DDD Communication - September 11, 2023

DDD Communication
September 11, 2023


Dear Direct Support Professionals:

Thank you! Happy Illinois Direct Support Professional (DSP) Recognition Week 2023! You do an amazing job providing supports to others. This week is dedicated to the DSP workforce that is the backbone of supports for people with disabilities across not just Illinois but the entire country. 

A caregiver comes in a variety of forms and at a variety of locations and all deserve thanks for the work they do. You work long hours in a demanding job providing care and supports to others while away from your own family. Your hard work and dedication do not go unnoticed. We value and appreciate the work you do for the people we are all here to serve. 

Please know that you are -

We are truly grateful for all you do! 

Director Tonya Piephoff


The Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) has posted the below FINAL Information Bulletins. Please see all Final Information Bulletins and all Draft Information Bulletins.

FINAL - DD.23.007 - Remote Support (replaces DD.21.019)

FINAL - DD.23.006 - HCBS Settings Rule: Right to Privacy

FINAL - DD.23.005 - HCBS Settings Rule: Right to Have Visitors of Their Choosing at Any Time in Waiver-Funded Settings

FINAL - DD.23.004 - HCBS Settings Rule: Access to Food at Any Time in Waiver-Funded Settings


Last week, the Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS) posted for public comment the waiver amendment for the Adults with Developmental Disabilities Waiver. 

Comments may be submitted through October 7, 2023, either electronically or via mail as follows: 

Email: HFS.HCBSWaiver@illinois.gov  
Healthcare and Family Services 
ATTN: Waiver Operations Management 
201 South Grand Avenue East, 2FL 
Springfield, IL 62763 

In addition to the Adult Waiver, DDD will also be making changes to the Children's Support Waiver (CSW) and the Children's Residential Waiver (CRW), neither of which will require a waiver amendment to be submitted to federal CMS.

DDD Communication - Adult Waiver Amendment Posted for Public Comment


DDD is now under contract with rate consultant, Guidehouse, Inc., to work with DDD to review the Community Integrated Living Arrangement (CILA) Rate Calculator as recommended in the Guidehouse Rate Study. As a reminder, all components of the Rate Calculator were implemented effective January 1, 2023. However, after concerns were raised regarding the implementation of the DSP staffing hours portion of the CILA Rate Calculator, the implementation of the DSP staffing hours was paused and, to date, DDD has funded the DSP staffing hours at December 2022 numbers while implementing all other components of the CILA Rate Calculator as laid out in the Rate Study.

DDD is set to begin meeting with the Ligas Rates Oversight Committee, the stakeholder group that worked closely with DDD to make recommendations that Guidehouse then used to develop and approve the Rate Study. The Committee will work with DDD and Guidehouse to review components of the Rate Calculator impacting the DSP hours to determine next steps. DDD will communicate updates on those meetings via DDD Communications moving forward.

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