Bureau of Customer and Community Services

The Bureau of Customer and Community Services (BCCS) consolidates all the direct field and ancillary support services into one Bureau to provide a holistic approach to the provision of services.

The Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) program assists individuals with disabilities in preparing for, obtaining, and maintaining quality competitive employment. Our goal is to help our customers find quality employment that pays a living wage and offers a chance for advancement. Services include evaluation, guidance and counseling, education, training, physical and mental restoration, assistive devices, job development, job placement, and post-employment services.

Over 500 field staff working in 45 field offices located throughout the state provide these important services. IDHS-DRS staff provided services to over 38,000 customers in SFY2023 through direct services and contractual partnerships. VR was able to successfully place 4,456 in competitive, integrated employment with an average annual salary of $24,104. Our goal for SFY2024 is 5,000 outcomes!

Customers Served in 2023

Disability Category Number Served Employment Outcomes Percent of Outcomes Percent of Served Average Hourly Wage Average Weekly Earnings
Blind-Visually Impaired 1,653 128 2.87% 4.35% $20.96 $673
Deaf-Hard of Hearing 1,641 302  6.78% 4.32% $18.07 $591
Physical Disability 2,005 178 3.99% 5.27% $19.23 $585
Mental Illness 7,002 1011 22.69%  18.42% $15.96 $443
Intellectual Disability 11,762 1,230  27.60%  30.94% $15.27 $390
Learning Disability 9,571 1,104 24.78% 25.18% $15.64 $471
Brain Injury 325  42 0.94% 0.85% $18.16 $512
Other Condition 3,985  440 9.87%  10.48% $16.94 $492
VR Total 38,012 4,456 $14.70 $413

Top Employers of IDHS-DRS Customers

Industry Successful Placements
Jewel Osco 165
Wal-Mart 120
McDonald's 94
Goodwill 73
Amazon 59
State of Illinois 53
Mariano's 51
Schnuck's 40
FedEx 38
Portillo's 36
Hy-Vee 36