Becoming a New Vocational Rehabilitation Provider

Becoming A New Vocational Rehabilitation Provider:

The Illinois Department of Human Services, Division of Rehabilitation Services (IDHS-DRS), partners with nonprofits sometimes called Community Rehabilitation and Transition Providers in a vendor relationship, to assist individuals with disabilities in obtaining employment, maintaining employment, and transition services to students, learning about Pre-employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA).

The Division welcomes all applicants to become a Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Provider, and is committed to equity amongst Providers. The Division strives to increase the number of Providers in areas lacking job placement and support and transition services, with an emphasis in Northwest, Central, and Southern Illinois.

Application does not guarantee approval or guarantee of payment of services until there is a two-party signed contract. Contracts begin on 7/1 and go through 6/30 annually. In order to have a 7/1 start date, requests need to be made no later than February 15th annually. Submissions after that time will be considered for a start date on or after 10/1 or 1/1 annually.

Below are links to the current program manuals that detail the different contract types and responsibilities. Review of these prior to application is a benefit.

Community Rehabilitation Provider (CRP) Manual: IDHS: Community Rehabilitation Program (CRP) Manual - FY25 (

Transition Services Program Manual:IDHS: Transition Services Program Manual - FY25 (

Criteria for application:

If interested in becoming a VR Provider, email the following information to

  • Provide a description of services that your agency provides currently. Include any materials, websites, etc.
  • Current location, and if different, where services are to be provided.
  • List any Accreditation, Customized Employment certification, etc. that would be helpful to know in advance.
  • Contact information

Applications will be reviewed and Provider will be contacted for further information as needed. All new Providers will be scheduled for a group discussion to learn more about IDHS-DRS and contractual requirements. This will occur every other month, and then monthly as needed. Those without Accreditation will then be scheduled for a Rule 530 Survey as needed.

Upon receiving all approvals to move forward with the contract, including those for funding, Provider will be notified and the contract process will begin with the Contract Advisor. Communication about contract funding will be shared. A W9 and any supporting documentation as required by the State of Illinois Comptroller, Insurance certificate listing DHS as a certificate holder, Accreditation documentation if needed, and ACRE certification for those with a Customized Employment contract, will all be gathered at that time.

For questions, please call the Transition and Community Rehabilitation Services Unit at 217-524-9056