions or requirements relating to the NOFO.
  2. Content and Form of Application Submission

    1. Required Content

      1. Applications must include the required documents and demonstrate that the program eligibility requirements have been met. The Department will not contact applicants for missing items listed below. Applicants that do not include all the following documents will be considered substantially incomplete and will not be considered for funding.
    2. Program Narrative

      1. IMPORTANT: The program (proposal) narrative makes up the bulk of the application. Please provide a complete response to the following sections. If the program narrative is missing from your application packet, your application will receive a score of zero points and your agency will not meet the criteria to receive a grant under this notice of funding opportunity.
    3. Proposal Narrative Content and Attachments

        • If the applicant believes that the subject has been adequately addressed in another part of the application narrative, then provide the cross-reference to the appropriate part of the narrative. If a cross-reference is not included in the section, the reviewer will only consider content contained within that specific section.
        • Executive Summary (2-page maximum) - 5 points
        • The Executive Summary will serve as a stand-alone document for the successful applicant that will be shared with various state-level stakeholders and others requesting a brief overview of the funded project. Therefore, applicants should be concise and direct in their description and provide an overview of the services proposed with these funds and the outcomes that will be achieved. The description should include:
          1. Agency history
          2. A brief overview of the services that will be delivered
          3. Service area
          4. Need for the services
          5. Capacity to provide the services and
          6. Projected numbers to be served within each program component.
      • Program Narrative: Need - Description of Need (2 pages maximum) 10 points
      • The purpose of this section is for the applicant to provide a clear and accurate picture of the need for these services and benefits gained. State and describe the service area, the target population and the need for services in your community. Information in this section should include, but not necessarily be limited to, the following:
        1. Identification of catchment area. Include description and demographics of communities serve
        2. Description of accessibility and availability of services that reflect your client and communities' needs.
        3. Identification of unserved, underserved or inadequately served populations and any special needs in the catchment area. Explain how they were identified. 
        4. Identification of proposed or established partnerships with other agencies providing services to underserved populations. Describe the nature of the partnership, i.e., subawards, Memorandum of Understanding or linkage agreements and highlight collaborative efforts
        5. Describe current trends or issues, service gaps or unmet needs in the community or target population.
      • Program Narrative: Capacity - Agency Qualifications/Organizational Capacity (9 pages maximum-attachments do not count toward page maximum) 40 points
      • The purpose of this section is for the applicant to present an accurate picture of the agency's capacity, qualifications and ability to provide the program as described in this Funding Notice. Information in this section should include, but not necessarily be limited to, the following:
        1. Convincing evidence that the applicant agency is capable of carrying out the proposed program, including fiscal, administrative and programmatic ability to manage grant. This should include experience, staffing patterns and qualifications to comply with GATA fiscal and administrative requirements. Highlight any recent changes in policies and procedures to improve fiscal, administrative or programmatic capacity.
        2. An organizational chart of the applicant organization, showing where the program and its staff will be placed. If subawards will be used, include the relationship with those organizations in the chart. (Label Attachment A).
        3. Identify key staff positions that will be responsible for the program and their qualifications to implement the program deliverables.
        4. A description of your agency's current programs (remote and in person options) and activities relevant to the services described in this NOFO.
        5. Describe the capacity of your program to meet the needs of the target populations you will be serving and respond to emerging community needs. Describe your program's strategy to enhance services to unserved, underserved and inadequately served populations in your service area. At a minimum, staffing and linkage/working agreements or collaborations with community partners that primarily serve these populations and the leadership role played by those representing and serving the underserved populations in question
        6. Identify service locations, hours of operation, service type and staffing.
        7. Detail service provision numbers.
        8. Describe agency oversight by Board of Directors and available resources for fiscal, administrative and programmatic areas.
        9. Describe the agency capacity to provide a welcoming, accessible and inclusive environment, i.e.: the means by which the state and its sub-recipients will provide meaningful access for limited English proficient individuals.
        10. Contingency or service delivery plan for continuing operations in the event of another COVID- 19 resurgence or similar event. Explain to what extent program deliverables can be met remotely or that agency's capacity includes the ability to continue while keeping participants and staff safe.
        11. Describe if program has sources of private or self-funding which can be used to leverage federal match, what are the sources and durability of outside financial support for the program.
        12. Identify service locations, hours of operation, service type and staffing.
        13. Detail service provision numbers.
        14. Describe agency oversight by Board of Directors and available resources for fiscal, administrative and programmatic areas.
        15. Describe the agency capacity to provide a welcoming, accessible and inclusive environment, i.e.: the means by which the state and its sub-recipients will provide meaningful access for limited English proficient individuals.
        16. Contingency or service delivery plan for continuing operations in the event of another COVID- 19 resurgence or similar event. Explain to what extent program deliverables can be met remotely or that agency's capacity includes the ability to continue while keeping participants and staff safe.
        17. Describe if program has sources of private or self-funding which can be used to leverage federal match, what are the sources and durability of outside financial support for the program.
      • Program Narrative: Quality - Description of Program Design and Services (9 pages maximum) 35 points
        1. Provide an overview of service delivery model or standards for providing employment and training services.
        2. Provide a description of each required service component for TANF E&T that will be provided to program participants. Include process for initiating services, eligibility criteria, identification of service needs and service planning.
        3. How are your worksites selected and what do they offer participants, are they good locations for transitional jobs and on the job coaching for soft skills development and what makes them so. Do the worksites selected hire individuals out of the program or refer them to other employers who do?
        4. Describe how the program design has direct correlation to the needs identified in the needs section of the application. Include how your program provides culturally appropriate: staffing, materials, outreach, etc. Include identification of the underserved populations that are being targeted for outreach and services that address their specific needs.
        5. Describe how the program provides transportation assistance.
        6. Describe what resources and other knowledge, skills, or abilities are available to implement quality programming.
        7. Describe your program staff's qualifications and training. Include education and/or experience, initial and ongoing training, staff supervision, training budget, certifications.
        8. Describe how case management will be delivered and by who. What linkages does your program offer.
        9. Describe how your program will achieve the targeted performance standards. List any additional outcomes your program will target to achieve. Detail if program results in industry recognized credentials or employment related education gains. Does agency have employer partners in these same industries, if so, detail the training to employment placement flow and the logic behind program offerings.
    4. Budget and Budget Narrative

