WAG 11-02-07-c.
When determining eligibility for cases with contractual income, compute the monthly income amount based on the type of contractual employee. Depending on the type of employee, income is either averaged or the actual amount is used.
Eligibility Using Averaged Income
For the following contractual employees, average income over the contract period when determining eligibility:
- construction workers with a written agreement to perform a task for specified compensation,
- teachers,
- substitute teachers in some school systems,
- educational administrators, and
- any person whose job duties and compensation are specified for a distinct time period by a written agreement.
When a client's contract is renegotiated, review ongoing eligibility. For school employees, determine ongoing eligibility effective for the month the client's salary increase starts.
When a client becomes employed under a contract, average the contractual income over the period of time covered by the contract. Use this averaged amount when determining eligibility (see PM 11-02-05). Do this even if the income is received in fewer months than are covered by the contract.
Eligibility Using Actual Income
For the following contractual employees, use the actual amount of income expected to be received when determining eligibility and benefit amount. If income is received weekly or bi-weekly, use income-averaging.
- teacher's aides,
- school secretaries and other clerical workers,
- school cafeteria workers,
- school custodians, and
- other school employees who either have no contract and are on layoff during the summer or have a contract or letter of agreement that does not state it is an annual contract or agreement and does not require the employee to work
during the summer.
When a client's contract is renegotiated, review ongoing eligibility. Determine ongoing eligibility (see PM 11-02-07), effective for the month the client's
salary increase starts. Determine eligibility by using the actual amount of income anticipated to be received. Do not average the income over the period of the contract.