BCCBS Vocational Rehabilitation Program
The Bureau of Customer and Community Blind Services (BCCBS) Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Program assists individuals who are blind, visually impaired, or DeafBlind to prepare for, obtain, and maintain competitive integrated employment. A multitude of services are provided, by various staff and community partners, to individuals ages 14 and up. Our staff work with individuals with severe visual impairments to help them find jobs or get ready to go to work. They also recommend assistive technology to help people perform tasks on the job.
BCCBS Program Services
BCCBS works with customers on their employment goals, as outlined in the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). This includes:
- educational goals,
- updating job skills to maintain employment,
- assistance with job searching,
- preparing for job interviews,
- counseling,
- communication skills,
- Orientation and Mobility, and
- Independent Living skills.
Currently BCCBS has Vocational Rehabilitation counselors and coordinators who provide vocational counseling and guidance to the visually impaired and
- assist in determining an employment goal,
- physical restoration (which may include funding for assistive technology necessary for visual and communication access),
- transition services including job exploration, work-based learning experiences, counseling on post-secondary training, workplace readiness training, and instruction on self-advocacy,
- possible funding for post-secondary training, and
- job placement and follow-up services.
On a statewide basis, BCCBS field services also has Rehabilitation Instructors (RI) who provide vision rehabilitation and education services. Individualized and group training may include:
- use of adaptive communication,
- Braille,
- access and assistive technology,
- indoor orientation and basic mobility techniques,
- job site modification, and
- home management and safety skills
The Orientation and Mobility (O&M) Specialists employed with BCCBS provides training to teach customers how to utilize their senses to determine their position within the environment to safely move from one location to another. The training includes, but is not limited to:
- skill development in the areas of environmental awareness using body, senses, and motor skills,
- white cane techniques
- human guide,
- locating dropped office,
- crossing streets, and
- the use of public transportation.
BCCBS VR FY 23 Program Highlights
- A total of 1,653 individuals who are blind, or visually impaired and an additional 57 DeafBlind customers were provided Vocational Rehabilitation Services.
- Zoom for Government was obtained which allowed the Rehabilitation Instructors (RI) to meet virtually with customers who are blind and visually impaired. This tool gave the RIs virtual access to provide comprehensive independent living skill training to customers. Customers were able to effectively and successfully obtain the skills needed to lead independent lives and obtain competitive integrated employment.
- The Bureau developed and implemented the Comprehensive Assessment for Rehabilitation Services (CARS). CARS is a tool used by Rehabilitation Instructors (RI) as part of the assessment process to determine the need for specific blind skill training services; it is the method through which the RI determines the present skill levels and develop future training goals of the customer. CARS addresses eight essential areas of an individual's life and is used to develop the Blind Skills plan outlining the services the person needs to live independently.
- Created the Blind Skills plan in the VR case management system to document the unique and individualized independent living services and orientation and mobility services need by the customer. This plan demonstrates the services customers need, how they accomplished their goals, and the successful outcomes of the services provided.
BCCBS VR Program Vision for 2024
- Increase the provision of Pre-Employment Transition Services to students with visual loss. Work within DHS-DRS to enhance services to students through Fast Track and STEP contracts. Work directly with students to offer transition services.
- Increase the number of self-employment cases supported by the Bureau. Provide customers with the resources, guidance, and comprehensive services to obtain and maintain an entrepreneur employment opportunity.
- Increase the number of customers to assist them in obtaining competitive employment.