      1. Applicants must enter a budget electronically in the CSA system (Refer to Appendix A: CSA Budget Information for more information and a link to budget forms). The Budget entered into the CSA system will include a narrative or detailed description/justification for each line in the budget and will describe why each expenditure is necessary for program implementation and how you arrived at the particular amount. Please include cost allocations as necessary. This narrative must also clearly identify indirect costs, direct program costs, direct administrative costs, and match within each line item as appropriate. The Budget (including MTDC base exclusions as appropriate) should clearly describe how the specified resources and personnel have been allocated for the tasks and activities described in your plan.
      2. The Budget must be electronically signed and submitted in the CSA system. The Budget must be signed by the Provider's Chief Executive Officer and/or Chief Financial Officer.
      3. IMPORTANT: Please be sure the budget status in CSA says "GATA Budget signed and submitted to program review." This status will appear after the budget is electronically signed by the agency CEO or CFO and submitted to IDHS. See IDHS CSA Tracking System webpage for additional information on CSA
      4. The budget and narrative must tie fiscal activity to program objectives and deliverables and demonstrate that all proposed costs are: 
        1.  Reasonable and necessary
        2. Allocable, and
        3. Allowable as defined by program regulatory requirements and the Uniform Guidance (2CFR 200), as applicable.
    5. Required Forms

      • The Uniform Application for State Grant Assistance (pdf)
      • The Uniform Application for State Grant Assistance is a three-page document used to formalize organization's request to apply for funding. The document requires the signature and email address of the organization's authorized representative. This email address will be used for official communication between the Department and the applicant organization for matters regarding this application
      • Grantee Conflict of Interest Disclosure
      • The grantee Conflict of Interest Disclosure is a required for all grant award programs. The document requires agencies to identify actual or potential conflicts of interest. The form must be signed by a representative of the organization.
      • The applicant must submit their Federal W-9 form,
    6. Required Format

