PM 06-36-03
Eligibility will be redetermined annually and whenever a change is reported.
HBIS cases are maintained and renewed the same as AABD Cases. See PM 19-02-03.
Customers turning 65 years old status should automatically be considered for the appropriate program.
Example: Mr. Heinz, age 70, has earned income of $1,500/mo. The AABD single person standard is $1,255/mo. Mr. Heinz's eligibility for HBIS should be denied for being over income.
Example: Mr. Heinz, age 70, has resources of $18,000/mo. The AABD resource standard is $17,500/mo. Mr. Heinz's eligibility for HBIS should be denied for being over resource limit.
Example: Maggie came to the U.S. in 1/1/xx as a student at the age of 66 years old. She stayed in the U.S. after her visa expired. Under her student visa and after it expired Maggie was eligible for HBIS.
Maggie applied for asylum with USCIS on 9/1/xx, therefore Mattie is now eligible for AATV or VTTC.
11 months later Maggie received a USCIS decision granting her asylum. The USCIS letter stated her asylum approval date is 8/26/xx.
8/26/xx is the date Maggie became a qualified alien and met immigration status eligibility requirement for federally funded assistance.