Juventino' physician referred him to the Low vision program (OIBS). He has diabetes and diabetic retinopathy which has affected his vision drastically. His health continued deteriorating and his kidneys began to fail leaving him needing dialysis. He felt he had also lost his independence. Now at 61 years old, he couldn't work because of his health and needed to apply for social security so he could support himself and have medical coverage. His advocate provided guidance and training on the process to apply for these benefits.
Since Juventino is not able to drive, he had to learn how to apply for and use public transportation. He and his advocate worked on setting up his transportation for his dialysis appointments and he felt accomplished. Additionally, since he lives alone, cooking with vision loss was a challenge. His advocate made recommendations for different kitchen aids and devices that would help him to cook safely. He learned how to use the devices and now he is able to cook for himself!
Juventino expressed that he now feels he is on the right path. He is working diligently to maintain his newly gained independence and hopes to teach his children that with perseverance, one can overcome adversity.
Illinois Department of Human ServicesJB Pritzker, Governor · Dulce M. Quintero, Secretary
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