PM 10-01-01: Definitions

WAG 10-01-01

Use the following definitions when determining eligibility and benefit amount for TANF benefits.

  • fiscal month is  a calendar month (first day of the month through the last day of the month). Every case is assigned to a group. Eligibility and benefit amount are based on facts from a case's fiscal month. All references to "month" refer to a fixed fiscal month. deleted Manual text 
  • Prospective determination means reviewing eligibility factors, both financial and nonfinancial, as expected to exist in the payment month. It also means computing the monthly benefit amount based on income expected to be received during the payment month.
  • The payment month is the fiscal month that the cash benefit covers.
  • The Payment Level is the maximum monthly amount of TANF benefits that a TANF unit could receive if the unit had no income or recoupment to consider.

    Payment Levels are based on: 

    • the presence or absence of an adult in the unit.

The Department uses the Payment Level when determining initial eligibility and benefit amount. 

See WAG 25-03-05 for Payment Levels.

  • Best Estimate is a method used for anticipating the amount of income when determining prospective eligibility and payment amount. Best estimate is based on the following:
    • At intake or for SWAPS to TANF, best estimate is based on the applicant's income from the 30-day period prior to the application or request unless a change in income is anticipated. If a change is expected concerning a customer's earnings, best estimate is based on the applicant's statement of rate of pay, hours of work, and number of expected paychecks. For unearned income, best estimate is based on the customer's statement of the income to be received.
    • For active customers who report new income: Best estimate for new employment is based on the customer's statement of his or her rate of pay, hours of work, and number of expected paychecks. For unearned income, best estimate is based on the customer's statement of the income to be received.
    • revised manual textFor active Mid-Point Reporting (MPR) cases, best estimate is based on income received in the report period identified on the redetermination form, unless a change is anticipated. If a change is expected, best estimate for earned income is based on the customer's statement of rate of pay, hours of work, and number of expected paychecks. If a change is expected, best estimate for unearned income is based on the customer's statement.

Best Estimate of Income Paid Twice a Month (Semi-Monthly)

To determine the best estimate of income received twice a month when no stubs are available (i.e., for a new job or when a change is reported) and only the hours of work per week and rate of pay are known:

  • multiply the hourly wage rate by the number of hours worked weekly (drop cents), then
  • multiply the weekly pay amount by 2.15 to get the semi-monthly pay amount (drop cents), then
  • multiply the semi-monthly pay amount by 2 to get the monthly amount to budget.