DDD Communication - September 15, 2023

DDD Communication - BALC Announcement |
September 15, 2023

The Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) is announcing an important organizational change for the Bureau of Accreditation, Licensure, and Certification (BALC) that will improve services and outcomes for the individuals we serve and the providers with whom we work. Effective September 16, 2023, BALC will transfer from the Office of Clinical Administration and Program Support (OCAPS) to DDD.

BALC is now under the new leadership of Dr. Rodney Harris, a clinical psychologist with deep experience in accreditation and performance quality review. With this change, Dr. Harris and BALC will report directly to Meg Cooch, Deputy Director within DDD. Meg has a strong background in service-delivery systems and quality improvement as well as State-policy implementation, which will lend additional strength to the function of BALC.

Please note, this transition will not impact the day-to-day operations of BALC. Ongoing, they will continue to handle the licensure of Community Integrated Living Arrangements (CILAs), the certification of Community Day Services (CDS) programs, as well as the accreditation and certification of Certified Community Mental Health Centers (CMHCs), which are under the Division of Mental Health (DMH). This change will better align health, life, and safety requirements with quality services and supports to ensure the best possible living and working/skill developmental environments for those we serve here at DDD.

Please contact DDD if you have questions regarding this transition at DHS.DDDComments@illinois.gov.

Director Tonya Piephoff

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