      1. The narrative portion must follow the page maximums where prescribed and must be organized in the format outlined below or points may be deducted.
  3. Unique Entity Identifiers and SAM Registration

    • Each applicant (unless the applicant is an individual or Federal or State awarding agency that is exempt from those requirements under 2 CFR § 25.110(b) or (c), or has an exception approved by the Federal or State awarding agency under 2 CFR § 25.110(d)) is required to:
      •  Be registered in SAM.gov before the application due date.
      • Provide a valid unique entity identifier (UE) in its application
      • Continue to maintain an active SAM registration with current information at all times during which it has an active Federal, Federal pass-through or State award or an application or plan under consideration by a Federal or State awarding agency.
      • The Department may not make an award until applicant has fully complied to all UEI and SAM requirements
      • The department may determine that an applicant is not qualified if they have not complied to requirements and use that determination as a basis to award to another applicant.
  4. Application Submission Dates and Times

    1. Application Due Date and Time

      1. The Department must receive the Preliminary Submission materials (Letter of Intent, etc.)
        1. Not applicable.
      2. The Department must receive the Full Application
        1. Due on July 11, 2024 at 11:59  PM CST..
      3. Applicants must electronically submit the complete application including all required narratives and attachments in the prescribed order.
      4. Applications must be sent electronically to Kathy.L.Jackson@illinois.gov. The application will be electronically time-stamped upon receipt. The Department will ONLY accept applications submitted by electronic mail sent to Kathy.L.Jackson@illinois.gov. Include the following in the subject line: NOFO number and your agency name. Application submissions or delivery to any other email address or contact, including other IDHS offices or employees, will not be considered for review or funding. Applications will NOT be accepted if received by fax machine, hard copy, disk or thumb drive
      5. Applicants are required to notify the Department within 48 hours of the deadline, if they did NOT receive an email notifying them that their application was received. If the applicant does not receive an email and/or does not notify the Department within 48 hours, their application will be considered a late submission and will NOT be reviewed or scored. The applicant will NOT have the right to protest the submission/receipt of their application to the Department after the 48 hours. In the event of a dispute, the applicant bears the burden of proof that the application was received on time at the email location listed above.
    2. Missed Deadlines

      1. Applications received after the due date and time will not be considered for review or funding. All applicants/applications determined to be non-compliant or otherwise determined to be disqualified from consideration will be separately notified in writing, by email, upon determination. This email will be sent to the email addresses provided in the application and will identify the reason for disqualification.
      2. For your records, please keep a copy of your submission with the date and time the application was submitted along with the email address to which it was sent. The deadline will be strictly enforced.
      3. IMPORTANT: It is strongly recommended that the applicant not wait until the last minute to submit an application in case they experience technical difficulties with the submission process. Applicants should keep copies of all documentation that that may prove their application was submitted to the correct location and that it was received by IDHS on or before the deadline. Applicants should also maintain all electronic documentation, including screen shots, email correspondence, help desk ticket numbers, etc. that would document any unforeseen difficulties the applicant may have encountered regarding the timely submission of the application.
  5. Funding Restrictions

    1. Pre-Award Costs

      1. Pre-Award Costs are allowed subject to the discretion, review, and prior approval of the IDHS Budget Committee. Pre-Award Costs must be identified as such in the IDHS Uniform Grant Budget Narrative. Pre-award costs are/are not allowable.
      2. IDHS grants are governed by 2 CFR. Part 200, Subpart E-Cost Principles and 30 ILCS 708 which include information on allowable costs, audit requirements, and financial records.
    2. Indirect Costs

      1. Indirect Costs may be applied to this grant award. Approved indirect cost rates must be approved.
    3. Statutory or Regulatory Restrictions/Limitations

      1. n/a
  6. Other Submission Requirements

    1. Electronic Submission

      1. Applications must be submitted electronically to Kathy.L.Jackson@illinois.gov.
      2. Documents must not include a password.
      3. Contact Kathy.L.Jackson@illinois.gov in the event of technical difficulties.

E. Application Review Information

All competitive grant applications are subject to merit-based review.

