ISVI Success Stories

ISVI Success Stories

Students Deejaying the opening celebration

Students Deejaying the opening celebration.

Mrs. Kerhlikar and Lexie planting flowers on campus.

Mrs. Kerhlikar and Lexie planting flowers on campus.

A family posing at the Opening Doors celebration

Opening Doors family celebrating the 175th.

ISVI will be 175 years old on January 13th of 2024. In February of 2023, a committee was formed to support the celebration of this monumental achievement. This committee met monthly and is derived from current staff members, previous superintendents, previous administration, PTO executive committee members, Alumni committee members, Lions Club members, student Council representatives, and current staff. The committee was tasked to design educational activities, community events, alumni events and Gala.

The committee's goal was to uncover the history, educate the state the long-standing educational options offered by the school and to #uncoverthehiddengem. They agreed upon an expected outcome of "raising community awareness of the school and needs of the students as well as celebrating those who have come before us, their legacy, and the ongoing legacy of the school."

The committee along with ISVI administration developed a calendar of events that would occur monthly throughout the yearlong celebration. This included items such as being in the state fair parade and parades in Jacksonville to raise awareness. There were service projects that included planting flowers and trees to beautify the campus. Musical celebrations, trivia games, and alumni and current student body challenges!

There will be a Gala for both students and community members. The student Gala will occur on campus and the community Gala will occur at Hamilton's in Jacksonville. The calendar items will culminate with a ISVI alumni retreat weekend that will be supported by DRS and BBS in June of 2024. This retreat will focus on employment needs, assistive technology supports, and a dinner/dance with alumni and staff.