PM 11-02-07-b.
- (FCRC) When a client reports the receipt of new income, determine ongoing eligibility.
- (FCRC) Explain the HIPP Program and complete HIPP Inquiry (Form 3459A).
- (FCRC) Compare the anticipated nonexempt income to the anticipated amount of total needs to determine eligibility.
- (FCRC) If income exceeds needs, determine if the client is eligible for any other medical program, including Assist and All Kids.
- (FCRC) If nonexempt income does not exceed the anticipated total needs, budget the income prospectively using income-averaging.
- (FCRC) Submit Form 552 to reduce benefits.
- (System) Sends Form 157C when coded by caseworker to do so. Also sends AABD/Food Stamp Computation (Form 4050C).
- (FCRC) 5c. Send Form 157 and Form 4050 when central notice is suppressed.
Example 1: In October, Mr. R reports that in November he will begin receiving SSI of $579. For November, his anticipated amount of total needs, which includes the grant adjustment allowance, is $493.36. Since Mr. R's
anticipated income ($579) exceeds his anticipated needs ($493.36), continued eligibility does not exist. Discontinue AABD Cash benefits effective November and determine his eligibility for Medical assistance.
Example 2: In September, Mrs. F provides verification that in October she will begin receiving SSA of $404 and SSI of $168 each month. Her total anticipated needs are $579.70 which includes the grant adjustment
Step 1: The anticipated total income $572 ($404 SSA and $168 SSI) does not exceed the total anticipated needs of $579.70, so the client remains eligible.
Step 2: Effective October, $572 is budgeted against the amount of total needs anticipated for October ($579.70).
$579.70 (needs) - $572 (income) = $7.70
Step 3: Effective October, authorize a benefit of $7.70.
Step 4: Submit Form 552 to reduce benefits. If Form 157C is centrally issued, AABD/Food Stamp Computation (Form 4050C) is also centrally issued with Form 157C. If central notice is suppressed, send Form 4050 with Form