  1.  Criteria

    1. Applications that fail to meet the criteria described in Section C "Eligibility Information" will not be scored and/or considered for funding.
    2. All applicants / applications determined to be non-compliant or otherwise determined to be disqualified from consideration will be notified. This email will be sent to the email addresses provided in the application and will identify the reason for disqualification.
    3. Evaluation criteria is based upon requirements set forth in 44 IL Admin Code 7000.350 Merit Review of Applications and the IDHS Merit Review Manual. The following criteria will be used to evaluate applications:
      1. Cost sharing will not be considered in the evaluation.
        • Criteria Weighting
          Executive Summary 5 points
          Need-Description of Need 10 points
          Capacity - Agency Qualifications/Organizational Capacity 40 points
          Quality - Description of Program Design and Services 35 points
          Budget 10 points
          Total 100 points
  2. Review and Selection Process

    1. The process for evaluation of the application is as follows Based on the Criteria section above, evaluation of the application will be done by a review team comprised of up to 3 individuals. Applications will first be reviewed and scored individually. Then, team members will collectively review the application, their scores, and comments. Individual team members may choose to adjust scores to appropriately capture content that may have been missed initially. Scores will then be sent to the application Review Coordinator to be compiled and averaged to produce the final application review team score. The numerical score may not be the sole award criterion. The Department reserves the right to consider other factors such as: geographical distribution, demonstrated need, and agency past performance as a state grantee, etc. While the recommendation of the review panel will be a key factor in the funding decision, the Department maintains final authority over funding decisions and considers the findings of the reviewers to be non-binding recommendations. Any internal documentation used in scoring or awarding of grants shall not be considered public information.
    2. In the event of a tie with insufficient funding for all tied applications, the Department may choose to elect one of the following options:
      1. Apply one or more of the additional factors for consideration described above to prioritize the applications
      2. Partially fund each of the tied applications
      3. Not fund any of the tied applications.
    3. The Department reserves the right to negotiate with successful applicants to adjust award amounts, targets, deliverables, etc.
    4. The Department reserves the right to negotiate with successful applicants to adjust award amounts, targets, deliverables, etc.
  3. Merit-Based Review Appeal Process

    1. Competitive grant appeals are limited to the evaluation process. Evaluation scores may not be protested. Only the evaluation process is subject to appeal and shall be reviewed by IDHS' Appeal Review Officer (ARO).
      1. Submission of Appeal
        1. Appeals submission IDHS contact information:
          1. Name of Agency contact for appeals: Kathy Jackson
          2. Email of Agency contact for appeals: Kathy.L.Jackson@illinois.gov
          3. Email Subject Line:  APPEAL  25-444-80-0699-02
        2. An appeal must be submitted in writing to appeals submission IDHS contact listed above, who will send to the IDHS Appeal Review Officer (ARO) for consideration.
          1. An appeal must be received within 14 calendar days after the date that the grant award notice has been published.
          2. The written appeal shall include at a minimum the following:
            1. Name and address of the appealing party
            2. Identification of the grant
            3. Statement of reasons for the appeal
            4. Supporting documentation, if applicable
      2. Response to Appeal
        1. IDHS will acknowledge receipt of an appeal within fourteen (14) calendar days from the date the appeal was received.
          1. IDHS will respond to the appeal within 60 days or supply a written explanation to the appealing party as to why additional time is required.
          2. The appealing party must supply any additional information requested by IDHS within the time period set in the request.
      3. Resolution to Appeal
        1. IDHS will acknowledge receipt of an appeal within fourteen (14) calendar days from the date the appeal was received.
        2. IDHS will respond to the appeal within 60 days or supply a written explanation to the appealing party as to why additional time is required.
        3. The appealing party must supply any additional information requested by IDHS within the time period set in the request.
      4. Resolution
        1. The ARO shall make a recommendation to the Agency Head or designee as expeditiously as possible after receiving all relevant, requested information.
          1. In determining the appropriate recommendation, the ARO shall consider the integrity of the competitive grant process and the impact of the recommendation on the State Agency.
          2. The Agency will resolve the appeal by means of written determination.
          3. The determination shall include, but not be limited to:
            1. Review of the appeal;
            2. Appeal determination; and
            3. Rationale for the determination.
  4. Simplified Acquisition Threshold - Federal Awards and State Awards

