Bureau of Support Services

Bureau of Support Services

Bureau of Support Services (BSS) realigns the Operational Support functions in the Division focusing on budget, fiscal analysis and payment management, ensuring operational efficiency and oversight of funding, contracts, and expenditures.

Funding, Allocation, and Spending

Total All Funds Allocation & Spending

$ in thousands

Funding Final Enacted Final Spending
Federal $337,087.9 $205,162.3
General Revenue & Other State $1,105,574. $1,070,843.
Total $1,442,662. $1,276,006.

Federal Allocation & Spending

Appropriation/Program Name Final Enacted Final Spending
Total Federal Allocation & Spending $337,087.9 $205,162.3
Disability Determination Services $118,183.8 $66,918.5
Personal Services $39,982.4 $24,426.4
Retirement $22,438.9 $13,026.2
Social Security $3,502.4 $1,966.9
Group Insurance $11,691.5 $7,158.0
Contractual Services $11,601.8 $5,733.3
Travel $198.0 $2.4
Commodities $379.1 $14.5
Printing $384.0 $153.1
Equipment $1,600.9 $3.5
Telecommunications $1,404.7 $341.5
Operation of Auto Equipment $0.1 $0.0
Services to Disabled Individuals $25,000.0 $14,092.7
Vocational Rehabilitation Program & Related $181,906.3 $119,146.4
Personal Services $45,218.1 $32,316.8
Retirement $25,377.3 $17,200.3
Social Security $3,563.6 $2,386.3
Group Insurance $13,745.2 $9,086.7
Contractual Services $8,689.8 $2,495.7
Travel $1,455.9 $75.5
Commodities $313.2 $49.6
Printing $150.1 $5.6
Equipment $1,669.9 $114.7
Telecommunications $1,493.2 $645.4
Operation of Auto Equipment $30.0 $7.4
Federal Vocational Rehabilitation programs and related costs, including Case Services $65,000.0 $43,049.9
Supportive Employment $3,500.0 $2,558.6
Federal Assistive Technology Act Services $8,000.0 $7,345.0
Business Enterprise Program for the Blind $3,700.0 $1,808.7
Educational & Training Facilities $2,370.0 $953.6
Federally Assisted Programs $2,000.0 $730.0
Vocational Programming $200.0 $154.3
Vocational Programming $50.0 $30.9
Vocational Programming $120.0 $38.4
Independent Living & Related $8,852.7 $6,063.8
Independent Living Centers $5,807.2 $4,531.0
Independent Living Older Blind $3,045.5 $1,532.8
Client Assistance Project $1,179.2 $0.0
Client Assistance Project $1,179.2 $0.0
Indirect Program & Administrative Support $19,102.2 $11,549.0
Personal Services $5,449.2 $3,514.2
Retirement $3,058.2 $1,874.1
Social Security $416.9 $257.1
Group Insurance $1,652.1 $1,084.0
Contractual Services $1,500.0 $0.0
Leased Property Management $5,076.2 $4,819.1
Travel $136.0 $0.0
Commodities $136.5 $0.0
Printing $87.0 $0.0
Equipment $298.6 $0.0
Telecommunications $1,226.5 $0.4
Operation of Auto Equipment $50.0 $0.0
Tort Claims $10.0 $0.0
Refunds-Vocational Rehabilitation Fund $5.0 $0.0
Indirect/Direct Management Information Systems $5,493.7 $531.1
Personal Services $477.8 $292.1
Retirement $268.2 $156.1
Social Security $36.6 $21.5
Group Insurance $76.2 $61.4
Contractual Services $705.0 $0.0
Contractual Services IT Management $2,280.7 $0.0
Travel $10.0 $0.0
Commodities $30.6 $0.0
Printing $5.8 $0.0
Equipment $50.0 $0.0
Telecommunications $1,550.0 $0.0
Operation of Auto Equipment $2.8 $0.0

General Revenue & Other State Allocation & Spending

Appropriation/Program Name Final Enacted Final Spending
Total State Allocation & Spending $1,105,574.1 $1,070,843.8
Home Services Program $1,042,063.8 $1,015,847.7
Personal Services $3,068.3 $3,068.3
Social Security $223.1 $223.0
Home Services Program $782,772.4 $782,349.7
Home Services Program $256,000.0 $230,206.7
Vocational Rehabilitation Program & Related $18,423.8 $15,983.7
Supported Employment Programs $90.0 $62.1
State Match to Supports for Federal Vocational Rehabilitation programs, Incl Case Services $18,333.8 $15,921.6
Educational & Training Facilities (ISD, ISVI, ICRE-W, ICRE-R) $38,581.5 $32,847.9
Illinois School for the Deaf (ISD) $20,303.9 $17,520.7
Personal Services $16,482.6 $14,373.8
Student Member/Inmate Compensation $18.2 $13.3
Social Security $1,277.1 $798.0
Contractual Services $1,734.0 $1,623.4
Travel $16.8 $14.5
Commodities $372.0 $294.4
Printing $9.9 $9.9
Equipment $182.0 $182.0
Telecommunications $108.8 $108.7
Operation Of Auto Equipment $102.5 $102.5
Illinois School for the Visually Impaired (ISVI) $10,772.0 $9,679.4
Personal Services $9,022.6 $8,207.9
Student Member/Inmate Compensation $14.6 $11.6
Social Security $690.2 $451.4
Contractual Services $694.0 $694.0
Travel $11.3 $4.6
Commodities $193.5 $193.5
Printing $2.1 $2.1
Equipment $35.8 $27.8
Telecommunications $48.1 $47.8
Operation Of Auto Equipment $59.8 $38.8
Illinois School for Rehabilitation & Education - Wood (ICRE-W) $1,358.1 $948.3
Personal Services $1,208.3 $842.2
Social Security $92.4 $62.2
Contractual Services $57.4 $43.8
Illinois School for Rehabilitation & Education - Roosevelt (ICRE-R) $6,147.5 $4,699.6
Personal Services $4,682.5 $3,449.9
Student Member/Inmate Compensation $1.8 $0.0
Social Security $358.2 $231.0
Contractual Services $893.7 $843.9
Travel $3.3 $0.4
Commodities $53.1 $36.9
Printing $3.1 $3.1
Equipment $27.5 $16.7
Telecommunications $108.8 $108.8
Operation Of Auto Equipment $15.5 $9.0
Independent Living & Related $6,505.0 $6,164.6
Independent Living Centers $6,358.9 $6,018.5
Independent Living Older Blind $146.1 $146.1

Federal enacted allocations represent the authority to spend. Final federal spending represents the cash available. The authority is set higher than the actual federal cash to allow for changes in federal funding that may occur after the budget is enacted.