Increases in the Home-Based Support Services Program (HBS)

Illinois Department of Human Services

Information Bulletin

Division of Developmental Disabilities



This informational bulletin contains information regarding the increases in the Home-Based Support Services Program (HBS) monthly and annual maximum amounts that will be effective on January 1, 2024.

Monthly and Annual Service Maximums:

As you may be aware, the Social Security Administration has announced a rate increase of 3.2% to the current Supplemental Security Income (SSI) individual benefit (Press Release | Press Office | SSA). Effective January 1, 2024, the individual benefit will increase from $914 to $943 per month. The new benefit amount will be used to determine the monthly and annual maximum amounts for the HBS programs.

In the HBS Program, children ages 3 to 17 and young adults (typically between the ages of 18 and 22) who are enrolled in a Special Education program currently receive HBS funding for services up to $1,828 per month. This funding will increase to $1,886 per month effective January 1, 2024. For individuals in the Children's Support Waiver who choose to use the flexible spending amount, the monthly maximum will be $3,772. The annual maximum is $22,632.

In the Adult HBS Program, young adults/adults who are no longer in a Special Education program currently receive HBS funding for services up to $2,742 per month. This amount will increase to $2,829 per month effective January 1, 2024. This is the maximum amount that may be spent on services in one month.

HBS service plans for the month of January 2024 may reflect service spending up to the new maximum amounts. Any adjustments made to accommodate the increase in service amounts must be included in service plans and service agreements. Individuals in HBS Program should ensure service authorizations include the rate increase effective January 1, 2024. The proposed rates to be effective January 1, 2024, subject to approval of the Waiver Amendment by the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), can be found here: IDHS: DDD Current Rate Table - Effective January 1, 2024 ( For those individuals who employ their own personal support workers, fiscal/employer agent service agreements should also be updated.

Effective Date:

This Information Bulletin is effective 11/08/2023.