December 12, 2024, The Illinois Interagency Task Force on Homelessness

The Illinois Interagency Task Force on Homelessness

December 12, 2024

10:00 AM to 11:30 AM

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  1. Welcome and Roll Call 
  2. Approval of September Meeting Minutes 
  3. Ending Veterans Homelessness in Illinois: A pathway to end homelessness for all populations 
    1. Director Terry Prince, Illinois Department of Veterans' Affairs 
    2. Brenda O'Connell, Illinois Housing Development Authority 
    3. Erin Healy & Sandy Colts, Community Solutions 
    4. Meghan Powell-Filler & Lillie Prince, Lovell Federal Healthcare Center 
  4. Public Comment 
  5. Community Advisory Council on Homelessness Annual Report to the Interagency Task Force on Homelessness 
    1. Darci Flynn, Brave Path Strategies 
    2. Jennifer Hill, Alliance to End Homelessness in Suburban Cook County 
    3. Sherri Allen Reeves, Phoenix Foundation 
  6. IL Office to Prevent and End Homelessness Update 
  7. Motion to Close Meeting