Personal Assistant Training
To help meet the growing need for personal assistants (PA), the Home Services Program partnered with the Illinois Network of Centers for Independent Living (INCIL) and targeted CILs throughout the state to recruit and train individuals wishing to work as a PA for individuals with disabilities. Upon completion of the training, PAs are added to a registry that is available to individuals with disabilities in the community who need assistance.
INCIL uses a toll-free help line, 1-800-587-1227, during normal business hours to assist customers with identifying potential providers. INCIL subcontracts with CILs lead outreach efforts to educate the public about the need for PAs, educate potential providers about the profession, and provide mentoring with individuals in the community to assist them with the development of better skills toward managing their care.
Employment and Transition Services
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) of 2014 made significant changes to the Rehabilitation Act which governs CILs, including their provision of vocational services. Across the state, the Division partnered with 18 CILs to provide employment services to individuals with disabilities in a variety of ways. There are programs that teach independent living skills for those who wish to enter the workforce and programs that work statewide with youth within the schools.
CILs also work with individuals statewide on career exploration, workplace readiness, self-advocacy skills, outreach, job development, pre-employment services, and assistance with job placement to youth with disabilities.
In an effort to better prepare youth for transitioning into employment after high school, many of the CILs attend Individual Education Plan meetings within the schools to advocate for the student and the family in obtaining needed services.
Independent Living Services for Individuals who are Blind and DeafBlind
The Older Blind Program is awarded through a competitive process to eligible service providers statewide. Eight (8) CILs, of a total of 12, were awarded funding to provide services to individuals who are age 55 and older and who have severe visual impairments which makes it difficult to obtain competitive employment.
Individuals benefit from independent living services provided by CILs, which include:
- outreach services,
- braille instruction,
- guide services,
- reader services,
- transportation,
- supportive services, and
- rehabilitation teaching services.
Separate of the support offered through the Older Blind Program, funding is allocated to provide specialized services to individuals who are DeafBlind and to increase public awareness activities of available services and supports offered.