    1. It is anticipated that this grants under this award may receive over $250,000. Potential grantees under this funding announcement may receive an award in excess of the Simplified Acquisition Threshold (currently $250,000) (Refer to 2 CFR 200 Section 200.1). Therefore, the grantee is subject to Simplified Acquisition Threshold and related requirements.
      1. IDHS prior to making an award with a total amount greater than the simplified acquisition threshold, is required to review and consider any information about the applicant that is in the designated integrity and performance system accessible through SAM (currently FAPIIS) (see 41 U.S.C. 2313);
      2. That an applicant, at its option, may review information in the designated integrity and performance systems accessible through SAM and comment on any information about itself that a State or Federal awarding agency previously entered and is currently in the designated integrity and performance system accessible through SAM
      3. IDHS will consider any comments by the applicant, in addition to the other information in the designated integrity and performance system, in making a judgment about the applicant's integrity, business ethics, and record of performance under State and Federal awards when completing the review of risk posed by applicants as described in § 200.206. ~

F. Award Administration Information

  1. State Award Notices

    1. Applicants recommended for funding under this NOFO following the above review and selection process will receive a Notice of State Award (NOSA). The NOSA shall include:
      1. Grant award amount
      2. The terms and conditions of the award
      3. Specific conditions, if any, assigned to the applicant based on the fiscal and administrative (ICQ), programmatic risk assessments (PRA) and merit-based review.
    2. Note: The Department cannot issue a NOSA until the successful applicant has an approved budget entered into CSA. The applicant shall receive the NOSA through the Grantee Portal. The NOSA must be signed by the grants officer (or equivalent). This signature effectively accepts the state award amount and all conditions set forth within the notice. This signed NOSA is the document authorizing the Department to proceed with issuing an agreement. The Agency signed NOSA must be remitted to the Department as instructed in the notice.
    3. The notice is not an authorization to begin performance (to the extent that it allows charging to State awards of pre-award costs at the non- State entity's own risk).
    4. A written Notice of Denial shall be sent to the applicants not receiving the award.
  2. Administrative and National Policy Requirements

    1. The agency awarded funds shall provide services as set forth in the IDHS grant agreement and shall act in accordance with all state and federal statutes and administrative rules applicable to the provision of the services.
    2. To review a sample of the current IDHS Uniform Grant Agreement.
  3. Reporting

    • Upon execution of the grant agreement, reporting shall be in accordance with the requirements set forth in the Uniform Grant Agreement and related Exhibits which includes, but is not limited to the following:
      1. Periodic Financial Reports.
      2. Close-out Reports
      3. Periodic Performance Reports.
      4. Close-out Performance Reports.
      5. Other Unique Programmatic Reporting Requirements: Additional annual performance data may be collected as directed by the Department and in a format prescribed by the Department.
      6. If the State share of any State award may include more than $500,000 over the period of performance, applicants are also subject to the reporting requirements reflected in appendix XII to 2CFR200. Non-compliance with any of the identified reports may lead to being placed on the Illinois Stop Payment List (SSPL).
  4. Payment Terms

    1. It is the policy of the Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) that this policy complies with 2 CFR 200.302, 2 CFR 200.305, 31 CFR 205 (procedures implementing Cash Management Improvement Act and Treasury-State Agreement (TSA)), and 44 Ill. Admin. Code 7000.120 (GOMB Adoption of Supplemental Rules for Grant Payment Methods). Three different award payment method exist, namely Advance Payment, Reimbursement, and Working Capital Advance.

G. State Awarding Agency Contact(s)

  1. If you have questions about this NOFO, please contact Kathy Jackson at Kathy.L.Jackson@illinois.gov.
  2. A frequently asked Question and Answer page is posted on the DHS website. Questions submitted up to two business days prior to the end of the NOFO posting period, will be posted on the website.

H. Other Information, if applicable


I. Mandatory Forms