Popular Name: FDA Tobacco Compliance Program
Registration and Pre-Qualification
Prior to applying for any Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO), every applicant must first be registered and prequalified. This must be done on or before the application's due date or their application CANNOT be accepted. Make sure to review all the items needed for registration and pre-qualification at Grant Application Information & Instructions before applying for funding.
To apply for this SFY2025 IDHS/SUPR award, the organization must have provided the same services during SFY2024. All potential grantees must first complete the Pre-Qualification Process and FY24 Internal Controls Questionnaire (ICQ) through the Grantee Portal. No application will be considered without pre-qualifications and ICQ completed and submitted.
(Note: If the organization had an address change please submit a new W-9 for your organization. This is important for payment disbursement. Also, any change in the organization's authorized representative must be reflected in appropriate systems.)
When submitting an application, make sure that all 3 documents (application, budget, and conflict of interest) are submitted together. Incomplete applications may be disqualified resulting in loss of funding.
- Grant Application: GA 1623 FDA (pdf)
- CSA budget print out of the Uniform Grant Budget. Create budget in CSA but do NOT hit Submit. For budget trouble shooting see IDHS GATA Budget Instructions. Amount Requested from the State must be a whole number (no cents). State total should be rounded up.
- Grantee Conflict of Interest Disclosure
The email submission must have 3 attachments: the Grant Application, the Budget, and the Conflict of Interest Form.
The Grant Application file must be named "Your Organization's Name 25-444-26-1623 GA Samantha Alonis.pdf"
The Budget file must be named "Your Organization's Name 25-444-26-1623 Budget Samantha Alonis.pdf"
The Grantee Conflict of Interest Disclosure file must be named "Your Organization's Name 25-444-26-1623 Grantee Conflict of Interest Disclosure Samantha Alonis.pdf"
Complete applications must be emailed. The organization's name and the Catalog of State Financial Assistance (CSFA) number and the program contact must be in the subject line. Specifically, the subject line of your email must be:
Your Organization's Name, 25-444-26-1623, Samantha Alonis
Please follow all instructions for your submission. Application/budget packets that do not follow the naming convention may be lost in the IDHS mailbox and delay or impact the grant.
Submit the completed packet by sending an email to DHS.GrantApp@Illinois.Gov on or before April 30, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. Late application packets may be rejected.
Encrypted emails will not be accepted. Send the packet through an email from an account that can accept reply emails. Carbon copy, "cc", the organization's program contact and fiscal/business/administrative contact. Scanned documents from an office supply store must be sent from the organization's or submitter's email account. Make sure to save documents according to the naming requirements. In the body of the email submitted include the name of the person submitting, title, agency/organization name, and a phone number.
After your application and budget is approved you will receive a Notice of State Award (NOSA), that must be accepted through the Grantee Portal before an agreement can be issued.