PM 10-01-03-a: Converting Income to a Monthly Amount

WAG 10-01-03-a

Use Best Estimate policy in PM 10-01-01 to arrive at what the anticipated monthly income will be.

revised textAfter determining the anticipated monthly income by using Best Estimate policy if income is received weekly or bi-weekly, complete a calculation to convert income to a monthly amount. This calculation determines the actual gross income (earned and unearned) used to determine if the case is eligible. If the case is eligible, use the calculated amount to budget ongoing.

revised textConverting income to a monthly amount takes into account the fact that a periodic extra check is received some months when a client receives income weekly or bi-weekly (i.e., every 2 weeks). This process determines an average amount the client is expected to receive per month, so the same amount can be budgeted for each month.

To convert income to a monthly amount:

  • If a client receives income weekly, add the weekly amounts together (after dropping cents from each paycheck), divide by 4, drop cents, and multiply by 4.3. If the month happens to include a periodic extra check (i.e., 5 checks received), divide by 5, drop cents, and multiply by 4.3.
  • If a client receives income bi-weekly (i.e., every 2 weeks), add the bi-weekly amounts together (after dropping cents from each paycheck), divide by 2, drop cents, and multiply by 2.15. If the month happens to include a periodic extra check (i.e., 3 checks received), divide by 3, drop cents, and multiply by 2.15.