DDD Communication
ICF and MC/DD Proposed Rate Changes Posted for Public Comment
September 21, 2023
The Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS) has posted for public comment the proposed changes to the rates for Intermediate Care Facilities (ICFs) licensed under the ID/DD Community Care Act and Medically Complex for the Developmentally Disabled (MC/DD) facilities licensed under the MC/DD Act.
The Public Notice is online.
The HFS Public Notices page is online.
The Public Notice lays out the proposed changes pursuant to Public Act 103-0008:
- $2.50 per hour wage increase for all direct support professionals (DSPs)/aides and other frontline personnel not subject to the U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics' wage increases.
- At least 50% or $1.25 of the wage increase must be provided as a direct increase to all base DSP/aide wages.
- The other 50% or $1.25 may be used flexibly for base wage increases to the rate methodology for DSPs/aides.
- Wage increases sufficient to provide wages for non-executive direct care staff, excluding DSPs/aides, to the U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics' average wage.
Additional notes for ICFs and MC/DD facilities:
- Pursuant to Public Act 103-0102, any reimbursement increases applied to the base rate to providers licensed as ICFs under the ID/DD Community Care Act must also be applied in an equivalent manner to each tier of exceptional care per diem rates for MC/DD facilities.
- Effective January 1, 2024, the exceptional care per diem rates (tiers) for MC/DD facilities shall be increased 6% over the amount in effective June 16, 2023, except that Tier 3 ventilator reimbursement rates for MC/DD facilities licensed under the MC/DD Act will be increased to $1,000 per day.
Interested parties may submit comments on the proposed changes to HFS until October 20, 2023, as follows:
Bureau of Program and Policy Coordination
Division of Medical Programs
Healthcare and Family Services
201 South Grand Avenue East
Springfield, IL 62763-0001
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